The oldest reference I've found yet is from September 1990, in a Usenet post. This uses the term “castdown”.
The library referenced there is the NIHCL (available from the Software Preservation Group), which contains this code (MI
is "multiple inheritance"):
#ifdef MI
#define DECLARE_CASTDOWN(classname) \
static classname& castdown(Object& p) \
{ return *(classname*)(&p ? p._safe_castdown(*desc()) : 0); } \
static const classname& castdown(const Object& p) \
{ return *(const classname*)(&p ? p._safe_castdown(*desc()) : 0); } \
static classname* castdown(Object* p) \
{ return (classname*)(p ? p->_safe_castdown(*desc()) : 0); } \
static const classname* castdown(const Object* p) \
{ return (const classname*)(p ? p->_safe_castdown(*desc()) : 0); } \
#define DECLARE_CASTDOWN(classname) \
static classname& castdown(Object& p) { return (classname&)p; } \
static const classname& castdown(const Object& p) { return (const classname&)p; } \
static classname* castdown(Object* p) { return (classname*)p; } \
static const classname* castdown(const Object* p) { return (const classname*)p; } \
The book that this code was included with (Data Abstraction and Object-Oriented Programming in C++, 1990) also uses the term “castdown”.
The term "castdown" also seems to predate “downcast”, at least on Usenet.