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Technical HTML note

Eventually by HTML5 UP | @ajlkn Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (

Just a simple placeholder template for your kickass app/product/startup/whatever until it launches. Includes an email signup form and a cool slideshow background (more on both below).

Demo images* courtesy of Unsplash, a radtastic collection of CC0 (public domain) images you can use for pretty much whatever.

(* = not included)

AJ [email protected] | @ajlkn

Signup Form:

The signup form won't actually do anything (other than report back with a "thank you" message)
until you tie it to either a third party service (eg. MailChimp) or your own hosted solution.
In either case, there are two ways to go:

1. The conventional (non-AJAX) way, which pretty much comes down to pointing the form's "action"
attribute to your service/script URL. If you go this route, remove the entire "Signup Form" code
block from assets/js/main.js (since it's not needed for this approach).


2. The AJAX way. How you set this up is largely dependent on the service/solution you're using
so you'll need to consult their/its documentation. However, I have included some basic code
(under "Signup Form" in assets/js/main.js) that will at least let you interact with the
form itself.

Slideshow Background:

This is pretty straightforward, but there are two JS settings you'll want to be aware of
(found under "Slideshow Background" in assets/js/main.js):


	The list of images to cycle through, given in the following format:

		'url': 'alignment'

	Where 'url' is the image (eg. 'images/foo.jpg', 'http://somewhere.else/foo.jpg'), and
	'alignment' is how the image should be vertically aligned ('top', 'center', or 'bottom').

	Note: Browsers that don't support CSS transitions (like IE<=9) will only see the first image.


	How long to wait between transitions (in ms). Note that this must be at least twice as long as
	the transition speed itself (currently 3 seconds).


Demo Images:
	Unsplash (

	Font Awesome (

	Responsive Tools (