This is a the same version of the ai-plugin.json
example file, but with comments"
"schema_version": "v1",
"name_for_human": "Fun facts", // this will be displayed in the ChatGPT Plugins UI, 50 character max
"name_for_model": "Hi_and_pi", // can have digits, letters and under_score, 50 character max
"description_for_human": "Different fun facts, like how to say hi in different languages, or the first 20 digits of Pi", // 120 character max
"description_for_model": "Fun facts like how to say hi in different langauges: thai, english, chinese, hebrew and arabic; and the first 20 digits of Pi", // currently 8000 chars max
"auth": {
"type": "none"
"api": {
"type": "openapi",
"url": "http://localhost:8081/openapi.yaml", // link to the other file you’re making
"is_user_authenticated": false
"logo_url": "http://localhost:8081/image.jpg",
"contact_email": "[email protected]",
"endpoints": [
"name": "getPi",
"description": "Endpoint for saying hi in different languages",
"url": "http://localhost:8081/hi", // or your Tunneling alternative, like ngrok
"request_type": "GET", // or any other HTTP method
"response_type": "JSON",
"response_format": { // 100k character limit for the API response
… // response format and examples go here
All of the possible options for the plugin fields:
| Field | Type | Description / Options |
| -------------------------- | --------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| schema_version | String | Manifest schema version |
| name_for_model | String | Name the model will used to target the plugin |
| name_for_human | String | Human-readable name, such as the full company name |
| description_for_model | String | Description better tailored to the model, such as token context length considerations or keyword usage for improved plugin prompting. |
| description_for_human | String | Human-readable description of the plugin |
| auth | ManifestAuth | Authentication scheme |
| api | Object | API specification |
| logo_url | String | URL used to fetch the plugin's logo |
| contact_email | String | Email contact for safety/moderation reachout, support, and deactivation |
| legal_info_url | String | Redirect URL for users to view plugin information |
| HttpAuthorizationType | HttpAuthorizationType | "bearer" or "basic" |
| ManifestAuthType | ManifestAuthType | "none", "user_http", "service_http", or "oauth" |
| interface BaseManifestAuth | BaseManifestAuth | type: ManifestAuthType; instructions: string; |
| ManifestNoAuth | ManifestNoAuth | No authentication required: BaseManifestAuth & { type: 'none', } |
| ManifestAuth | ManifestAuth | ManifestNoAuth, ManifestServiceHttpAuth, ManifestUserHttpAuth, ManifestOAuthAuth |
The following are examples with different authentication methods:
// App-level API keys
type ManifestServiceHttpAuth = BaseManifestAuth & {
type: 'service_http',
authorization_type: HttpAuthorizationType
verification_tokens: {
[service: string]?: string
// User-level HTTP authentication
type ManifestUserHttpAuth = BaseManifestAuth & {
type: 'user_http'
authorization_type: HttpAuthorizationType
type ManifestOAuthAuth = BaseManifestAuth & {
type: 'oauth',
// OAuth URL where a user is directed to for the OAuth authentication flow to begin.
client_url: string
// OAuth scopes required to accomplish operations on the user's behalf.
scope: string
// Endpoint used to exchange OAuth code with access token.
authorization_url: string
// When exchanging OAuth code with access token, the expected header 'content-type'. For example: - "application/json": 'content-type: application/json'
authorization_content_type: string;
// When registering the OAuth client ID and secrets, the plugin service will surface a unique token.
verification_tokens: {
[service: string]?: string