pacman -Syu
pacman -Syuu
pacman -Ss {keyword}
pacman -Ss vim
pacman -Ss package_name
pacman -Qs package_name
pacman -S package1 package2
pacman -Syu package1 package2
pacman -Ql
pacman -Sw package_name
pacman -R package
pacman -Rsu package
pacman -Qdt
pacman -Rsnu $(pacman -Qtdq)
Clear out cached packages that aren’t currently installed:
This option will delete all the cached packages in /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
except for the versions matching packages installed on your system.
pacman -Sc
Keep all the installers of packages that are installed on the system plus one previous version of each installer in the cache directory. It also deletes installers of any package not installed/found on the system, much like pacman -Sc
with an extra option.
paccache -rk 1
paccache -rk 2
will keep two older versions of each installer.
paccache -ruk0
To obtain a crude assessment of the programs installed by the user (not dependencies of other packages installed by MSYS2), try the following commands:
comm -23 <(pacman -Qqett | sort) <(pacman -Qqg base -g base-devel | sort | uniq)
comm -23 <(pacman -Qqett | sort | uniq) <(pacman -Qqg base -g base-devel | sort | uniq)
Ref: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/409895/pacman-get-list-of-packages-installed-by-user
pacman --query --explicit
Ref: https://linuxcommandlibrary.com/man/pacman
Also, you can redirect the output to a text file, for example:
cd c:
cd Users/YOUR_USERNAME/Documents/
pacman --query --explicit > progs_installed_by_me.txt
Nevertheless, you won't get an accurate program installation history from the package manager. It's always better to maintain a record of the utilities you need and the programs you usually install after re-installing MSYS2.