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Customizing a Local Site's Settings

Philip Newcomer edited this page Dec 28, 2019 · 5 revisions

All site-specific settings are defined in a pilothouse.yml file placed in the site's root directory (alongside the htdocs directory). This is a YAML file.

The following settings can be changed:

  • default_php_version: The site-specific default PHP version. Will use the global default if not defined here.
  • type: The type of site (laravel, php, proxy or wordpress). Normally this parameter is auto-detected and should not need to be changed, but you can set it here if you need to.
  • hosts: The hosts that should resolve to this local site. Note that this is an array, so format accordingly. You can add as many hosts as needed, for instance for a WordPress multisite install with multiple subsites. Note that wildcard characters are not supported; all entries need to be valid hosts file entries.
  • proxy_port: For proxy type sites, determines the host port where requests should be proxied to.
  • wp_uploads_proxy_url: If you want your local WordPress uploads directory to be proxied to a live site for files that do not exist locally, set the live site's URL here.

Here is an example pilothouse.yml file for a WordPress multisite with multiple hosts and uploads proxied from a live site:

type: wordpress
default_php_version: 7.1

Note that it is not required that there be a pilothouse.yml file present in a site's root directory. If none is present, the type of site (Laravel, WordPress, etc.) will be auto-detected from the files that are present, and the correct Nginx configuration used. The site directory + .dev will be used as the domain name; i.e. the directory testsite will result in the domain name You only need to create a pilothouse.yml if you wish to add additional hosts, use a WP uploads proxy, or override the auto-detected site type.