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92 lines (76 loc) · 5.55 KB

File metadata and controls

92 lines (76 loc) · 5.55 KB


Thanks for taking the time to contribute, or at least consider it.

Here are some important resources:

  • Discord is where we all chat with each other.

Submitting changes

Please send a Pull Request to TornTools with a clear list of what you've done. Please follow our coding conventions (below) and make sure all of your commits are atomic (one feature per commit).

Always write a clear log message for your commits. One-line messages are fine for small changes, but bigger changes should contain more information about the changes.

Coding conventions

Start reading our code and you'll get the hang of it. We optimize for readability: We have prettier formatting to help you follow our coding conventions.

  • We follow a certain pattern for our files.
    • Each feature has its own file and those are placed in the extension/scripts/features folder, in a folder based on the name of it.
    • Both the feature's CSS and JS scripts should reside in the same directory.
      • Don't include empty CSS files.
    • The loading of the script is done in manifest.json, so that we can find which page has which features.
      • If a script should be loaded at document_start, then the file should have the `.entry.js
  • All features should be in its own anonymous function, in the files as specified above.
    • In this function, you register the feature in the Feature Manager.
      • name is a string with the feature name.
      • scope is a string stating what it's target is
      • enabled is function that checks the setting of the feature and returns a boolean (or truthy/falsely).
      • initialise is a function that is only run once per page load, when the feature is enabled
      • execute is a function that is run every time the feature is started again
      • cleanup is a function that is run every time the feature is stopped
      • loadListeners is an object that has some fields that tell the manager when to reload the feature
      • requirements is a function that evaluates whether all requirements are fulfilled. If not fulfilled, the function should return a string with the reason. These requirements can be several things:
        • Mobile
        • Certain elements being there, or not being there.
        • API Access
        • Other things that would make it act as if the feature is not enabled.
    • There are several ways for a feature to not load. You should use the correct way based on the situation.
      1. A feature that shouldn't run on the page at all, but can't be prevented by manifest.json (due to the exact url having 2 uses), should never be registered at all. The anonymous function should be returned if this is the case.
      2. Requirements, like missing api access or no mobile support, should be handled inside of the requirements function.
      3. When something unexpected happened, like the feature already being loaded, it should be silently handled inside of the execute function.
  • Don't use any of Torn's CSS-classes, they are always subject to change.
    • It's fine to rely on them as selectors.
      • If a class contains _ or ___, make sure to not use the class selector, like .SOMENAME_xyz but instead use an attribute selector [class*='SOMENAME_'].
  • Some general rules are:
    • Every file/feature must be in strict mode, i.e. "use strict"; at the start of the file.
    • Use await checkMobile() but not global variable mobile, when checking for mobile.
    • CSS should generally follow order/logic : wrapper -> children, i.e. CSS for children comes after its wrapper's CSS.
    • Any setting for a new feature should be defined in extension/scripts/global/globalData.js in DEFAULT_STORAGE.
    • We have some preset color variables set inside extension/scripts/global/globalVariables.css. These should be used where possible.
  • All code should be formatted using Prettier.
    • We indent using tabs with a width of 4.
    • Operators ( = + - * / ) and commas are followed by spaces.
    • Statements end with a semicolon.
    • Strings are surrounded by "'s.
    • Although we have automated code formatting via Github Actions, maintain readable code in PRs.
      • Please note that HTML inside of a .js-file, won't get automatically formatted. Please format them manually.
  • We also use some standard naming conventions.
    • Identifier names (variables and functions) start with a letter and use camelCase.
      • If they are global constants, use UPPERCASE.
  • All code should work on as much browsers as possible.
    • Optional Chaining isn't supported by Kiwi Browser.
  • Any changes should be added in the extension/changelog.json file under the first unreleased version.
    • First contributions should also update extension/ scripts/global/team.js to add yourself as member and choose a color for in the changelog.

Development Tips


Ignore local manifest.json changes.

This can be used to remove the Firefox only setting to avoid warnings in Chromium-browsers.

git update-index --assume-unchanged extension/manifest.json

git update-index --no-assume-unchanged extension/manifest.json