Verified Bite puts restaurant reviews on chain. Developed @ ETHMunich - by PretzelDAO
[Theoretically done by Restaurant] Request receipt code for a new order at Elite Sushi
Use receipt code or shown QR-Code to submit a review
For each order, restaurants can request a new receipt from a centralized backend. The VerfiedBite backend then generates a random receipt code and puts its keccak256 hash on-chain.
The resulting QRCode is printed on the receipt. Customers can then use the provided link to submit reviews on-chain. VerfiedBite hashes the receipt code inside the smart contract to verify the order.
To make it as easy as possible for customers to submit reviews, all transactions are gasless! 🎉 We use Gelato to enable gasless transactions.
VerifiedBite is deployed on Polygon zkEVM for highly efficient transactions.
Check out ./contracts/fe/ for a simplified version of our contract written in FE.