If you read one thing - read this
- Will Larson - StaffEng Takeaway: A whole site dedicated to what it is to be in a Staff Engineer+ role. Guides, resources, interviews - an absolute must read. You can also purchase the 💲 book from Amazon or Gumroad.
David Haney - Developer Turned Manager Takeaway: You must earn your teams trust. Don't let your team of direct reports get too big. Make people a priority. Prioritise spending time in 121s with your people. Avoid rescheduling or being late wherever possible. Help people address their problems with each other directly - mediate if needs be. Your success is the success of others.
David Morgantini - Anatomy of a Great Tech Lead Takeaway: Focus on leadership, communication and technical skills.
Sam Newman - A Tech Lead Manifesto Takeaway: List of behaviours to perform and others to avoid to be a successful team lead.
David Byttow - Effective Technical Leadership Takeaway: Work on knowledge, speed and awareness. Block and unblocking. List of activities many tech leads do.
Patrick Kua - Why Technical Leadership Matters [42:05] Takeaway: Keep people moving in the same direction. Understand impact vs influence. Give people the skills to implement your vision. The type of leadership people need depends on where they are.
Laura Paterson and Patrick Kua - Technical Leadership [36:25]
Eryn O'Neil - Congrats! You're the Tech Lead. Now What? [32:18] Takeaway: Facilitate others by helping others do their jobs. Advocate to get things done right. Motivate to get things done without having or using authority.
Jurgen Appelo - Management 3.0: Leading Agile Developers, Developing Agile Leaders 💲
Michael Lopp - Managing Humans: Biting and Humorous Tales of a Software Engineering Manager 💲
Edmond Lau - The Effective Engineer: How to Leverage Your Efforts In Software Engineering to Make a Disproportionate and Meaningful Impact 💲 Takeaway: Focus your effort where the impact produced, divided by time invested, is the highest - high leverage activities. Measure what you want to improve. Validate your hypotheses early and often. Invest in your onboarding.
- Lead Dev Takeaway: A community for engineering leaders. Lots of great webinars, articles and videos about engineering leadership topics here! Also runs conferences (San Francisco, London, New York and Berlin)