This package implements an NDN traffic generator.
Unlike's ndnping and ndn-traffic-generator programs, this implementation does not require a local forwarder, but can directly sends and receives packets on a network interface.
This traffic generator has up to five threads for each face:
- The input thread ("RX" role) runs an iface.RxLoop that dispatches Data/Nacks to the consumer and dispatches Interests to the producer.
- The output thread ("TX" role) runs an iface.TxLoop that transmits Interests, Data, and Nacks created by the client-RX and server threads.
- Either:
- two consumer threads ("CONSUMER" role) run a traffic generator consumer; or
- one consumer thread ("CONSUMER" role) runs a fetcher.
- The producer thread ("PRODUCER" role) runs either:
- a traffic generator producer; or
- a file server.