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CBX: Python and Julia Packages for Consensus-Based Interacting Particle Methods
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Rafael Bailo
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Alethea Barbaro
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Susana N. Gomes
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Konstantin Riedl
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Tim Roith
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Claudia Totzeck
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Urbain Vaes
8, 9
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Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
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Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
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Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick, United Kingdom
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Technical University of Munich, Germany
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Munich Center for Machine Learning, Germany
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Helmholtz Imaging, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Notkestr. 85, 22607 Hamburg, Germany
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University of Wuppertal, Germany
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MATHERIALS team, Inria Paris, France
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École des Ponts ParisTech, Marne-la-Vallée, France
22 March, 2024


We introduce CBXPy and ConsensusBasedX.jl, Python and Julia implementations of consensus-based interacting particle systems (CBX), which generalise consensus-based optimization methods (CBO) for global, derivative-free optimisation. The raison d'être of our libraries is twofold: on the one hand, to offer high-performance implementations of CBX methods that the community can use directly, while on the other, providing a general interface that can accommodate and be extended to further variations of the CBX family. Python and Julia were selected as the leading high-level languages in terms of usage and performance, as well as for their popularity among the scientific computing community. Both libraries have been developed with a common ethos, ensuring a similar API and core functionality, while leveraging the strengths of each language and writing idiomatic code.

Mathematical background

Consensus-based optimisation (CBO) is an approach to solve, for a given (continuous) objective function $f:\mathbb{R}^d \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$, the global minimisation problem

$$ x^* = \operatorname*{argmin}_{x\in\mathbb{R}^d} f(x), $$

i.e., the task of finding the point $x^*$ where $f$ attains its lowest value. Such problems arise in a variety of disciplines including engineering, where $x$ might represent a vector of design parameters for a structure and $f$ a function related to its cost and structural integrity, or machine learning, where $x$ could comprise the parameters of a neural network and $f$ the empirical loss, which measures the discrepancy of the neural network prediction with the observed data.

In some cases, so-called gradient-based methods (those that involve updating a guess of $x^*$ by evaluating the gradient $\nabla f$) achieve state-of-the-art performance in the global minimisation problem. However, in scenarios where $f$ is non-convex (when $f$ could have many local minima), where $f$ is non-smooth (when $\nabla f$ is not well-defined), or where the evaluation of $\nabla f$ is impractical due to cost or complexity, derivative-free methods are needed. Numerous techniques exist for derivative-free optimisation, such as random or pattern search [@friedman1947planning;@rastrigin1963convergence;@hooke1961direct], Bayesian optimisation [@movckus1975bayesian] or simulated annealing [@henderson2003theory]. Here, we focus on particle-based methods, specifically, consensus-based optimisation (CBO), as proposed by @pinnau2017consensus, and the consensus-based taxonomy of related techniques, which we term CBX.

CBO uses a finite number $N$ of agents (particles), $x_t=(x_t^1,\dots,x_t^N)$, dependent on time $t$, to explore the landscape of $f$ without evaluating any of its derivatives (as do other CBX methods). The agents evaluate the objective function at their current position, $f(x_t^i)$, and define a consensus point $c_\alpha$. This point is an approximation of the global minimiser $x^*$, and is constructed by weighing each agent's position against the Gibbs-like distribution $\exp(-\alpha f)$ [@boltzmann1868studien]. More rigorously,

$$ c_\alpha(x_t) = \frac{1}{ \sum_{i=1}^N \omega_\alpha(x_t^i) } \sum_{i=1}^N x_t^i , \omega_\alpha(x_t^i), \quad\text{where}\quad \omega_\alpha(,\cdot,) = \mathrm{exp}(-\alpha f(,\cdot,)), $$

for some $\alpha>0$. The exponential weights in the definition favour those points $x_t^i$ where $f(x_t^i)$ is lowest, and comparatively ignore the rest, particularly for larger $\alpha$. If all the found values of the objective function are approximately the same, $c_\alpha(x_t)$ is roughly an arithmetic mean. Instead, if one particle is much better than the rest, $c_\alpha(x_t)$ will be very close to its position.

Once the consensus point is computed, the particles evolve in time following the stochastic differential equation (SDE)

$$ \mathrm{d}x_t^i = -\lambda\ \underbrace{ \left( x_t^i - c_\alpha(x_t) \right) \mathrm{d}t }_{ \text{consensus drift} }

  • \sigma\ \underbrace{ \left| x_t^i - c_\alpha(x_t) \right| \mathrm{d}B_t^i }_{ \text{scaled diffusion} }, $$

where $\lambda$ and $\sigma$ are positive parameters, and where $B_t^i$ are independent Brownian motions in $d$ dimensions. The consensus drift is a deterministic term that drives each agent towards the consensus point, with rate $\lambda$. Meanwhile, the scaled diffusion is a stochastic term that encourages exploration of the landscape. The scaling factor of the diffusion is proportional to the distance of the particle to the consensus point. Hence, whenever the position of a particle and the location of the weighted mean coincide, the particle stops moving. On the other hand, if the particle is far away from the consensus, its evolution has a stronger exploratory behaviour. While both the agents' positions and the consensus point evolve in time, it has been proven that all agents eventually reach the same position and that the consensus point $c_\alpha(x_t)$ is a good approximation of $x^*$ [@carrillo2018analytical;@fornasier2021consensus]. Other variations of the method, such as CBO with anisotropic noise [@carrillo2021consensus], polarised CBO [@bungert2022polarized], or consensus-based sampling (CBS) [@carrillo2022consensus] have also been proposed.

In practice, the solution to the SDE above cannot be found exactly. Instead, an Euler--Maruyama scheme [@KP1992] is used to update the position of the agents. The update is given by

$$ x^i \gets x^i -\lambda ,\Delta t \left( x^i - c_\alpha(x) \right)

  • \sigma\sqrt{\Delta t}
    \left| x^i - c_\alpha(x) \right| \xi^i, $$

where $\Delta t > 0$ is the step size and $\xi^i \sim \mathcal{N}(0,\mathrm{Id})$ are independent, identically distributed, standard normal random vectors.

As a particle-based family of methods, CBX is conceptually related to other optimisation approaches which take inspiration from biology, like particle-swarm optimisation (PSO) [@kennedy1995particle], from physics, like simulated annealing (SA) [@henderson2003theory], or from other heuristics [@mohan2012survey;@karaboga2014comprehensive;@yang2009firefly;@bayraktar2013wind]. However, unlike many such methods, CBX has been designed to be compatible with rigorous convergence analysis at the mean-field level [the infinite-particle limit, see @huang2021MFLCBO]. Many convergence results have been shown, whether in the original formulation [@carrillo2018analytical;@fornasier2021consensus], for CBO with anisotropic noise [@carrillo2021consensus;@fornasier2021convergence], with memory effects [@riedl2022leveraging], with truncated noise [@fornasier2023consensus], for polarised CBO [@bungert2022polarized], and PSO [@qiu2022PSOconvergence]. The relation between CBO and stochastic gradient descent has been recently established by @riedl2023gradient, which suggests a previously unknown yet fundamental connection between derivative-free and gradient-based approaches.

Typical evolution of a CBO method minimising the Ackley function [@ackley2012connectionist].{ width=100% }

CBX methods have been successfully applied and extended to several different settings, such as constrained optimisation problems [@fornasier2020consensus_sphere_convergence;@borghi2021constrained], multi-objective optimisation [@borghi2022adaptive;@klamroth2022consensus], saddle-point problems [@huang2022consensus], federated learning tasks [@carrillo2023fedcbo], uncertainty quantification [@althaus2023consensus], or sampling [@carrillo2022consensus].

Statement of need

In general, very few implementations of CBO already exist, and none have been designed with the generality of other CBX methods in mind. Here, we summarise the related software:

Regarding Python, we refer to PyPop7 [@duan2023pypop7] and scikit-opt [@scikitopt] for a collection of various derivative-free optimisation strategies. For packages connected to Bayesian optimisation, we refer to BayesO [@Kim2023], bayesian-optimization [@Bayesian14], GPyOpt [@gpyopt2016], GPflowOpt [@GPflowOpt2017], pyGPGO [@Jiménez2017], PyBADS [@Singh2024] and BoTorch [@balandat2020botorch]. Furthermore, CMA-ES [@hansen1996adapting] was implemented in pycma [@hansen2019pycma]. To the best of our knowledge the connection between consensus-based methods and evolution strategies is not fully understood, and is therefore an interesting future direction. PSO and SA implementations are already available in PySwarms [@miranda2018pyswarms], scikit-opt [@scikitopt], DEAP [@deapJMLR2012] and pagmo [@pagmo2017]. They are widely used by the community and provide a rich framework for the respective methods. However, adjusting these implementations to CBO is not straightforward. The first publicly available Python packages implementing CBX algorithms were given by some of the authors together with collaborators. @Igor_CBOinPython implement standard CBO [@pinnau2017consensus], and the package PolarCBO [@Roith_polarcbo] provides an implementation of polarised CBO [@bungert2022polarized]. CBXPy is a significant extension of the latter, which was tailored to the polarised variant. The code architecture was generalised, which allowed the implementation of the whole CBX family within a common framework.

Regarding Julia, PSO and SA methods are, among others, implemented in Optim.jl [@mogensen2018optim], Metaheuristics.jl [@mejia2022metaheuristics], and Manopt.jl [@Bergmann2022]. PSO and SA are also included in the meta-library Optimization.jl [@DR2023], as well as Nelder--Mead, which is a direct search method. The latter is also implemented in Manopt.jl [@Bergmann2022], which further provides a manifold variant of CMA-ES [@colutto2009cma]. One of the authors gave the first specific Julia implementation of standard CBO Consensus.jl [@Bailo_consensus]. That package has now been deprecated in favour of ConsensusBasedX.jl, which improves the performance of the CBO implementation with a type-stable and allocation-free implementation. The package also adds a CBS implementation, and overall presents a more general interface that accomodates the wider CBX class of methods.


CBXPy and ConsensusBasedX.jl provide a lightweight and high-level interface. An existing function can be optimised with just one call. Method selection, parameters, different approaches to particle initialisation, and termination criteria can be specified directly through this interface, offering a flexible point of entry for the casual user. Some of the methods provided are standard CBO [@pinnau2017consensus], CBO with mini-batching [@carrillo2021consensus], polarised CBO [@bungert2022polarized], CBO with memory effects [@grassi2020particle;@riedl2022leveraging], and consensus-based sampling (CBS) [@carrillo2022consensus]. Parallelisation tools are available.

A more proficient user will benefit from the fully documented interface, which allows the specification of advanced options (e.g., debug output, the noise model, or the numerical approach to the matrix square root of the weighted ensemble covariance matrix). Both libraries offer performance evaluation methods as well as visualisation tools.

Ultimately, a low-level interface (including documentation and full-code examples) is provided. Both libraries have been designed to express common abstractions in the CBX family while allowing customisation. Users can easily implement new CBX methods or modify the behaviour of the existing implementation by strategically overriding certain hooks. The stepping of the methods can also be controlled manually.


CBXPy logo.{ width=50% }

Most of the CBXPy implementation uses basic Python functionality, and the agents are handled as an array-like structure. For certain specific features, like broadcasting-behaviour, array copying, and index selection, we fall back to the numpy implementation [@harris2020array]. However, it should be noted that an adaptation to other array or tensor libraries like PyTorch [@paszke2019pytorch] is straightforward. Compatibility with the latter enables gradient-free deep learning directly on the GPU, as demonstrated in the documentation.\

The library is available on GitHub and can be installed via pip. It is licensed under the MIT license. Below, we provide a short example on how to optimise a function with CBXPy.

from cbx.dynamics import CBO        # import the CBO class
f = lambda x: x[0]**2 + x[1]**2     # define the function to minimise
x = CBO(f, d=2).optimize()          # run the optimisation

More examples and details on the implementation are available in the documentation.


ConsensusBasedX.jl logo.{ width=50% }

ConsensusBasedX.jl has been almost entirely written in native Julia (with the exception of a single call to LAPACK). The code has been developed with performance in mind, thus the critical routines are fully type-stable and allocation-free. A specific tool is provided to benchmark a typical method iteration, which can be used to detect allocations. Through this tool, unit tests are in place to ensure zero allocations in all the provided methods. The benchmarking tool is also available to users, who can use it to test their implementations of $f$, as well as any new CBX methods.

Basic function minimisation can be performed by running:

using ConsensusBasedX               # load the ConsensusBasedX package
f(x) = x[1]^2 + x[2]^2              # define the function to minimise
x = minimise(f, D = 2)              # run the minimisation

The library is available on GitHub. It has been registered in the general Julia registry, and therefore it can be installed by running ]add ConsensusBasedX. It is licensed under the MIT license. More examples and full instructions are available in the documentation.


We thank the Lorentz Center in Leiden for their kind hospitality during the workshop "Purpose-driven particle systems" in Spring 2023, where this work was initiated. RB was supported by the Advanced Grant Nonlocal-CPD (Nonlocal PDEs for Complex Particle Dynamics: Phase Transitions, Patterns and Synchronisation) of the European Research Council Executive Agency (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 883363) and by the EPSRC grant EP/T022132/1 "Spectral element methods for fractional differential equations, with applications in applied analysis and medical imaging". KR acknowledges support from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Bavarian State Ministry for Science and the Arts. TR acknowledges support from DESY (Hamburg, Germany), a member of the Helmholtz Association HGF. This research was supported in part through the Maxwell computational resources operated at Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Hamburg, Germany. UV acknowledges support from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche under grant ANR-23-CE40-0027 (IPSO).
