Simple way to Encrypt or Dycrypt String and Files!
Search for "BotCrypt" at Nuget Package Manager in Visual Studio.
Run "Install-Package BotCrypt" at Package manager Console in Visual Studio.
Run "dotnet add package BotCrypt" at your Command Line.
First add Package Refrence
string Text = "Hello BotCrypt!" ;
string Password = "EncryptionPassword" ;
string EncryptedText = Crypter . EncryptString ( Password , Text ) ; // EGhw8RQ35r1AGg4fBuuKAQ==
string EncryptedText = "EGhw8RQ35r1AGg4fBuuKAQ==" ;
string Password = "EncryptionPassword" ;
string Text = Crypter . DecryptString ( Password , EncryptedText ) ; // Hello BotCrypt!
string FilePath = "Image.png" ;
byte [ ] FileBytes = File . ReadAllBytes ( FilePath ) ;
string Password = "EncryptionPassword" ;
string EncryptedFile = Crypter . EncryptByte ( Password , FileBytes ) ;
//Updating File With Encryped File
File . WriteAllText ( FilePath , EncryptedFile ) ;
string FilePath = "Image.png" ;
string FileContent = File . ReadAllText ( FilePath ) ;
string Password = "EncryptionPassword" ;
byte [ ] DecryptedFile = Crypter . DecryptByte ( Password , FileContent ) ;
//Updating File With Decryped File
File . WriteAllBytes ( FilePath , DecryptedFile ) ;
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