Releases: PavlidisLab/rdp
Changed the summary statistic name researchers_registered_with_genes_alltiers
to genes_added_unique_alltiers
Added additional gene summary statistics: Distinct/unique genes entered across all tiers, and human gene (including reverse-mapped orthologs.)
Changes in version 1.2.7:
- Updated ortholog list for a more comprehensive mapping.
- Orthologs considered in the search are now displayed below the search panel when searching "All" model organism.
- Activity monitor implemented for search page and user profile: If a user is inactive (i.e. no mouse movement or input submitted) for 30 minutes, the user is prompted to take action and is logged out if no activity is detected in the next minute.
- Interface change: In the search page, the Gene tab is now displayed as the default.
Fixed issue where privacy, shared or hide gene list settings were getting set to null on profile updates. New behaviour for all three settings is to load the default setting from the for each null setting.
Updated documentation to replace under the "Model Organism Manager" and renamed to "Model Organism Tab".
Added an exclusion for the groovy jar from dependencies.
Added yeast S288C strain taxonomy ID for the orthology mapping.
Data sharing among partner registries
- Increase default UserGene cache local heap size
- Fix bug where Gene2GoParser was using null genes
Includes Critical bug fix
- Fix critical bug where terms from all taxons were being used to calcuate
TIER3 genes in any given taxon.
- Fix #1 : Term recommendation doesn't work when all top terms are already added
- Fix bug when downloading ftp resources through http proxy
- Redirect to index if logged in user accesses login
- Replace means of viewing other accounts as manager/admin role
- Improve profile layout and styling