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This Repository collects a lot of usefull and mostly not trivial examples that can be used to start a own application.

! Attention !

If you get a "could not find" error when compiling the examples, this could be caused by the directory name change during translation and uploading into this repository. Add the missing file's by hand with the project inspector from the IDE.


Shows the dependencies of the demos to the external libraries (see dependencies how to get to the missing code).



Collection of classes and examples that are mainly related to OpenGL implementations

Example Description
Clear_Engine Basic Example that shows the minimum needed to create a OpenGL application
Animation_Editor Editor to create and edit .ani files
Mapviewer Include Google maps into your own application using OpenGL as render engine. Chaches maptiles on local drive for offline use.
umapviewer.pas LCL-Component to make google mapviewer in OpenGL possible
uopengl_animation.pas Class to load and render .ani files (see Animation_Editor)
uopengl_ascii_font.pas DOS-stile ASCII-Font to easily show texts in OpenGL windows
uopengl_font_common.pas Anchestorclass for TOpenGL_TrueType_Font and TOpenGL_ASCII_Font
uopengl_graphikengine.pas Class to load and render graphics into the OpenGL window
uopengl_primitives.pas Collection of higher level primitive objects (sphere, cone, cube..)
uopengl_partikelengine.pas Class to render thousands of particle graphics into the OpenGL window
uopengl_spriteengine.pas Class to render multiple imageparts within defined delta times
uopengl_truetype_font.pas Class to render truetype fonts to OpenGL windows
uopengl_widgetset.pas TButton, TScrollbar, TListbox.. for a OpenGL Renderingcontext


Collection of classes and examples that are mainly related to Serial and Network communications

Example Description
MQTT_Broker Shows a implementation of uMQTTbroker.pas (only publish / subscibe no evaluations)
MQTT_Publisher Demo that can send MQTT Publish messages to a given IP-Address (no security login)
Modbus_Client Application to emulate a MODBUS-Slave device
Modbus_Diagnostic Shows a implementation for the MODBUS RTU, MODBUS-TCP and MODBUS-TCP RTU version, use to detect address offset and encoding of the MODBUS SLAVE
Socket Demo application that shows how to establish a TCP-IP connection with L-Net
uMQTTbroker.pas a simpliest MQTT broker, only capable of receiving publishing clients (need L-Net)
uchunkmanager.pas Server / Client component to send packages of data through a TCP-IP connection (need L-Net)
uhtml.pas HTML-DOM parser
uip.pas Some helper routines to work and get IP's
umultipartformdatastream.pas Class to create HTML Multipartforms as a stream
utcp.pas abstract wrapper for TLTcp (need L-net)
uupdate.pas class to easy automate update the application when developed


Collection of classes and examples corresponding to data processing, math and corresponding stuff

Example Description
JSON_Analyzer demo application for uJSON.pas
LZW demo application for uLZW.pas (Lempel-Ziv-Welch algorithm)
QuadTree demo application for uquadtree.pas
Vectormath unit tests for uvectormath.pas
uJSON.pas JSON-Loader / writer class
uLZW.pas Implementation of Lempel-Ziv-Welch algorithm with two different dictionaries
ubitstream.pas Stream to store and load bitwise data (typically only needed in compression algorithms)
ucrc.pas Generic crc calculation class
udomxml.pas generic xml parser
ueventer.pas class toc reate events for components that are not derived from LCL-Components
ufifo.pas generic first in first out class
ufilo.pas generic first in last out class
ugenmathcalc.pas generic parser / solver for binary and unary operands (typically used to parse mathematical formulas)
uimodbus.pas Modbus server class for Modbus TCP or Modbus RTU
uinterpreter.pas Pascal Interpreter
uiwrapper.pas data source wrapper for uimodbus.pas (Lnet or Synapse)
ulogger.pas general data logging framework to be included into own application
umathsolver.pas String solver for mathematical expressions like "1+2 shl 3" (need MP-Arith)
uuncommenter.pas class to rulebased remove text from text (e.g. when parsing source code)
uneuralnetwork.pas generic neural network implementation (not performant but simple)
uquadtree.pas own implementation for a quadtree compression for greyscale .bmp images
usqlite_helper.pas helper routines to access to SQLLite3 databases (needs SQLDBLaz package)
utokenizer.pas generic lexer class to lex strings into tokens
uuart_deprecated.pas wrapper for synaser.pas (see Synapse)
uuart.pas thread based wrapper for synaser.pas (see Synapse)
uvectormath.pas Math library for multidimensional things (e.g. OpenGL, Matrix ..)


Collection of classes and examples corresponding to graphic / image processing

Example Description
AVI Creator Demo for ugwavi.pas
CirclePackChart Demo application for ucirclepackchart.pas
ColorDialog Demo application for ucolordialog.pas
Graphics unit tests for ugraphics.pas
SimpleChart Demo application for usimplechart.pas
SunburstChart Demo application for usunburstchart.pas
Yeargrid Demo application for uyeargrid.pas
ubmp_graphikengine.pas Class to organise multiple graphiks within a application
ucirclepackchart.pas LCL-Component to display packed circles
ucolordialog.pas A alternate TColordialog variant (oriented on KDE Colour Picker)
ugraphics.pas collection of algorithms to manipulate images and do color calculations
ugwavi.pas Class to create .avi files out of images and waves
usimplechart.pas a Tchart like component to create images with containing pointseries (especially designed to be part of a console application)
usunburstchart.pas LCL-Component to display a sunburstchart diagram
uyeargrid.pas LCL-Component to display a year on the formular


Collection of classes and examples corresponding to sound / music processing

Example Description
uwave.pas class to access .wav files


Collection of classes and examples corresponding to use the Wiimote controller

! Attention ! the Wii classes and components do only support Linux.


  • "sudo apt install xwiimote"
  • "sudo apt install libxwiimote-dev"
Example Description
WiiMote Demo application for uxwiimote.pas
ulibxwiimote.pas basic header translation from c to fpc
uxwiimote.pas Lazarus wrapper for ulibxwiimote.pas

What do i need to compile the source of the examples

At least you need to have the Lazarus IDE installed. If the example needs more than that, see below for missing dependencies.


Some examples may have dependencies to external libraries here is the collection where to find and download this libraries (as they are not part of this repository):

libname Description Link
Bass Audio library
DGLOpenGL OpenGL header translation
Lnet Lightweight Networking library
MP-Arith Math library for big numbers
Synapse Synapse TCP/IP and serial library


All sourcecode files do have their own license header included at the top, for all other files in this repository see for further informations.