The iOS tracker SDK is distributed as a .framework file. How to build this file:
- Open this repository's toplevel xcworkspace file in XCode.
- Click the scheme indicator, directly right of the "stop" button in the upper left corner
- Select the ParselyTracker scheme and the "Generic iOS Device" target
- Click the play button to build the framework
- Click the XCode menu, then Preferences, then Locations
- Note the path labeled "Derived Data", navigate to this path in Finder
- Find the directory whose name includes ParselyDemo, navigate to Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos therein
- Find the ParselyTracker.framework file
The Parsely Analytics project adheres to the semantic versioning specification. It uses version numbers of the form X.Y.Z where X is the major version, Y is the minor version, and Z is the patch version. Releases with different major versions indicate changes to the public API.
Past versions of th Parsely Analytics SDK are maintained in git with tags. When patches or private code changes are made to the latest version, it is sometimes desirable to backport those changes to older versions. We like to avoid backporting changes when possible, but sometimes it's necessary to continue supporting past versions. In these cases, the changes should be applied on a branch from a checkout of the old version. This new HEAD should be tagged with the appropriately incremented version number, and the tag and branch should be pushed to github. After the release has been created, the branch should be deleted so that only the tagged release remains.
- Verify that all tests pass on master
- Add and commit updates to the changelog
- Increment the version according to SemVer, commit and tag with the version string
- Push this change with git push origin master --tags
- pod trunk push ParselyAnalytics.podspec
- Use the GitHub release UI to create a new release
- Increment the version according to SemVer to the next development version. Commit and push this change, but don't make a new tag.