A Burst-Tolerant System to Execute Parallel Preference Queries on Multi-Core Architectures
This framework supports the parallel execution of preference queries (e.g., skyline, top-k) in multicore systems using a sliding-window approach on data streams. The framework deals with bursty and time-varying input rates using a clever distribution strategies of input items to parallel entities within the system.
The code requires FastFlow 2.1 (http://calvados.di.unipi.it/).
If our work is useful for your research, please cite the following paper:
author={Mencagli, Gabriele and Torquati, Massimo and Danelutto, Marco and De Matteis, Tiziano},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems},
title={Parallel Continuous Preference Queries over Out-of-Order and Bursty Data Streams},
BT-PPQ has been developed by Gabriele Mencagli.