APIs which assist in implementing Validations / Diagnostics logic for XML.
With npm:
npm install @xml-tools/validation
With Yarn
yarn add @xml-tools/validation
Please see the TypeScript Definitions for full API details.
A simple usage example:
const { parse } = require("xml-tools/parser");
const { buildAst } = require("xml-tools/ast");
const { validate } = require("xml-tools/validation");
const xmlText = `<note>
const { cst, tokenVector } = parse(xmlText);
const xmlDocAst = buildAst(cst, tokenVector);
const issues = validate({
doc: xmlDocAst,
validators: {
element: [
node => {
if (node.name === "note") {
const hasFrom = node.subElements.find(
subNode => subNode.name === "from"
if (hasFrom === undefined) {
return [
msg: "A Note Element **must** have a `from` subElement",
node: node
return [];
console.log(issues[0].msg); // -> "A Note Element **must** have a `from` subElement"
// Issue position can be extracted from the relevant ASTNode.
console.log(issues[0].node.position.endLine); // -> 3
Please open issues on github.
Copyright (c) 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. This file is licensed under the Apache Software License, v. 2 except as noted otherwise in the LICENSE file.