This package includes three elements:
- Data structure definition for a basic XML schema represented as a JavaScript object literal.
- Validation logic to inspect a given XML conforms to a Schema.
- Content Assist logic that provides suggestions using the Schema information.
With npm:
npm install @xml-tools/simple-schema
With Yarn
yarn add @xml-tools/simple-schema
Please see the TypeScript Definitions for full API details.
Defining a Schema:
const schema = { name: "people", required: true, cardinality: "single", attributes: {}, elements: { person: { name: "person", required: false, cardinality: "many", attributes: { eyeColor: { key: "eyeColor", required: false, value: ["grey", "blue", "green", "red"] } }, elements: { name: { cardinality: "single", required: true, name: "name", attributes: {}, elements: {} } } } } };
A Simple XML Text
// A Sample XML Text const xmlText = `<people> <person eyeColor="violet"> <name>Daenerys Targaryen</name> </person> </people>`;
Performing Validations
const { parse } = require("@xml-tools/parser"); const { buildAst } = require("@xml-tools/ast"); const { validate } = require("@xml-tools/validation"); const { getSchemaValidators } = require("@xml-tools/simple-schema"); const { cst, tokenVector } = parse(xmlText); const xmlDoc = buildAst(cst, tokenVector); const schemaValidators = getSchemaValidators(schema); const issues = validate({ doc: xmlDoc, validators: { attribute: [schemaValidators.attribute], element: [schemaValidators.element] } }); console.log(issues[0].msg); // Expecting one of <grey,blue,green,red> but found <violet> console.log(issues[0].position); // { startOffset: 46, endOffset: 53 }
Using Content Assist APIs
const { getSuggestions } = require("@xml-tools/content-assist"); const { getSchemaSuggestionsProviders } = require("@xml-tools/simple-schema"); const schemaSuggestionsProviders = getSchemaSuggestionsProviders(schema); const suggestions = getSuggestions({ text: xmlText, offset: 47, // within the eyeColor quoted value providers: { attributeValue: [ schemaSuggestionsProviders.schemaAttributeValueCompletion ], attributeName: [schemaSuggestionsProviders.schemaAttributeNameCompletion], elementName: [schemaSuggestionsProviders.schemaElementNameCompletion] } }); console.log(suggestions[0]); // { text: 'grey', label: 'grey' } console.log(suggestions[1]); // { text: 'blue', label: 'blue' }
Please open issues on github.
Copyright (c) 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. This file is licensed under the Apache Software License, v. 2 except as noted otherwise in the LICENSE file.