It is always Logs or log frameworks
Our dockerized Java application does not hang like (Low CPU Hang)[] but it is too slow. We don't know why. We know, that process is some how idle but (CPU usage is not 0%). This was happened too much during development of a financial application. Still we are facing these kinds of issues under load.
- Run Test App
docker run -it --rm pamir/jvm-cases Log4j
- Check, that our app is idle(%CPU=~0.0):
top -c -p $(pgrep -d',' -f java)
- Get id of container with our application(java application.jar ...):
docker ps
- Run container with jattach utility:
docker run --rm -it \
--net=container:741d07985f66 \
--pid=container:741d07985f66 \
-v /tmp:/tmp \
--privileged \
adriantodt/alpine-zlib-jattach \
where 741d07985f66 is id of container with our application.
Find PID of java process we need to analyze(java application.jar ...):
ps aux
In this example PID is "1"
- Dump all call stack of java process with using kill -3. Process Id 1 will print all the call stack on the default output. We can copy this output to another txt file or we can find the problematic thread and source code by searching on the default output.
kill -3 1
sleep 3
kill -3 1
sleep 3
kill -3 1
- Copy the all 30 threads to a txt file.
Name: waiting-log4j-t2
State: BLOCKED on org.apache.log4j.spi.RootLogger@4fb652cc owned by: waiting-log4j-t9
Total blocked: 4,338 Total waited: 0
Stack trace:
[email protected]/
Name: waiting-log4j-t6
State: BLOCKED on org.apache.log4j.spi.RootLogger@4fb652cc owned by: waiting-log4j-t19
Total blocked: 23,579 Total waited: 0
Stack trace:
[email protected]/
Name: waiting-log4j-t13
State: BLOCKED on org.apache.log4j.spi.RootLogger@4fb652cc owned by: waiting-log4j-t16
Total blocked: 26,436 Total waited: 0
Stack trace:
[email protected]/
- See Log4J Source Code
190 Call the appenders in the hierrachy starting at
191 <code>this</code>. If no appenders could be found, emit a
192 warning.
194 <p>This method calls all the appenders inherited from the
195 hierarchy circumventing any evaluation of whether to log or not
196 to log the particular log request.
198 @param event the event to log. */
199 public
200 void callAppenders(LoggingEvent event) {
201 int writes = 0;
203 for(Category c = this; c != null; c=c.parent) {
204 // Protected against simultaneous call to addAppender, removeAppender,...
205 synchronized(c) {
206 if(c.aai != null) {
207 writes += c.aai.appendLoopOnAppenders(event);
208 }
209 if(!c.additive) {
210 break;
211 }
212 }
213 }
- Another way
jattach 1 threaddump >> /tmp/threads.dmp
jattach 1 threaddump >> /tmp/threads.dmp
jattach 1 threaddump >> /tmp/threads.dmp
Download (IBM Thread Dump Analyzer)[]
Open /tmp/threads.dmp with thread dump analyzer
Find the blocking thread. Finding the root casuse will lead you to upgrade log4j to log4j2 or another logging framework.
- Drop unnecessary capabilities. Use --add-cap instead of --privieged
- Add IBM Thread Analayzer Tool screenshots