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Francisco Javier Reina Campo edited this page Oct 16, 2019 · 14 revisions


Direct memory access (DMA) is a feature of computer systems that allows hardware subsystems to access main system memory (random-access memory), independent of the Processing Unit (PU). A PU inside a SoC can transfer data to and from its local memory without occupying its processor time, allowing computation and data transfer to proceed in parallel.


Port Size Direction Description
HRESETn 1 Input Asynchronous active low reset
HCLK 1 Input System clock input
IHSEL 1 Output Provided for AHB-Lite compatibility – tied high ('1')
IHADDR PLEN Output Instruction address
IHRDATA XLEN Input Instruction read data
IHWDATA XLEN Output Instruction write data
IHWRITE 1 Output Instruction write
IHSIZE 3 Output Transfer size
IHBURST 3 Output Transfer burst size
IHPROT 4 Output Transfer protection level
IHTRANS 2 Output Transfer type
IHMASTLOCK 1 Output Transfer master lock
IHREADY 1 Input Slave Ready Indicator
IHRESP 1 Input Instruction Transfer Response

Instruction INPUTS/OUTPUTS Wishbone Bus

Port Size Direction Description
rst 1 Input Synchronous, active high
clk 1 Input Master clock
iadr PLEN Input Lower address bits
idati XLEN Input Data towards the core
idato XLEN Output Data from the core
isel 4 Input Byte select signals
iwe 1 Input Write enable input
istb 1 Input Strobe signal/Core select input
icyc 1 Input Valid bus cycle input
iack 1 Output Bus cycle acknowledge output
ierr 1 Output Bus cycle error output
iint 1 Output Interrupt signal output


Port Size Direction Description
HRESETn 1 Input Asynchronous active low reset
HCLK 1 Input System clock input
DHSEL 1 Output Provided for AHB-Lite compatibility – tied high ('1')
DHADDR PLEN Output Data address
DHRDATA XLEN Input Data read data
DHWDATA XLEN Output Data write data
DHWRITE 1 Output Data write
DHSIZE 3 Output Transfer size
DHBURST 3 Output Transfer burst size
DHPROT 4 Output Transfer protection level
DHTRANS 2 Output Transfer type
DHMASTLOCK 1 Output Transfer master lock
DHREADY 1 Input Slave Ready Indicator
DHRESP 1 Input Data Transfer Response

Data INPUTS/OUTPUTS Wishbone Bus

Port Size Direction Description
rst 1 Input Synchronous, active high
clk 1 Input Master clock
dadr PLEN Input Lower address bits
ddati XLEN Input Data towards the core
ddato XLEN Output Data from the core
dsel 4 Input Byte select signals
dwe 1 Input Write enable input
dstb 1 Input Strobe signal/Core select input
dcyc 1 Input Valid bus cycle input
dack 1 Output Bus cycle acknowledge output
derr 1 Output Bus cycle error output
dint 1 Output Interrupt signal output
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