Opal currently supports the following commands:
- address - Displays an alternate address
- botbroker - Scrapes BotBroker and checks recent prices of the given bot
- crypto - Grabs the lates data on the given cryptocurrency
- convert - Converts one currency to another
- downloads - Displays download links of all major bots.
- ebay - Increases the view count of your Ebay listing.
- email - Changes the email given and sends it to the user
- embed <channel_id> - Creates a new embed in the specified channel.
- fee - Calculates the payouts for the specified amount for every major platform
- funko - This command will search funko for the given product
- giveaway <channel_id> - Starts a giveaway in the specified channel.
- goat - Fetches and displays product information from Goat
- help - Displays the help menu.
- make - Displays the sale price needed on major platforms for your item in order to get your desired payout amount
- parcel - Displays the tracking data of a given parcel.
- ping - Displays the latency between Discord and our servers.
- poll - Sends a poll to the specified channel.
- proxy - Tests your proxies against the specified site
- reminder <channel_id> - Sends a reminder to the specified channel.
- shoe - Converts shoe sizes from different regions
- shopify - Checks if the specified site is a shopify site
- snowflake - Converts the specified Discord snowflake to a UTC timestamp.
- stockx - Displays the specified product's information from StockX
- droplist - Displays the latest Supreme drop list.
- sellout - Displays the 5 most quickly sold out items from the most recent Supreme drop.
- time - Displays time zones.
- triangulate - Displays the longitude and latitude of the specified address.
- twitter - Displays information about the given username / query
- variant - Displays all of the product variants for the given shopify product