MDN on Arrays As we know by now, arrays are collections of values.
As we will see, there are often many ways to achieve the same thing when working arrays. Over time, you will add different techniques to your mental toolbox to achieve the result you want quickly.
The basics.
- How do we create an array?
- How do we add items to an array?
- How do we change items of an array?
- How do we remove items from an array?
- How do we know the length of an array?
- How do we iterate over an array?
An array can be created multiple ways
From scratch:
const a = []; // result: []
const b = ['item1', 'item2']; // result: ['item1', 'item2']
const c = new Array(); // result: []
const d = new Array('item 1', 'item2'); // result: ['item1', 'item2']
const e = new Array(20); // result: [ <20 empty items> ]
const f = new Array(20, 21); // result: [20, 21]
// Note that `e` and `f` are a beautiful example of how weird and unexpected JavaScript can be. You will probably use `a` most often.
From value (as an example, many ways to create an array from another value):
const a = 'hello world'; // result: 'hello world'
const b = a.split(' '); // result: ['hello', 'world' ]
Every array has as a 'static' property length
. Meaning that we can easily get the amount of items in an array.
const f = ['hi','there'];
console.log(f.length); // 2
We can access array elements through the position of the element in the array. This is called an index. Indices (plural of index) are 0-based, meaning that the first item's index is 0, the second element is 1.
const x = ['first', 'second', 'third'];
console.log(x[0]); // 'first'
x[3] = 'fourth';
Note that arrays can have empty values. This should be avoided usually to prevent unexpected behaviour.
x[10] = 'eleventh';
console.log(x); // [ 'first', 'second', 'third', 'fourth', <6 empty items>, 'eleventh' ]
Next to the index, we have a wide range of tools to manipulate arrays.
These methods are essential.
Extremely important is to remember to always ask these two questions:
- What is the return value of this method?
- What does this method do to the original array it is used on?
Adding items
Add item to end of array.unshift()
Add item to beginning of array
Removing items
Remove first element from array.pop()
Remove last element from array.splice()
Remove a specific element from array using index
Useful iterators over arrays