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Insert pore space instead of a sphere/grain? #337

Answered by jgostick
akkendrick asked this question in Q&A
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First of all, I'm loving that this is a 'discussion' rather than an 'issue'. I will attempt to answer.

It sound like you have a tomography image of large features (i.e. rock grains) and you wan to add holes to the grains, or something like that.

You have a few options:

  1. You can generate a image with much smaller features than your grains, then multiplying the images together...being sure to 'swap' phases as needed, so that you set void to solid (e.g., im = ~im), then multiply, then revert back. Below is the basic idea and result:
import porespy as ps
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

im = ps.generators.blobs([400, 400])
im2 = ps.generators.blobs(shape=[400, 400], blobiness=3)
im3 = im * i…

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