diff --git a/src/Standards/Generic/Sniffs/Commenting/FixmeSniff.php b/src/Standards/Generic/Sniffs/Commenting/FixmeSniff.php
index c0726833a1..9398742899 100644
--- a/src/Standards/Generic/Sniffs/Commenting/FixmeSniff.php
+++ b/src/Standards/Generic/Sniffs/Commenting/FixmeSniff.php
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
 use PHP_CodeSniffer\Files\File;
 use PHP_CodeSniffer\Sniffs\Sniff;
-use PHP_CodeSniffer\Util\Tokens;
 class FixmeSniff implements Sniff
@@ -56,27 +55,44 @@ public function register()
     public function process(File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr)
-        $tokens = $phpcsFile->getTokens();
+        $tokens  = $phpcsFile->getTokens();
         $content = $tokens[$stackPtr]['content'];
         $matches = [];
-        preg_match('/(?:\A|[^\p{L}]+)fixme([^\p{L}]+(.*)|\Z)/ui', $content, $matches);
-        if (empty($matches) === false) {
-            // Clear whitespace and some common characters not required at
-            // the end of a fixme message to make the error more informative.
-            $type         = 'CommentFound';
-            $fixmeMessage = trim($matches[1]);
-            $fixmeMessage = trim($fixmeMessage, '-:[](). ');
-            $error        = 'Comment refers to a FIXME task';
-            $data         = [$fixmeMessage];
-            if ($fixmeMessage !== '') {
-                $type   = 'TaskFound';
-                $error .= ' "%s"';
+        if (preg_match('/(?:\A|[^\p{L}]+)fixme([^\p{L}]+(.*)|\Z)/ui', $content, $matches) !== 1) {
+            return;
+        }
+        // Clear whitespace and some common characters not required at
+        // the end of a to-do message to make the warning more informative.
+        $fixmeMessage = trim($matches[1]);
+        $fixmeMessage = trim($fixmeMessage, '-:[](). ');
+        if ($tokens[$stackPtr]['code'] === T_DOC_COMMENT_TAG
+            && $fixmeMessage === ''
+        ) {
+            $nextNonEmpty = $phpcsFile->findNext(T_DOC_COMMENT_WHITESPACE, ($stackPtr + 1), null, true);
+            if ($nextNonEmpty !== false
+                && $tokens[$nextNonEmpty]['code'] === T_DOC_COMMENT_STRING
+            ) {
+                $fixmeMessage = trim($tokens[$nextNonEmpty]['content'], '-:[](). ');
+        }
+        $error = 'Comment refers to a FIXME task';
+        $type  = 'CommentFound';
+        $data  = [$fixmeMessage];
+        if ($fixmeMessage !== '') {
+            $error .= ' "%s"';
+            $type   = 'TaskFound';
+        }
-            $phpcsFile->addError($error, $stackPtr, $type, $data);
+        if ($tokens[$stackPtr]['code'] === T_DOC_COMMENT_TAG) {
+            $type .= 'InDocblock';
+        $phpcsFile->addError($error, $stackPtr, $type, $data);
     }//end process()
diff --git a/src/Standards/Generic/Tests/Commenting/FixmeUnitTest.inc b/src/Standards/Generic/Tests/Commenting/FixmeUnitTest.inc
index 69ab337810..0a2ee05bc1 100644
--- a/src/Standards/Generic/Tests/Commenting/FixmeUnitTest.inc
+++ b/src/Standards/Generic/Tests/Commenting/FixmeUnitTest.inc
@@ -21,3 +21,17 @@ Debug::bam('test');
+ * While there is no official "fix me" tag, only `@todo`, let's support a tag for the purpose of this sniff anyway.
+ *
+ * @fixme This message should be picked up.
+ * @fixme: This message should be picked up too.
+ * @fixme - here is a message
+ *
+ * The below should not show a message as there is no description associated with the tag.
+ * @fixme
+ * @anothertag
+ *
+ * @param string $something FIXME: add description
+ */
diff --git a/src/Standards/Generic/Tests/Commenting/FixmeUnitTest.js b/src/Standards/Generic/Tests/Commenting/FixmeUnitTest.js
index 7836b9a213..f086873105 100644
--- a/src/Standards/Generic/Tests/Commenting/FixmeUnitTest.js
+++ b/src/Standards/Generic/Tests/Commenting/FixmeUnitTest.js
@@ -21,3 +21,17 @@ alert('test');
+ * While there is no official "fix me" tag, only `@todo`, let's support a tag for the purpose of this sniff anyway.
+ *
+ * @fixme This message should be picked up.
+ * @fixme: This message should be picked up too.
+ * @fixme - here is a message
+ *
+ * The below should not show a message as there is no description associated with the tag.
+ * @fixme
+ * @anothertag
+ *
+ * @param string $something FIXME: add description
+ */
diff --git a/src/Standards/Generic/Tests/Commenting/FixmeUnitTest.php b/src/Standards/Generic/Tests/Commenting/FixmeUnitTest.php
index 90ee54c499..70e98e1364 100644
--- a/src/Standards/Generic/Tests/Commenting/FixmeUnitTest.php
+++ b/src/Standards/Generic/Tests/Commenting/FixmeUnitTest.php
@@ -40,6 +40,11 @@ public function getErrorList()
             16 => 1,
             18 => 1,
             21 => 1,
+            28 => 1,
+            29 => 1,
+            30 => 1,
+            33 => 1,
+            36 => 1,
     }//end getErrorList()