Makes sure your CSV's remain compliant
There are times that CSV files need either cleaning, or replacement of certain items, or filtering of specific values or sorting etc.
Enter Auditor. This software is meant to scan through and clean your csv in various ways and make sure that everything is ready to go before your application needs to do the rest of the data processing.
Look in docs/ for a detailed treatment of the configuration options
Look in the examples folder for some examples and feel free to add some!
First run auditor on the file you want to alter. This will give a csv with the same number of rows with some cells replaced by control strings.
Then run auditor with the -c flag on the control string output. This will give a much smaller csv that only has the rows that you want. No blacklisted items, only whitelisted, no empty data no bad data.
$ auditor raw_data.txt auditor.conf.yaml -o data/audited.unclean.csv -v > logs/auditor.unclean.log
$ auditor -c data/audited.unclean.csv auditor.conf.yaml -o data/auditor.clean.csv -v > logs/auditor.clean.log