([email protected]) <2017-05-16 Tue> +TodoTxtTouch @github- [X] Review the pull request
([email protected]) <2017-05-16 Tue> +HCVProject @gitrepo(location, etc..)
- [ ] This is small task of the todo
- [ ] This is another small task of the todo
([email protected]) <2017-05-16 Tue> +context @phonecal
- [X] this is a small completed task of the todo
- [ ] this is another small task of the todo
([email protected]) <2017-05-16 Tue> +context @webserver
([email protected]) <2017
([email protected]) <2017
([email protected]) <2017
([email protected])<2017-05-23 Tue>
- [ ] AUTHORS (variables for owner name and email)
- [ ] LICENSE (apache 2.0) (variables for year and owner name)
([email protected])<2017-05-23 Tue>
- [ ] Create a todo.org with the text from above the dotted line in this file
- [ ] Create a CHANGELOG.md file with some base stuff
(devmattm#gmail.com) <2017-05-23 Tue>
- [ ] create script to get project name, author name, and email
- [ ] generate files from yaml templates and new input
- [ ] copy template files and new templated files to a new dir with project name
([email protected])<2017-05-23 Tue>
- [ ] Create a new dir with the project name
- [ ] Inside that dir, create a tests director
- [ ] create __init__.py for both dirs
- [ ] create base failing tests
- [ ] create a __main__
- [ ] Create a vagrant
- [ ] set up docopt
- [ ] Make it pipable
- [ ] create version.py file
- [ ] config file with owner name and email