diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index ee60d63c0..9dfeb3117 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -7,15 +7,32 @@ A social event to rebrand the pec acm css as the whole. We ll start with the website and rebrand everything that comes in the way. ## Tech Stack -- NextJs -- Material UI -- CSS3 -- SpringBoot API [Backend](https://github.com/PEC-CSS/acm-website-backend) + +- NextJs +- Material UI +- CSS3 +- SpringBoot API [Backend](https://github.com/PEC-CSS/acm-website-backend) ## Target + Target is to build a whole new brand of the computer science society. +## Local setup + +1. If you are added as a contributor, clone the repository directly. Otehrwise, fork the repo and clone it. +2. Install dependencies: `yarn i`. DO NOT USE NPM. + > You should have `docker` installed. +3. Run `docker compose up`, or if you have backend setup on your device, run the backend parallely on port `8080` +4. To start the application : `yarn dev`. + + > Periodically take pull of the latest docker image (using `docker pull pecacm/acm-website`), as the versions of backend keep on upgrading. + +5. Copy the `.env.example` into `.env.local` and add the values of variables, you can leave the spreadheet envs and fill the rest. +6. Register a new user from ui and verify from email. OR you can use pre existing user in your database, if you have local backend setup. +7. Have fun with coding :) + ## Contributors +