See this documentation on "Read the Docs".
EMLvp is a Python 3 library to validate and parse Ecological Metadata Language XML documents for compliance with the EML metadata standard, including XML schema validation and ensuring that references resolve to existing ids. See the EML normative documentation for reference.
The EMLvp package is both a command line interface (CLI) application that
can be used in a local environment and an EML validation and parsing API that
may be imported into other Python modules. The CLI application, emlvp
, is
also used as a reference implementation for the emlvp API. The EMLvp package
API provides three object classes that 1) perform XML schema validation -
, 2) EML compliance parsing - Parser
, and 3) dereference EML
elements into their normalized structures - Derefencer
Compliance includes the following inspections:
attributes in all elements are unique,references
elements for subjectid
,- for circular
parent elements withid
attributes), - for
attribute consistency, customUnit
for STMML definitions,- parents of
elements for subjectid
(sans the annotations element), references
attribute of annotation(s) for subject id, andadditionalMetadata
attribute for subject id.
The emlvp
application accepts an Ecological Metadata Language XML document
file as input or a directory containing EML XML document files with a “.xml”
file extension. Once an EML XML document is identified, the application will
immediately perform a schema validation inspection followed by EML compliance
parsing that verifies the document is compliant with rules that go beyond what
is possible with XML schema validation (see above). In addition, the emlvp
application can normalize the EML XML document by removing insignificant white
space, including replacing non-breaking spaces with regular spaces.
EMLvp may be install using pip: pip install emlvp
. You may also install from GitHub by cloning the repository
and then using pip to install EMLvp with
. The emlvp
command line application is installed as part
of the pip installation, as are the XML schema files for EML 2.1.0, 2.1.1, and 2.2.0. EMPvp is dependent on the
following Python packages: Python
>= 3.10, lxml
>= 4.9.2, click
>= 8.1.3, and daiquiri
>= 3.0.0.
EMLvp can be used directly on the command line with the emlvp
application or embedded into another Python
project. Its purpose is to inspect and analyze an EML XML metadata document to ensure it complies with both schema and
non-schema requirements. emlvp
simply follows a three step analysis:
- Perform schema validation.
- Parse and inspect the document for non-schema requirements (above).
- If requested, dereference the "references/ids" of the EML and repeat steps 1 and 2.
If at any point during the analysis an error occurs, emlvp
will either report the error and exit immediately
(fail-fast) or continue to analyze the document and collect all additional errors until the end of the analysis,
at which time the errors are reported (fail-slow). The emlvp
help provides the following description:
Usage: emlvp [OPTIONS] TARGET...
Performs validation of EML XML file(s)
1. XML schema validation
2. EML parsing for references/id resolution
3. Dereference references/id into expanded EML XML and re-validate/parse
TARGET: EML XML file or directory containing EML XML file(s) (may be repeated)
-d, --dereference Dereference EML XML file(s) (default is False).
-f, --fail-fast Exit on first exception encountered (default is False).
-l, --list_unicode List non-ASCII unicode characters, along with unicode
-n, --normalize Normalize EML XML file(s) before parsing and validating
(default is False).
-p, --pretty-print Pretty print output for dereferenced EML XML (default is
-s, --statistics Show post processing inspection statistics.
-u, --unicode Highlight non-ASCII unicode characters in EML output
(-uu for line numbers)
-v, --verbose Send output to standard out (-v or -vv or -vvv for
increasing output).
--version Output emlvp version and exit.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
As noted above, the "TARGET" argument may be one or more space separate EML XML files or a directory containing many EML XML files (these files must end with the ".xml" extension). For example:
> emlvp edi.1252.1.xml
Missing custom unit id(s): ['total abundance', 'logarithmic']
If no errors are found, emlvp
ends quietly and with no fanfare.
To use EMLvp in your own Python project, you would need to "import" the necessary class module and perform the appropriate analysis against the EML XML document. For example::
>>> import emlvp.validator as validator
>>> from emlvp.validator import Validator
>>> with open("edi.1252.1.xml", "r") as f:
... xml =
>>> schema_path = validator.schema_path()
>>> v = Validator(schema_path + "/EML2.2.0/xsd/eml.xsd")
>>> v.validate(xml)
>>> from emlvp.parser import Parser
>>> p = Parser()
>>> p.parse(xml)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/home/user/anaconda3/envs/emlvp/lib/python3.10/site-packages/emlvp/", line 185, in parse
raise exceptions.ParseError(msg_queue.strip())
emlvp.exceptions.ParseError: Missing custom unit id(s): ['logarithmic', 'total abundance']
Applications that use the API should rely on exceptions to indicate an error has occurred in either validation or parsing of the EML XML document.
class Validator(object):
Validates an EML XML document for being well formed and schema syntax correct.
def __init__(self, schema: str):
Class init method.
:param schema: path to root schema eml.xsd
def validate(self, xml: str):
Validates an EML XML document instance
:param xml: EML XML document instance as a unicode string
:return: None
:raises emlvp.exceptions.ValidationError, emlvp.exceptions.ParseError, emlvp.exceptions.XIncludeError,
emlvp.exceptions.XMLSchemaParseError, emlvp.exceptions.XMLSyntaxError
class Parser(object):
Parses an EML XML document instance inspecting for non-schema related issues. See here for possible
def __init__(self, fail_fast: bool = False):
Class init method.
:param fail_fast: Boolean to indicate whether parsing should fail immediately
def parse(self, xml: str):
Parses an EML XML document instance inspecting for non-schema related issues.
:param xml: EML XML document instance as a unicode string
:return: None
:raises emlvp.exceptions.ParseError: Raises ParseError on any invalid content found
class Dereferencer(object):
Expands EML XML content by dereferencing "references" element to content defined
by the "id" attribute of a source element.
def __init__(self, pretty_print=False):
Class init method.
:param pretty_print: Boolean to indicate if dereferenced EML XML is formatted for viewing
def dereference(self, xml: str) -> str:
Dereferences an EML XML document instance.
:param xml: EML XML document instance as a unicode string.
:return str: Expanded EML XML.
def normalize(xml: str) -> str:
Normalize an EML XML document instance
:param xml: EML XML document instance as a unicode string
:return: Normalized EML XML document instance as a unicode string
def unicode_list(xml: str) -> list:
List all unicode characters in the given XML with codepoints greater than ASCII 127
as a list of tuples: (row, col, char, cp, name)
:param xml:
:return list: