Welcome to Anoma's docs!
Anoma is a sovereign, proof-of-stake blockchain protocol that enables private, asset-agnostic cash and private bartering among any number of parties. To learn more about the protocol, we recommend the following resources:
⚠️ Here lay dragons: this codebase is still experimental, try at your own risk!
The two main sections of this book are:
- Exploration: documents the process of exploring the design and implementation space for Anoma
- Specifications: implementation independent technical specifications
The Anoma user guide and networks documentation can be found at https://docs.anoma.net.
This book is written using mdBook with mdbook-mermaid for diagrams, it currently lives in the Anoma repo.
To get started quickly, in the docs
directory one can:
# Install dependencies
make dev-deps
# This will open the book in your default browser and rebuild on changes
make serve
The mermaid diagrams docs can be found at https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid.
Contributions to the contents and the structure of this book (nothing is set in stone) should be made via pull requests. Code changes that diverge from the spec should also update this book.