Collected suggestions from discussions and comments on the Steam page.
Original: Author: Aelanna Summary: Overhauls Pyromania to be a sustainable need that makes it less tempting to just finish off any surviving raider with that stupid fucking trait. Decision: Yes. A lot of work to recreate, would be preferable to just get permission to include directly.
Original: Author: juanlopez2008 Summary: Turns off lights and workbenches when not in use, like when no pawns are in the room. Decision: Yes. There's no License and recreating it wouldn't be ideal so better to get permission to include directly if possible.
Original: Author: FrozenSnowFox Summary: Filth gets washed away with rain and fades over time. Decision: Yes, very simple to recreate.
Original: Author: Indeed Summary: Increase stack sizes Decision: Yes, I wouldn't want to do anything the same as this at all but I do need a better stack increaser as current ones have issues.
Original: Author: Revolus Summary: Animals can be played with and provie recreation to pawns doing so. Decision: Yes, license allows full integration of the existing code.
Original: Author: ItsComcastic Summary: Haulers prioritize hauling to an existing stack even when multiple pawns are hauling. Decision: No. Too many potential issues, no license so I'd have to recreate it, not happening.
Original: Author: Mehni/Uuugggg Summary: Colonists gather to inventory then haul to stockpile, inestad of going back and forth for multiple stacks. Decision: No. Same reasoning as Haul To Stack.
Original: Author: Hatti/shadwar Summary: Ensures buildings that have quality are only built by the best builder so they're the best chance of being the highest possible quality. Decision: Yes, maybe. It's more complex than a standard tweak since it has UI elements.
Original: Author: Uuugggg Summary: Lets you just replace stuff instead of deconstructing/mining/bridging first and handles those things appropriately. Decision: Hell the fuck no. That's not a tweak, that's a whole ass mechanical overhaul.
Original: Author: Uuugggg Summary: Multiple pawns can deliver resources to the same bluprint at the same time. Decision: Nope. Same potential issues as Haul To Stack, hard pass.
Original: Author: Weil Summary: Make pawns calm down using a warden, with a chance of success. Decision: Probably not, complex enough it's awkward to recreate and there's no license. Feels out of the scope of a tweak too.
Original: Author: Charlotte Summary: Adds a bench to mend stuff or recycle them. Decision: No, fuck no, it adds a whole ass bench, why would I add that to a tweaks mod?
Original: Author: tammybee Summary: Human re-equip the weapon that equiped before downed when recovering from downed (or fully healing). Decision: Yes, small and has a license allowing it.
Original: Author: pyrce Summary: Adds larger graves holding multiple corpses. Decision: Again, this adds buildings, why the fuck would I?
Original: Author: Frozen Snow Fox Summary: Splits the work tab up much more, allowing more complex prioritization. Decision: Great in concept, breaks too much in practice, no.
Original: Author: Hultis Summary: Stop your pawns from constantly building themselves into a wall or blocking something that hasn't been built yet. Great for filling sapper tunnels and rebuilding walls. Decision: Great mod, overhauls a large mechanic in the game though, way too much to recreate and no license so can't just pull it in.
Original: Author: Murmur Summary: Underground power conduits. Decision: Again this adds a building, what is wrong with you lot?
Original: Author: Owlchemist Summary: Research UI total replacement. Decision: Get the fuck out.
Original: Author: Kittah Khan Summary: In summary, chickens no longer clear out a pasture in three seconds flat, you can cycle through pastures and your animals can find grass that's been snowed under, your dreams of a reindeer colony can finally come true. Decision: Maybe.
Original: Author: bblkepling Summary: Patches all traders that don't buy or sell slaves to be able to buy them. Decision: Yep, simple tweak.
Original: Author: Knight Summary: This mod simply allows pawn's to shoot anything in an adjacent tile. Decision: Nope. Too much work to recreate and no license to use it.
Original: Author: Azuraal Summary: Removes lifespans from trees so they don't just die randomly. Decision: Yep, simple tweak.
Original: Author: RemingtonRyder Summary: Pawns will stop social fighting if they're badly hurt or in a lot of pain. Decision: Yep, pretty small and easy to replicate.
Original: Author: crazedmonkey231 Summary: Prevents pawns from randomly deciding to change their look, and removes the stupid debuffs for not changing their look constantly. Decision: Yes, simple enough and absolutely necessary.
Original: Author: velcroboy333 Summary: Adds a stat and allows items held by pawns chopping trees to actually affect chopping speeds. Decision: Yep, seems fair since I also included a stonecutting speed stat.
Original: Author: Aelanna Summary: Adds a cleaning speed stat and two traits that affect it. Decision: Cleaning speed is a stat in vanilla in 1.4, a tweak instead affecting a multiplier on it would make more sense now.
Original: Author: pureMJ Summary: Colonist will now haul the corpse after slaughtering an tamed animal. Decision: Yep, simple enough patch tweak.
Original: Author: WalkingProblem Summary: Lets them animals fuck but has a bunch of other shit too. Decision: Partial yes. Letting wild animals fuck, absolutely, including a blacklist for specific animals to not with certain ones excluded by default (boomrats). Lots of other shit absolutely unneccesary will not be included. I'd also add a limit cap for wild animals so they don't lag the fuck out of the game.
Original: Author: Fozzy Summary: Inside the construction work type. Deconstructing objects and removing floors will be prioritised over constructing new stuff. Decision: Yep, small but worthwhile tweak.
Original: Author: Fozzy Summary: Inside the construction Worktab, when it comes down to the smoothing operations, the Pawns will smooth Walls First, then proceed to smooth floors. Decision: Again seems fine.
Original: Author: Fozzy Summary: Inside the Cooking Worktab the Pawns will Butcher First, then proceed to cook the meals Decision: Yep, fine.
Original: Author: Fozzy Summary: sets the inworktypepriority on 55 - meaning reparing walls and furniture comes last but before smoothing walls and floors. Ur Pawns will construct and deconstruct before repairing. Decision: Yep yep.
Original: Author: Anthony Summary: No longer counts slave collars as clothing. Fixes the 'wore/wearing clothes' mood debuff a slave collar gives to a Nudist and/or Fully Nude precept Ideoligion follower. Decision: Yep.
Original: Author: pureMJ Summary: Extra label content: TimeLeftToGather => ResourceAmout ResourceType Decision: Yep, simple UI tweak.
Original: Author: NECEROS Summary: Adds bulk smelting recipes. Decision: Nope, I'm not adding any bulk recipes.
Original: Author: NECEROS Summary: Adds bulk stonecutting recipes. Decision: Nope, I'm not adding any bulk recipes.
Original: Author: Ben Summary: Automatically assigns the sleep schedule for starting, newly recruited, and PrepareCarefully pawns with the night owl trait. Decision: Nah, pass.
Original: Author: Syrus Summary: Adds mood buffs for caravans under certain conditions. Decision: Sure fine.
Original: Author: Captain Muscles Summary: Allows forcing pawns to sleep outside scheduled hours if rest bar below 75%. Decision: Sure.
Original: Author: Captain Muscles Summary: This mod adds the ability to command a colonist to engage in certain recreation activities (the ones that involve specific buildings). Decision: Yep.
Original: Author: Captain Muscles Summary: Allows the player to force colonists to research. Decision: Again Yep.
Original: Author: tikubonn Summary: prevents items from being placed on the same tile as a door, allowing it to close. Decision: Simple, sure. Probably a tweak to make doorways not standable either so pawns don't block them.
Original: Author: Space Moth Summary: This mod will make guests and traders listen to forbidden doors as long as the faction relations are above -20. Decision: Sure, maybe.
Original: Author: sewer rat Summary: Finer control of population settings - without editing defs! Decision: Yep, sure.
Original: Author: YemG Summary: Changes mass capacity for pawns, like the other dozen or so mods that do the same. Decision: Hard pass. It's a tweak but it's a pain in the ass compatibility wise.
Original: Author: elky Summary: Cutting grass or bushes gives you resources: Grass and High grass - 2xHay, Bushes - 2xWood Decision: Seems fair.
Original: Author: ivelischt Summary: Removes the need to cool hay. Decision: Sure, makes more sense than vanilla.
Original: Author: ChippedChaps Summary: This mod makes the resource readout when placing blueprints count all resources on the map. This is so that it won't complain even when you can see that you clearly have enough on the map. Decision: Maybe, seems like it could be problematic and putting stuff in a stockpile isn't hard.
Original: Author: AmCh Summary: Pawn's Need Bars are no longer clamped to 100%. Decision: Nope. Fundamentally disagree with the concept.
Original: Author: Doug Summary: Item's final Quality is determined by whoever finishes the job Decision: Yep.
Original: Author: Jdalt40 Summary: Pawns have a max of 150 damage before they just die regardless of that damage, this disables that. Decision: Yep.
Original: Author: Ogre Summary: Same as Stack XXL (this is the better of the two imo) Decision: Yep, need a better option than both. They both have issues with typically unstackable items becoming stackable just because of the category.
Original: Author: Lucifer Summary: This mod lowers the required space for each tier of room size (cramped, rather tight, etc.). Decision: Sure why not.
Original: Author: oBerry Summary: Allows prisoners to use recreation stuff. Decision: Yep sure.
Original: Author: oBerry Summary: Allows slaves to use recreation stuff. Decision: Yep sure.
Original: Author: Electric_Knards Summary: Creates an alert when traders are on the map. Decision: Sure why not.
Original: Author: Fujisawa Summary: "We butchered humanlike" moodlet affects only the colonists in the same room. Decision: Yep.
Original: Author: Kathanon Summary: Makes pawns not stand outside their allowed area to interact with something that is within it. Decision: Honestly feels like a bugfix more than a tweak so yes.
Original: Author: Mlie Summary: Adds options to X then Y with prisoners. Decision: Sure.
Original: Author: Syrchalis Summary: Adds more slaves to all slave traders. Decision: Sure. Simple mod.
Original: Author: Alias Summary: Splits up some work to how it used to be before 1.1. Decision: Maybe. Seems simple but could have some complicated resulting impacts, and mods with that as a dependency wouldn't likely look for mine.
Original: Author: Uuugggg Summary: Construction will use things in your colonist or pack animal's inventory. Decision: Potentially problematic, I don't like touching things around this area of AI because it tends to have odd impacts.
Original: Author: Crentist Summary: This mod changes the part that some apparel covers to better reflect what they cover, so you can combine items. Decision: Too specific, patches things manually and there's far too much to handle for this to be worthwhile, since rendering always makes it look stupid too I'm not inclined to waste my time on this.
Original: Author: eBlair Summary: Moves the slave strap apparel to the middle slot. Decision: Sure, it's just one patch at least.
Original: Author: Captain Muscles Summary: Forces inventory of pawns to be dropped on the ground. Decision: Yeah sure.
Original: Author: Ben Lubar Summary: Prevents pawns from constructing a different style of building than what you placed. Also allows you to change the style of a blueprint or frame. Decision: Maybe, seems to not be updated and could be useful for the losers using styles.
Original: Author: SirMashedPotato Summary: A simple patch that removes the food poisoning chance from insect jelly. Decision: Yep makes sense.
Original: Author: Sea Summary: Changes romance chances from the disgustingly stereotypical and mildly bigoted method Tynan used to something more sensible for the year 5500. Decision: Nope, I have better plans for romance tweaks and I don't see a reason to implement both.
Original: Author: Uuugggg Summary: Colonists grab meals from animals, or each other, if needed - if there is nothing else available. Decision: Maybe, again touches AI I don't want to.
Original: Author: Uuugggg Summary: Prioritizes mining to the rarest metal first; unskilled miners only work rocks. Decision: Nope, AI, not touching.
Original: Author: Aeon Summary: A patch to enable modded medicine options in the pawn health tab. Decision: No, compatibility issues ahoy.
Original: Author: Morphium Summary: Bodies will no longer be crushed into nothingness by falling rocks but can be recovered by mining the chunk. Nothing more to say about it. Decision: It makes sense but the license doesn't allow just using the code and I don't want to recreate it poorly.
Original: Author: Hate me Summary: This mod adds custom cleaning behaviour to prisoners, so instead of just idling around they will clean their cells. Decision: Sure. I might just do all of the qol stuff by Hate me.
Original: Author: mlie Summary: Escaping prisoners will now get fired upon by turrets. Decision: Sure.
Original: Author: LVLVbNH Summary: Removes the limit(actually up it to 50 roles slots) of the number of specialist slots in the ideology editor. Decision: Sure.
Original: Author: xrusha Summary: Makes altars minifiable so they can be uninstalled/reinstalled. Decision: No, it makes sense but then where does it stop.
Original: Author: denev Summary: Allows some jobs with progress bars to be resumed from the progress level at which they were canceled. Decision: Nope. Too many potential issues.
Original: Author: LVLVbNH Summary: Simple mod that untied specialist roles from memes. Allows player choose any two specialist role for custom ideology without dev mod enabled. Decision: Sure.
Original: Author: Uuugggg Summary: Prefer to get food from the dining room. "A dining room" is defined as "room with a table". Decision: Touches on AI but maybe.
Original: Author: purpleyam Summary: A tiny little patch to unlock the "minor" and "heavy" scarification precepts for ideologies without the Pain Is Virtue meme (unless you have Flesh Purity) Decision: Maybe, seems weirdly specific when there's others that could do with the same treatment and could be potentially automated.
Original: Author: Bom Train Summary: All Traders now have a lot more silver from 10x - 20x. Decision: Sure, with a tweak for how much more they have.
Original: Author: Kapitan Oczywisty Summary: Simple mod that allows you to customize "too close to map edge" limits when placing buildings, blueprints or zones. Should works with any other mod (unless is doing the same thing). Decision: Sure, long overdue.
Original: Author: Jaxe Summary: This minipatch disables the generation of ruined walls, floors and objects on your generated maps. Decision: Sure, could do with several tweaks covering individual things that can generate. These kinds of tweaks should be disabled automatically alongside Map Designer as it already has them.
Original: Author: ApocalypsePal Summary: Disables playing the vanilla music clips while playing in maps. Decision: Nope, I don't want to touch audio stuff and this is very much within that scope.
Original: Author: Evil Tactician Summary: A single unit of Pemmican now represents a single serving, allowing you to quickly see how much food you have for your colonists. Decision: Sensible, part of Evil Tacticians RimWorld Tweaks which is already being considered as a whole.
Original: Author: Legodude17 Summary: Allows you to tell pawns to haul the products of a bill to a storage building, along with to a stockpile. Decision: Nope, beyond the complexity I am willing to replicate.
Original: Author: Dark Summary: Puts a colonist's job/title in the Colonist Bar below their label (name/nickname), and their royal title if they have one. Decision: Sure, seems fun.
Original: Author: Jaxe Summary: Adds an Allow Harvest toggle to Growing Zones alongside the already existing Allow Sowing button. Decision: I could have swore blind this was vanilla. Sure.
Original: Author: AUTOMATIC Summary: Icons on recipes in dropdowns. Decision: Again felt like this was vanilla already, sure I'll take a look.
Original: Author: Jaxe Summary: Now part of Filter Manager, which is a substanital improvement. Decision: Filter Manager is a much more complex option than I'd ever provide, nope.
Original: Author: Kosaro Summary: Show both instead of either, with the one set in options as the primary displayed. Decision: Sure.
Original: Author: Reiquard Summary: Adds an ability to see non-truncated long names in the tooltip that shows when hovering the mouse over truncated object name on the inspect window. Decision: Dumb this isn't vanilla already. Yes.
Original: Author: Ham Sandwich Summary: Displays weapons under pawn portraits. Decision: Vanilla in 1.4, not needed.
Original: Author: Epicguru Summary: Displays the name of the mod adding something in the description of said thing. Decision: Nope, that mod does a perfectly fine job of having settins and customizability beyond what I'd do.
Original: Author: Kiame Vivacity Summary: Displays ticks per second info to the in-game display. Decision: Nope, If you're anal about TPS then you likely already use Dubs Analyser, so you already have the best option for this.
Original: Author: Casiy Summary: Makes production benches capable of being made from stone. Decision: Yep, simple tag addition, weird it isn't vanilla in many cases.
Original: Author: jeonggihun Summary: Very simple. Electric Crematorium can now be crafted from metal. Decision: Sure why not.
Original: Author: Khitrir Summary: Makes drums have recreation use. Decision: Sure why not.
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