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Add New Provider

This document outlines the steps required to create a new provider for sending notifications via your preferred channel in OsmoX, if it does not already exist. By following these steps, you'll be able to create a new channel type that can be used for sending notifications.


Before working on adding a new provider, ensure that you have set up the OsmoX development environment on your system, by following Development Setup guide.

Getting Started

1. Install additional required dependencies

For adding a new provider, it is highly likely one or more new npm packages will be required. Install these packages and dependencies using npm.

npm install <package_name>

2. Update the database

Set the respective details of newly added provider in notify_master_providers table. This contains the configuration template and other related details for your provider.

To use this provider, create a new entry in notify_providers table. This will contain and save the configuration details for your provider. Also set the is_enabled field as 1 to enable the provider. These details will be used for the OsmoX APP process.

Take reference for what fields need to be added from Database Design Document.

3. Update src/common/constants/notifications.ts

A new channel type will be denoted using a unique numeric value (for example, 1 for SMTP, 2 for Mailgun, etc). The new provider being added will also need to represented with such a value.

For this, update the src/common/constants/notifications.ts file to add your new provider name and assign a unique number:

export const ChannelType = {
  SMTP: 1,
  WA_360_DAILOG: 3,
  <CHANNEL_NAME>: <number>,

If the provider allows verification methods for checking if the message was successfully sent to the end user, add the success and fail states in ProviderDeliveryStatus. Check the official provider documentation for exact states used.

Note: OsmoX only considers success/fail states. Neutral states like queued should be mapped to either success or failure states based on your requirements.

If the provider does not provide verification methods, add it to SkipProviderConfirmationChannels

4. Generate a new module for the provider

Create a new module for the provider, run the following command to generate it using nest:

  npx @nestjs/cli generate module modules/providers/<channel_name>

The providers.module.ts file will automatically update to import this new service and add it in the providers array.

Remove the new added module from providers.module.ts and add it in notifications.module.ts register logic. Ex:

const providerModules = [
  // Rest of the modules...

5. Generate new service file

The new provider will require a service file. For this, run the following command to generate it using nest:

npx @nestjs/cli generate service modules/providers/<channel_name>

The providers.module.ts file will automatically update to import this new service and add it in the providers array. Remove it from providers.module.ts and add it to the earlier created channel specific module.

Ex channeltype.module.ts

import { Logger, Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { <channeltype>Service } from './channeltype.service';
import { ConfigModule } from '@nestjs/config';
import { ProvidersModule } from '../providers.module';
import { ProvidersService } from '../providers.service';

  imports: [ConfigModule, ProvidersModule],
  providers: [<channeltype>Service, ProvidersService, Logger],
  exports: [<channeltype>Service],
export class <channeltype>Module {}

Make sure to import ConfigModule if the service file will be using related env variables.

6. Add logic in .service.ts file

Add the required logic in the .service.ts file, referring already added service files. A few points that can help in adding the logic are as follows:

  • Import needed modules from the newly added dependencies
  • Create an interface for inputting data to the service function
  • Create a constructor for initializing and configuring the object as needed. Also initialize and use any environment variables as needed.
  • Importing env in constructor with getOrThrow will let us know if something is missing in env file.
  • Create a send method named after <type> (sendEmail, sendSms, etc) which accepts the notification data and add code logic for sending it. Return the response received.
  • Add any other helper methods as needed

If the provider allows verification methods for checking if the message was successfully sent to the end user, add method getDeliveryStatus to verify if the message was successfully sent or not.

7. Add dto for validation

Add dto for data field validation in src/modules/notifications/dtos/providers/<channel_type>-data.dto.ts

export class ExampleProviderDataDto {
  to: string;

  message: string;

  templateId?: string;

Update the file src/common/decorators/is-data-valid.decorator.ts and add condition for the newly added dto.

switch (channelTypeFromProviderId) {
  // Other Cases
  case ChannelType.<CHANNEL_TYPE>: {
    const channelTypeData = new <CHANNEL_TYPE>DataDto();
    Object.assign(channelTypeData, value);
    await validateAndThrowError(channelTypeData);
    return true;
    // Rest of the code...

8. Create .job.consumer.ts file

Create a consumer file with path src/jobs/consumers/notifications/<channel_name>-notification.job.consumer.ts. Add the required logic in it by referring other consumer files, following these key points:

  • The constructor should inject the Notification repository, and declare class variables for the added service and NotificationsService
  • All functions return data to the parent functions present in src/jobs/consumers/notifications/notification.consumer.ts
  • Get the notification from database using the getNotificationById(id) method from NotificationsService
  • Exception handling should be done, and status should be updated accordingly as per success or failure in the database
  • Ensure logs are added for error logging

Following methods are to be added:

processNotificationQueue (main function) - Return super processNotificationQueue - Call your send method that was added in the service file and update the received result in database

processNotificationConfirmationQueue (as needed) - Return super processAwaitingConfirmationNotificationQueue - If the provider allows verification methods for checking if the message was successfully sent to the end user, call your getDeliveryStatus method that was added in the service file and update the received result in database

9. Update .queue.ts file

All providers will be using a queue specific to them for queuing notifications that have to be sent. The required values for this queue for a provider is specified in the src/modules/notifications/queues/queue.service.ts file.

Add dependency injection for <CHANNEL_NAME>NotificationConsumer:

  private readonly <channel_name>NotificationConsumer: <CHANNEL_NAME>NotificationConsumer,
) {}

Add switch cases in createWorker function for creating the following queues as required:

  • NotificationQueue
  • NotificationConfirmationQueue
  • Webhook
// Inside switch case
switch (`${action}-${providerType}`) {
  // <CHANNEL_NAME> cases
  case `${QueueAction.SEND}-${ChannelType.<CHANNEL_NAME>}`:
    await this.<channel_name>NotificationConsumer.processCHANNEL_NAMENotificationQueue(;
  case `${QueueAction.DELIVERY_STATUS}-${ChannelType.<CHANNEL_NAME>}`:
    await this.<channel_name>NotificationConsumer.processCHANNEL_NAMENotificationConfirmationQueue(;

  case `${QueueAction.WEBHOOK}-${ChannelType.<CHANNEL_NAME>}`:

10. Create migration file for database related changes

  • Add migration file(s) in src/database/migrations for accomodating any database related changes.
  • Keep filename as <Unix epoch Timestamp in miliseconds>-migrationName (e.g., 1701000000000-add-new-provider-config.ts).
  • Create and test both migration.up() and migration.down() methods.

11. Update and add documentation

Add a new document <channel_name>.md in the docs/channels folder describing environment variables to be set and how to use the new provider channel with sample request body and any additional information. Update the file to add and link the new channel document under Available Channel Types.