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Marti Martz edited this page Aug 15, 2014 · 50 revisions


Welcome to the icon wiki!

Guidelines for contributing

  • Please do use absolute urls for GitHub references and don't use wiki urls or relative urls e.g.

[![][oujsFavicon]](/about/someDocument) [some name ![on GitHub][githubFavicon]](

... so it looks like this... some name on GitHub ... with the hopeful intention of this... some name on OpenUserJS on GitHub

... instead of...

[[some name | someDocument]]

The above could be subject to change... figuring out how to manage this on multiple sites still since GitHub via Gollum does a ton of rewrites that affects normal operations of markdown.

  • Always use h2 through h6 and never use h1
  • First line should always be a h2 with the document title.