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A gui library, with example programs. In development, fully usable but with only a few gui components implemented so far, already fully capable of doing dialog boxes and basic forms.

See the wiki for documentation, or just head to the /bin directory to look at some sample programs.


simple command-line program to pull an entire git repo, all files and directories. Make sure you have enough disk space, and be careful of the rather low unauthorized api usage rate cap on the git api, I didn't feel like making enough sense of OAuth to even determine with certainty whether it's possible to authorize (my gut says no, my head says I'm not sure I'd want to be giving OC my github account credentials anyway).


gitrepo OpenPrograms/Gopher-Programs /hd1/gp

This one is complete DWTFYW license. Steal the code, modify it, extend it, take full credit, whatever. There's a hackish but effective json->lua table converter in there, as well as an unused base64 decoding function which has been tested against github's base64 encoded data included in some gitapi json responses (be sure to strip "\n"s and the trailing "=" from the encoded data first, for some reason github thinks we need neatly line-wrapped base64). Go to town, have fun.


If you want to modify this code, feel free! I've kindof moved on but I'll try to keep an eye on pull requests, and if someone is interested in doing more than minor tweaks/fixes, I'll see about getting you added to the repo and such...


Gopher's programs, most notably GML, his gui library project.






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