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165 lines (88 loc) · 5.82 KB


The original definition of dynamic_batching.MultiHeadAttention refers to here.

The original definition of dynamic_batching.KeyValueCache refers to here.

For dynamic_batching.MultiHeadCacheAttention, it is just fuse dynamic_batching.MultiHeadAttention and dynamic_batching.KeyValueCache together.


num_heads: int

Number of heads

head_dim: int

Dimension of each head, where $head\_dim * num\_heads = hidden\_dim$

is_causal: bool

Whether apply casual mask when sequence length > 1.

is_alibi: bool(default: False)

Whether apply alibi mask within the operator. Do not need to set alibi mask in attn_mask when it is True

num_kv_heads: int(default: 0)

For Grouped-Query Attention. If num_kv_heads and num_heads are not equal, we should repeat key and value num_heads/num_kv_heads times before applying ${\rm MHA}$ for each token. num_heads must be divisible by num_kv_heads. Default is 0, and at this point, num_heads is used as num_kv_heads.

num_layer: int(default: 1)

Number of attention layers.

layer_idx: int(default: 0)

Attention layer index for cache and scale.

quant_bit: int(default: 0)

Quantize bit for cache compression. For example, 8 means int8 compression. 0 means disabled.

quant_group: int(default: 8)

Quantize scale shared group size. $2^n$ and $n > 2$ is recommanded for hardware implementation.

cache_mode: int(default: 0)

Define cache indexing mode. Default is zero.

  • When cache_mode is 0, cache is indexed by offset mode. Shape of cachestarts is $(B)$. For each batch $b$, cachestarts[b] mapping cache begining index in $MaxT$ of cache and scale. Note that cachestarts[b+1]-cachestarts[b] can not calculate out the cache length of batch $b$.
  • When cache_mode is 1, cache is indexed by page table mode, which called Paged Attention. Shape of cachestarts is $(B, MaxP)$. For each batch $b$, cachestarts[b, :] contains pages' begining index in $MaxT$ of cache and scale.
    Example for batch = 2, page_size = 256: $$cachestarts=[[0,256,\cdots],[1024,2048,\cdots]]$$

cache_layout: int(default: 0)

Define data layout of cache and scale. Default is zero.

Meaning of numbers:

  • 0: $cache(MaxT,L,2,H,Dh)$ and $scale(MaxT,L,2,H,Dh/quant\_group)$
  • 1: $cache(L,MaxT,2,H,Dh)$ and $scale(L,MaxT,2,H,Dh/quant\_group)$
  • 2: $cache(L,2,MaxT,H,Dh)$ and $scale(L,2,MaxT,H,Dh/quant\_group)$
  • 3: $cache(L,2,H,MaxT,Dh)$ and $scale(L,2,H,MaxT,Dh/quant\_group)$

page_size: int(default: 128)

Page size in Paged Attention(when cache_mode is 1)


query: tensor(T1)

Input Query tensor

Shape: $(seqstarts[B], num\_heads, head\_dim)$

current_key: tensor(T1)

Input Key tensor

Shape: $(seqstarts[B], num\_kv\_heads, head\_dim)$

current_value: tensor(T1)

Input Value tensor

Shape: $(seqstarts[B], num\_kv\_heads, head\_dim)$

seqstarts: tensor(int64)

seqstarts[:B] contains the position of the first token in query for each batch. And seqstarts[B] contains the total length of query.

Note that seqstarts[b+1]-seqstarts[b] can calculate out the sequence length of batch $b$.

Shape: $(B+1)$

kvstarts: tensor(int64)

kvstarts[:B] contains the position of the first token in key = cat(past_key, current_key) and value = cat(past_value, current_value) for each batch, where key and value are originally provided by operator KeyValueCache. And kvstarts[B] contains the total length of key and value.

Note that kvstarts[b+1]-kvstarts[b] can calculate out the key and value length of batch $b$.

Shape: $(B+1)$

cachestarts: tensor(int64)

Indexing cache position in $MaxT$ of cache and scale. Behavior is determinated by cache_mode.

Shape: $(B)$ or $(B, MaxP)$

start_pos: tensor(int64)

Sequence position where current_key and current_value begining to store of each batch.

Shape: $(B)$

decoding_batches: scalar(int64)

Describe how many batches in front are being decoded, those who are not need causal mask.

max_seqlen: scalar(int64)

Maximum sequence length of query, equal to max(seqstarts[1:]-seqstarts[:B]). For parallel computing.

max_kvlen: scalar(int64)

Maximum sequence length of key and value, equal to max(kvstarts[1:]-kvstarts[:B]). For parallel computing.

cache: tensor(T2)

Shape: Determinated by cache_layout.

Contains key and value caches of attention layer. When cache_layout is 0, subspace $(:,:,0,:,:,:)$ contains key caches and subspace $(:,:,1,:,:,:)$ contains value caches. Data in this tensor will be modified.

scale(optional): tensor(T3)

Shape: determinate by cache_layout.

Contains key and value cache quantize scales of attention layer. When cache_layout is 0, subspace $(:,:,0,:,:,:)$ contains key cache scales and subspace $(:,:,1,:,:,:)$ contains value cache scales. Must appear if quant_bit is not zero. Data in this tensor will be modified.

attn_mask(optional): tensor(T1)

Optional custom mask. seqlens=seqstarts[1:]-seqstarts[:B] is a sequence contains length of query for each batch. kvlens=kvstarts[1:]-kvstarts[:B] is a sequence contains length of key and value for each batch.

Note: The last dim of mask could be bigger than ${\rm sum}(kvlens)$, because in some flash attention implement may force it to aligned with specific padding value.

Shape: $(num\_heads, {\rm sum}(seqlens), >={\rm sum}(kvlens))$ or $({\rm sum}(seqlens), >={\rm sum}(kvlens))$


attn_output: tensor(T1)

Output feature of attention result

Shape: $(seqstarts[B], num\_heads, head\_dim)$

Type Constraints

T1: float32, float16

T2: float32, float16, int8, int4

T3: float32, float16