1.3.10 (2023-07-22)
- update build (a217822)
1.3.9 (2023-07-22)
- query.builder: incorrect field types are used (ee31ef1)
1.3.8 (2023-07-04)
- update package description to be more concise and accurate (1988367)
1.3.7 (2023-06-26)
1.3.6 (2023-06-25)
- bundle is too big (0196cfc)
1.3.5 (2023-06-25)
1.3.4 (2023-06-25)
- commonjs causing conflicts (5e41b02)
1.3.3 (2023-06-25)
- commonjs causing conflicts (96e740a)
1.3.2 (2023-06-25)
- commonjs causing conflicts (18f9f90)
1.3.1 (2023-06-25)
- commonjs causing conflicts (ad24128)
1.3.0 (2023-06-25)
- add .idea and package.json files to the project (8bdcb07)
- add default export class KinopoiskDev to index.ts (16f9572)
- add release-please configuration file and package to enable automatic releases (c1a381e)
- api.interface.ts: add new file for API interfaces (01f7b7f)
- client-request.ts: add ClientRequest class to handle API requests (2d5feda)
- client-request.ts: add error handling to get method and create IResponseError interface (b91c057)
- client-request.ts: add IResponse interface to handle response data and status code (031c604)
- client-request.ts: add queryParams method to handle query parameters in GET requests (d43b8e2)
- client-request.ts: add version parameter to get method and use URLSearchParams for query parameters (ebf90df)
- client-request: add error handling for failed requests in get method (7879f4b)
- client-request: add support for query parameters in get method (7879f4b)
- enums/version.enum.ts: add VERSIONS enum (ebf90df)
- examples: add example package.json and movie.ts script with usage of kinopoiskdev_ts_client API (91ad1c1)
- flattern.helper.ts: add flattenHelper function to flatten nested objects into a single level object (610faab)
- flattern.helper.ts: add flattern helper function (e29188d)
- image-fields.type.ts: add ImageFields type to represent image query fields (dcc54c9)
- image.service.ts: add getByFilters method to ImageService class (d45c97e)
- image.service.ts: add ImageService class (4a15cd6)
- image.ts: add Image class with constructor that takes KinopoiskDev client as parameter (78a77fc)
- index.ts: add MovieQueryBuilder and SORT_TYPE enum to support building queries for movie service (92a9726)
- index.ts: implement IKinopoiskDev interface in KinopoiskDev class (0458aa3)
- keyword.service.ts: add getByFilters method to KeywordService class (7efb0b7)
- keyword.service.ts: add KeywordService class (4a15cd6)
- kinopoiskdev.interface.ts: create IKinopoiskDev interface with all services and request property (0458aa3)
- movie-fields.type.ts: add MovieFields type that extends IQueryFields interface. MovieFields type contains fields that can be used in queries for movies. (654ce40)
- movie.service.ts: add Filter and MovieFields types to getByFilters method parameters (1654ad7)
- movie.service.ts: add methods to get movies by filters, search query, awards by filters, and possible values by field. Also add methods to get movie by id and random movie. (5a766c9)
- movie.service.ts: add MovieService class (4a15cd6)
- package.json: add dev script to run rollup in watch mode and nodemon on bundle.esm.js (028cdcf)
- package.json: add Jest as a dev dependency and configure it in the Jest object (a8bd939)
- pagination.interface.ts: add IPagination interface to define pagination properties (ac5ce8e)
- pagination.ts: add Pagination class to handle pagination (ac5ce8e)
- pagination.ts: remove IPagination parameter from constructor and add page and limit parameters (fbe183e)
- person-fields.type.ts: add more fields to PersonFields type definition (534d88a)
- person-fields.type.ts: add PersonFields type definition for querying person data with specific fields (cfce824)
- person.service.ts: add methods to get person by id, filters, and search query, and awards by filters and pagination params (7e91c25)
- person.service.ts: add PersonService class (4a15cd6)
- query-params.ts: add queryParams helper function to convert object to URLSearchParams string (da0492c)
- query.builder.ts, query-builder.interface.ts: add support for filtering by exact value and add Filter type definition (76942d2)
- query.builder.ts: add ReviewQueryBuilder, SeasonQueryBuilder, StudioQueryBuilder, and ImageQueryBuilder classes to support new entities. (fd91149)
- query.builder.ts: allow multiple values for a single field in query builder (3ecd495)
- release-please.yml: add release-please workflow to automate versioning and releases (6588588)
- release: add .release-please-manifest.json file with initial version 1.0.0 (0415c2f)
- release: add release-please configuration files (4b25545)
- reset version (117fea6)
- review-fields.type.ts: add BooleanFields type property to ReviewFields interface (dea32b6)
- review-fields.type.ts: add ReviewFields type definition for query fields in reviews endpoint (2a6f222)
- review.service.ts: add getByFilters method to ReviewService class (28c6ab0)
- review.service.ts: add ReviewService class (4a15cd6)
- season-fields.type.ts: add SeasonFields type to query episodes by fields (c8f092a)
- season.service.ts: add getByFilters method to SeasonService class (e62528a)
- season.service.ts: add SeasonService class (4a15cd6)
- sort-type.enum.ts: add SORT_TYPE enum for sorting in ascending and descending order (afff261)
- special-value.enum.ts: add NOT_NULL special value (1f1685b)
- special-value.ts: add NOT_NULL special value constant to be used in the application (5838a73)
- special-value.ts: add special value constant file. (2d5feda)
- studio-fields.type.ts: add StudioFields type definition for GraphQL queries (34d8bc9)
- studio.service.ts: add methods to get studio by id and by filters (b8e9d12)
- studio.service.ts: add StudioService class (4a15cd6)
- tsconfig.json: add esModuleInterop to true to allow for interop between CommonJS and ES6 modules (a8bd939)
- types: add KeywordFields type to represent fields for keyword search (de8346a)
- types: add never type to DateFields and BooleanFields in all types (b39e7d6)
- update release policy (36ce2e6)
- versions.ts: add SPECIAL_VALUE constant for not null values (42d248d)