Releases: OpenMage/magento-lts
#1459 make Mage::getOpenMageVersionInfo() more stable for the release process
#1468 fix markup in
#1469 Delete RELEASE_NOTES.txt
#1436 Remove orphan js/jscolor
#1201 Fix wrong payment info template paths
#1439 Fixed syntax error ytheme-magento.css
#1473 Fix integrity constraint violation when order is canceled (#1220 #1472)
#1424 Ascending alphabetical sort for Attribute Set Name
#1464 Updated composer.json branch alias (#1160 #1460)
#194 fix paypal IPN postback response parsing
#1446 Better error handling when store is disabled
#1404 [BUGFIX] Count doesn't work with group by columns. This fix keeps the group by
#1365 Updating phpstorm meta files with magerun 2.1.0
#1156 Removed observer adminhtml_sales_order_create_create_order (#1154)
#1358 Add a new event adminhtml_block_widget_tabs_html_before
, for adding custom tab (#879)
#1445 make Developer Mode controllable by environment variable for all execution paths
#1302 Fix a bug where product media upload via API was not possible anymore (#1178 #1125 #666)
#1485 New event "init_form_values_after" after data set on a form
#1394 Replace alias methods (#986)
#1480 Add checkout agreement position, closes #1288
#1406 Mage_Rss - DOC block update
#1398 Simplified true/false
#1496 Mage_Core_Model_Translate: Removed unused local variable
#1051 Add features from N98 layout helper (#321 #336 #416)
#1276 Fix array_key_exists on objects (deprecated notice or fatal error)
#1495 Removed unnecessary replacing of variable from parent
#1456 Correct password length message grammar
#1291 Removed redundant if statement
#1324 Notification_Security block - private to protected for easier extending
#1309 Removed unnecessary joins for global attributes
#1497 Upgrade prototype to version 1.7.3
#1450 Fixed CRLF to LF
#1455 Massaction items - removed unused switch
#1467 _exportIterateCollection performance optimization
#1248 mark trigger_recollect before collectTotals
#1418 Fix regression in configuration scope code. Refs #1417
#1281 remove-reference-to-magentocommerce
#1383 Remove latest occurrences of XmlConnect
#1429 Revert "Removed 2 unneeded function calls. Local var is already there."
Ignore media/captcha directory.
#1412 Update static-code-analyses.yml
#1441 Fixed menu cursor
#1160 Updated, closes #985 #992
#1407 Reduced multiple dispatch events in login form for other themes.
merged changes from v19.4.10
3 security updates
GHSA-jrgf-vfw2-hj26 CMS Editor code execution
GHSA-hj6w-xrv3-wjj9 Widget instances allows a hacker to inject an executable file on the server
GHSA-99m6-r53j-4hh2 Layout XML RCE Vulnerability
More Changes:
#1246 Adds support for "SameSite" cookie property
#1356 Fixed return type of Mage_Adminhtml_Block_System_Config_Form::_canShowField
#1275 Add start & stop commands to ddev setup in readme
#1273 Update static-code-analyses.yml
#1206 Reduced multiple dispatch events in login form.
#1140 Github Action Labeler Bot
#1337 Allow rewrite of Mage_Core_Model_File_Validator_Image
#1086 Allow debug in admin
#1378 Declare two variables
#1330 Allow min pass length to 5 during login
#1373 Removed 2 unneeded function calls. Local var is already there.
#1390 Fix class name and filename for case sensitive filesystems
#1336 Fix getId() on bool when primary billing address is null
#1370 Fixed adminhtml boxes.css fieldset-wide for note.
#1168 New event "adminhtml_sales_order_create_save_before" when editing an order.
#1393 Fixes PHP7.4 deprecated nested ternary operators
#1403 TypeError: round(): Argument #1 ($num) must be of type int|float
merged changes from v19.4.9
increase composer.json php version range to include 8.0
#1349 Fixed Zend Lib Deprecated Notice PHP8
#1213 Fix strpos with non-string needle
add UnitTests to Github Actions
#1348 Fixed Zend Lib Tool Deprecated Notice
#1347 Fixed Zend Lib Amf Deprecated Notice
#1340 Fixed Zend Lib Barcode Deprecated
#1346 Fixed Zend Lib Validate Deprecated Notice
#1256 Fix libxml_disable_entity_loader for PHP 8
#1251 Disable class unserialization where it is not needed.
#1350 Trim values from XML so auto-formatting our XML does not break the autoloader.
#1345 Fixed Zend Lib Wildfire Deprecated Notice
#1344 Fixed Zend Lib View Deprecated Notice
#1343 Fixed Zend Lib JSON Deprecated Notice
#1342 Fixed Zend Lib Filter Deprecated Notice
#1341 fix "Cannot unset $this" error
#1261 getAttributeRawValue() move operations with store to if statement
#1274 Removed unused fetchAll in addRatingInfo()
#1278 Handled the case where the coupon no longer exists
#1328 Fix phpDoc for set/getStepData in Checkout
#1323 Improve PHPDoc
#1319 Fix for currency symbol not saved with fatal PHP error #1318
#1297 Update
allow version 4 of hackathon composer installer
#1292 Support the logging of Throwables
#1285 Mage core model url - method call is provided 2 parameters, but the method signature uses 1 parameters
#1161 cleanup: Remove some files left in previous PRs
#1207 bugfix: don't cast min_sale_qty to int as it can be a decimal
#1279 Remove php short open tag
v20.0.4 - 2020-10-20
merged changes from v19.4.8
CVE-2020-15244 RCE via PHP Object injection via SOAP Requests
v19.4.8 - 2020-10-20
CVE-2020-15244 RCE via PHP Object injection via SOAP Requests
#1250 removed use of travisCI
#1236 Adds missing meta tags to prevent SUPEE-11295 related warnings from Magereport
#991 Migrate to new frontend cookie name (session namespace) (#990)
#1266 Add ddev based development setup to Readme
#1247 Fix call_user_func_array arguments for PHP 8
#1242 update mcrypt related explanation in Readme
#1184 Add php-74 to static tests
v20.0.3 - 2020-09-15
merged changes from v19.4.7