1 | 1 |
2 |
| -## v20.0.14 - unreleased |
| 2 | +## v20.0.16 - unreleased |
| 3 | + |
| 4 | +## v20.0.15 - 2022-08-02 |
| 5 | + |
| 6 | +Version bump to prepare for next release by @fballiano in #2088 |
| 7 | +Replaced a lot of Magento logos with OpenMage ones by @fballiano in #1599 |
| 8 | +Remove end class comment by @luigifab in #2092 |
| 9 | +Trim trailing whitespace by @luigifab in #2093 |
| 10 | +Issue #268: sales_order_create_sidebar_wishlist breaks if wishlist module is disabled by @fballiano in #2059 |
| 11 | +Better messages for product alerts by @fballiano in #1930 |
| 12 | +Clean review_entity_summary when reviews are deleted by @fballiano in #1103 |
| 13 | +Fixed admin tabs order not working properly. by @kiatng in #1360 |
| 14 | +Fix admin menu z-index when debug template paths is enabled by @elidrissidev in #1819 |
| 15 | +Change default sort in CMS Pages/Blocks/Widgets grids by @ADDISON74 in #1922 |
| 16 | +Small improvements in Manage Attributes grid by @ADDISON74 in #1944 |
| 17 | +Merge 20.0.14 to 20.0 branch by @fballiano in #2135 |
| 18 | +Added database ID to EAV options table by @fballiano in #2060 |
| 19 | +Clean up empty directories created when file requested does not exist in remote storage. by @colinmollenhour in #1338 |
| 20 | +Add a word-break to list items to keep the layout intact by @loekvangool in #1321 |
| 21 | +fix download custom option backend by @empiricompany in #1827 |
| 22 | +Fix Varien_File_Uploader ignored errors with try catch by @luigifab in #1277 |
| 23 | +User-configurable cron expression for regular cache flushing #2086 by @LukasCesal in #2087 |
| 24 | +Fixed infinite loop of popup alerts in backend attribute set page by @kiatng in #1672 |
| 25 | +Added option not to use timezone in rendering datetime in backend grid. by @kiatng in #1997 |
| 26 | +Upgrade GitHub action/checkout to v3 by @fballiano in #2141 |
| 27 | +Fix admin menu z-index for popup message by @luigifab in #2142 |
| 28 | +Fix undefined array key when an image depend on another field by @luigifab in #2133 |
| 29 | +Fix supplied resource is not a valid stream resource for Varien_Io_File by @eneiasramos in #2040 |
| 30 | +Raise phpstan level to 1 and fix basic issues by @tmotyl in #2055 |
| 31 | +fix wrong tier price percentage rounding by @empiricompany in #2089 |
| 32 | +Replaced travis badge with workflow badges by @fballiano in #2067 |
| 33 | +Update References to Documentation/Magento Website - Issue #988 by @fballiano in #2069 |
| 34 | +Create a global config cache rather than a config cache per store by @rvelhote in #1066 |
| 35 | +Rise Phpstan level 2, fix some issues by @tmotyl in #2146 |
| 36 | +Backend mask title has padding also when not having an icon by @fballiano in #2145 |
| 37 | +Fix config menu css from Isse #1219 by @aterjung in #1224 |
| 38 | +Fix protect code changing on order save by @justinbeaty in #1422 |
| 39 | +Introducing polyfill for is_countable() by @fballiano in #2163 |
| 40 | +Ensure there are no emails without recipient in email queue by @lemundo-team in #1109 |
| 41 | +Fix Core Bug: To make "01/01/1970" a valid birthday by @1Shiroyuuki1 in #1851 |
| 42 | +Fix issues with isCurrentlySecure detection and Offloader Header config. by @colinmollenhour in #1462 |
| 43 | +PHP 8 fix null provided to count() in tax calculation class by @iamniels in #2162 |
| 44 | +Better error handling for issues during bulk attribute update by @woutersamaey in #1434 |
| 45 | +Allow to cancel orders like registerCancellation by @luigifab in #1804 |
| 46 | +Revert "Fix wrong payment info template paths" by @fballiano in #2179 |
| 47 | +Fix Failed IPN changing to Payment Received incorrectly by @fballiano in #2183 |
| 48 | +Reverted commit 2ae8c05 by @fballiano in #2182 |
| 49 | +Revert "creditmemo bundle inventory calculation error" by @fballiano in #2186 |
| 50 | +Sourcemap link removed since this file is not minified by @fballiano in #2187 |
| 51 | +Remove suppression operator from translate method to support PHP 8 by @iamniels in #2161 |
| 52 | +[PHP 8] Fix TypeError when calling round() with a string argument by @elidrissidev in #2193 |
| 53 | +Backend - Change the default sort column in Export page by @ADDISON74 in #2170 |
| 54 | +Fix warnings on undefined user agent by @Caprico85 in #2032 |
| 55 | +Fix PHP 8 Fatal error: Uncaught ValueError: imagecolorsforindex() in Varien_Image_Adapter_Gd2 by @iamniels in #2197 |
| 56 | +Do not calculate catalogrules when there are none by @tmotyl in #1119 |
| 57 | +replacing apc with apcu functions. by @f1-outsourcing in #1951 |
| 58 | +Add robots.txt.sample by @simbus82 in #1024 |
| 59 | +Changed timestamp definition to fix issue #1166 by @fballiano in #2189 |
| 60 | +Cast params receiving int to string by @holozaen in #2144 |
| 61 | +Set log level from config by @elidrissidev in #1727 |
| 62 | +Expected PayPal (Express) field not found in NVP Response: AMT by @luigifab in #1520 |
| 63 | +(BC) Remove js index file by @luigifab in #1622 |
| 64 | +Fix display of Insert widget and Insert variable by @luigifab in #1848 |
| 65 | +Fix region API list response - Update Api.php --> bug by @kyansi in #792 |
| 66 | +Fixed issue #2001, EAV datetime attribute can't save time. by @kiatng in #2003 |
| 67 | +Wrap max log level retrieval from config in a try catch by @elidrissidev in #2203 |
| 68 | +Fix to allow for always reorder by @seansan in #504 |
| 69 | +Remove frontend_type tag for text by @luigifab in #2148 |
| 70 | +Reduce needless saves by avoiding setting _hasDataChanges flag by @colinmollenhour in #2066 |
| 71 | +Pass delimiter char to preg_quote by @MarcinNowakMacopedia in #2047 |
| 72 | +Phpstan errors in pr1325 by @kiatng in #2207 |
| 73 | +Avoids multiplying all price adjustments by the number of websites by @azambon in #1303 |
| 74 | +Use latest media editor plugin (989c4b5 from 2015030) for tinymce v3.5 by @theroch in #1123 |
| 75 | +Some more room for the category menu by @loekvangool in #1314 |
| 76 | +PHP 8: Fix cannot remove category on admin product edit categories tab by @iamniels in #2205 |
| 77 | +Config cache for system.xml loader: Speed improvement by @lamskoy in #1916 |
| 78 | +Remove strict typing for Mage_Catalog_Model_Product->setStockItem met… by @colinmollenhour in #2208 |
| 79 | +Avoid session invalidation when changing session lifetime. by @colinmollenhour in #546 |
| 80 | +Modernize setCategoryIds() by @loekvangool in #1308 |
| 81 | +Replace Magento word with OpenMage in root files by @ADDISON74 in #2215 |
| 82 | +Remove backslash character in translations files by @ADDISON74 in #2219 |
| 83 | +Fix ACL resource name typo in Api2 roles page by @elidrissidev in #2222 |
| 84 | +Missing bottom borders in Orders page with Gift Messages allowed by @ADDISON74 in #2220 |
| 85 | +Backend > Orders grid - More space for columns by @ADDISON74 in #2217 |
| 86 | +Fixed issue #2196, throws error if an email is already a newsletter s… by @kiatng in #2214 |
| 87 | +Widen some dynamic admin input fields by @loekvangool in #1315 |
| 88 | +Admin's password validation during Api's role/user removing process by @przemyslaw-p in #1045 |
| 89 | +Fix multiple "PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value" phpstan errors by @tmotyl in #2227 |
| 90 | +Fix for "non well formed numeric value" by @fballiano in #2225 |
| 91 | +Fixed warning a non-numeric value encountered in /Mage/Catalog/Model/Resource/Product/Option.php by @kiatng in #2228 |
| 92 | +Added support for sending subscribe confirm email by @fballiano in #2195 |
| 93 | +Allow setting optional product attributes to null in REST API by @elidrissidev in #2230 |
| 94 | +Fixed issue #2212 SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown col… by @kiatng in #2221 |
| 95 | +Drop LTS csv files by @luigifab in #1621 |
| 96 | +Remove the word section by @luigifab in #2147 |
| 97 | +Fix Missing Mage_Api_Model_Server_V2_Handler in SOAP v2 WSDL. by @SRaromicon in #392 |
| 98 | +Throw exception when trying to modifying address that does not belong to logged in user by @fballiano in #2231 |
| 99 | +Grid - iterate only columns with filters by @Sekiphp in #1642 |
| 100 | +Fix Mage_Shell_Indexer wrong class name by @fballiano in #2234 |
| 101 | +Backend > Manage Products grid - More space for columns by @ADDISON74 in #2218 |
| 102 | +Make oldFields mapping hardcoded to speed up system by @tmotyl in #921 |
| 103 | +Made sitemap more flexible by @sreichel in #1854 |
| 104 | +Update Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Collection_Abstract::joinTable() by @cebe in #1814 |
| 105 | +Add "Times used" indicator field to promo rule quote grid by @spinsch in #1853 |
| 106 | +bugfix: fix adminhtml translation in config.xml for importexport module by @eneiasramos in #2244 |
| 107 | +Replace deprecated global now() calls with Varien_Date::now() by @Sdfendor in #2250 |
| 108 | +Fix the calculation of bundle saleable status by @aredridel in #2178 |
| 109 | +Revert "Some more room for the category menu" by @ADDISON74 in #2254 |
| 110 | +prevent customer review view from loading foreign reviews by @aterjung in #1970 |
| 111 | +Fix for "reset filter" breaking grid sorting by @fballiano in #2252 |
| 112 | +Flush Magento Cache - button and message changes by @ADDISON74 in #2261 |
| 113 | +Can upload xlsx file by @sdecalom in #2266 |
| 114 | +Backend grid heads - Remove colons after To, From and In words by @ADDISON74 in #2267 |
| 115 | +Merge v19 to v20 by @fballiano in #2206 |
| 116 | +Fixed documentation link for "store scope" in store switcher (backend) by @fballiano in #2256 |
| 117 | +Fix Varien_Io_File ignored errors with error control operator by @luigifab in #1269 |
| 118 | +Fix store id filter in catalogProductList SOAP method by @elidrissidev in #2243 |
| 119 | +Small changes in .htaccess file /media directory by @ADDISON74 in #2280 |
| 120 | +Removed lib/flex by @fballiano in #2271 |
| 121 | +All .gitignore files in one place by @ADDISON74 in #2269 |
| 122 | +Create/Update .htaccess file in skin and media directories by @ADDISON74 in #2289 |
| 123 | +Add magento-composer-installer to allowed plugins by @elidrissidev in #2296 |
| 124 | +Delete .htaccess.sample by @ADDISON74 in #2293 |
| 125 | +Update php.ini.sample by @ADDISON74 in #2292 |
| 126 | +Fix editing special price in product mass attribute update by @fballiano in #2287 |
| 127 | +Added required PHP modules to composer.json by @fballiano in #2064 |
| 128 | +Update robots.txt.sample by @ADDISON74 in #2307 |
| 129 | +Include exception message when generating error report by @elidrissidev in #2311 |
| 130 | +add some ReturnTypeWillChange annotations to Varien_object by @Flyingmana in #2301 |
| 131 | +Fix xml validation problems by @fballiano in #2242 |
| 132 | +Create .htaccess file in js directory (OM-20 only) by @ADDISON74 in #2305 |
| 133 | +Fix argument must contain at least one element by @luigifab in #2091 |
| 134 | +Order add comment functionality in REST API by @elidrissidev in #2315 |
| 135 | +XML validation workflow by @fballiano in #2314 |
| 136 | +add basic unitTest for xml validation by @Flyingmana in #2304 |
| 137 | +Fix "Variable might not be defined" PHPStan error by @elidrissidev in #2316 |
| 138 | +Addendum to PR 2087 by @ADDISON74 in #2308 |
| 139 | +Allow to rename api.php by @luigifab in #2132 |
| 140 | +Removed module Mage_PageCache by @fballiano in #2258 |
| 141 | +Fix phpdoc for saveAttribute() by @Caprico85 in #2320 |
| 142 | +Small changes in root files by @ADDISON74 in #2324 |
| 143 | +Add a message calling for an end to the Russian invasion of Ukraine by @luigifab in #2074 |
| 144 | +Mage Factory Methods: Direct "_registry" Access Without Method Call by @Sdfendor in #2319 |
| 145 | +Fixes a notice by @azambon in #2318 |
| 146 | +Add vendor folder to gitignore by @elidrissidev in #2334 |
| 147 | +Fix for modphp8 by @fballiano in #2329 |
| 148 | +Fix for modphp8 by @fballiano in #2328 |
| 149 | +Update Flat.php to correct bug #2337 by @matteorossi-thespacesm in #2338 |
| 150 | +Fix #815 - add getAttributeRawText function by @justinbeaty in #2312 |
| 151 | +gitignore: added VScode, PhpStorm files and ddev config.yaml by @sreichel in #2343 |
| 152 | +Removed docker-dde sample by @sreichel in #2346 |
| 153 | +Removed dead code by @sreichel in #2339 |
| 154 | +Cosmetic fix in Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Payment by @fballiano in #2350 |
| 155 | + |
| 156 | + |
| 157 | +## v20.0.14 - 2022-05-18 |
| 158 | + |
| 159 | +Add field info to exception when thrown in saving System Configuration. by @kiatng in #1784 |
| 160 | +Fix Tax Rule name update by @elidrissidev in #1728 |
| 161 | +Fixed method addExpressionFieldToSelect to use Zend_Db_Expr by @midlan in #1259 |
| 162 | +enable programmatic creation of reviews for specific users by @luigifab in #1803 |
| 163 | +API fix option labels for store view by @woutersamaey in #1828 |
| 164 | +Fix newsletter subcriber loading by customer by @mmenozzi in #1779 |
| 165 | +Fix file delete of customer attribute by @kiatng in #927 |
| 166 | +Trim trailing whitespace by @luigifab in #1834 and #1846 |
| 167 | +Updated .gitignore by @midlan in #1859 |
| 168 | +Add gitpod online IDE config by @Flyingmana in #1836 |
| 169 | +Add phpstan configuration, dependencies and github action by @Flyingmana in #1875 |
| 170 | +Add Mage_Index helpers declaration to config.xml by @elidrissidev in #1878 |
| 171 | +API: _getLocation - removed unused argument; fix phpdoc by @Sekiphp in #1867 |
| 172 | +Grid page size: replaced similar lines to foreach by @Sekiphp in #1856 |
| 173 | +Fix exception handling on Observer call when class not found by @spinsch in #1861 |
| 174 | +Fixes catalog pricerules with dates in conditions, closes #433 by @sreichel in #1159 |
| 175 | +Zend_Locale_Format::isNumber throws notice for float values by @fballiano in #1758 |
| 176 | +Update PayPal currencies and countries by @luigifab in #1805 |
| 177 | +Aggregate most viewed products report daily via a Cron job by @elidrissidev in #1829 |
| 178 | +extend php Syntax check to php 8.1 by @Flyingmana in #1883 |
| 179 | +Fix incompatible declaration error by @holozaen in #1890 |
| 180 | +Zend registry - removed method offset exists (using parental) by @Sekiphp in #1873 |
| 181 | +[PHP 8.1] Fix deprecation notice in mcryptcompat lib by @Sdfendor in #1891 |
| 182 | +Bugfix #1885 - Add to cart only accepts 1 item by @gdemarsico in #1896 |
| 183 | +Array to string conversion when adding reviews from backend by @fballiano in #1769 |
| 184 | +Update phpdoc in Collection.php by @rubanooo in #1816 |
| 185 | +Fix syntax in lib/Zend/Locale/Data/es_419.xml by @elidrissidev in #1901 |
| 186 | +make fulltext search separator (OR/AND) configurable from backend by @sreichel in #1852 |
| 187 | +Revert of Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid::_exportIterateCollection by @midlan in #1914 |
| 188 | +demo.html is an unnecessary file by @ADDISON74 in #1926 |
| 189 | +Revert #1355 for transactional email by @luigifab in #1898 |
| 190 | +Sort ascending CMS Block list in Categories by @ADDISON74 in #1925 |
| 191 | +[PHP 8.0] Refactor legacy usage of implode in Mage_Api2 by @elidrissidev in #1938 |
| 192 | +Initialize Api2 Fields validator's required fields array by @elidrissidev in #1936 |
| 193 | +No alt tag value in Recently Viewed Products side block by @ADDISON74 in #1920 |
| 194 | +Dashboard - Top 5 Search Terms link issue by @ADDISON74 in #1917 |
| 195 | +Removed unused var $_odd in templates. by @kiatng in #1964 |
| 196 | +Documentation fix on README file about composer require by @nimasan in #1954 |
| 197 | +Fix typo in Zend/Date.php by @eltociear in #1979 |
| 198 | +[PHP 8.0] Check if track progressdetail is an array before calling count by @elidrissidev in #1982 |
| 199 | +[PHP 8.1] Fix cookie deletion behavior by @Sdfendor in #1984 |
| 200 | +updateAttributeSet() accepting array or string by @Sekiphp in #1535 |
| 201 | +Fix typo in code comment by @dotancohen in #1988 |
| 202 | +Fix #1924 non-existing field by @woutersamaey in #1941 |
| 203 | +Added optgroup feature for massaction items (grids) by @Sekiphp in #1913 |
| 204 | +PHPDoc fix for Mage_Core_Model_Config by @Sdfendor in #1802 |
| 205 | +Missing middlename for salesOrderAddressEntity in SOAP APIs by @fballiano in #1977 |
| 206 | +Attribute note adminhtml show translate by @boesbo in #1710 |
| 207 | +Removed global polyfill function for PHP versions below 7.0 by @Sdfendor in #1990 |
| 208 | +fix typo in _applyCustomOption() to correctly calculate min/max price by @jouriy in #1500 |
| 209 | +Fix typo: Replace 'Retrive' with 'Retrieve' globally by @tmewes in #1995 |
| 210 | +Add formkey validation to Newsletter subscribe action (theme BC-break) by @elidrissidev in #1866 |
| 211 | +Added ability to add target attribute for adminhtml menu items by @Sekiphp in #1985 |
| 212 | +Add docblock to app\code\core\Mage\Adminhtml\Block\Widget\Grid\Column… by @kiatng in #1987 |
| 213 | +[PHP 8.1] Fix passing null to trim() by @elidrissidev in #2002 |
| 214 | +Replaced remaining deprecated urlEscape calls. by @Sdfendor in #2008 |
| 215 | +Update phpstan version by @tmotyl in #2015 |
| 216 | +Replaced isAvailable() with isSalable() so events are considered by @woutersamaey in #1630 |
| 217 | +Use mb_substr to split the postcode by @luigifab in #1357 |
| 218 | +Fix count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable by @Sekiphp in #1960 |
| 219 | +Fix getting default min_sale_qty when trying to mass-update product attributes by @elidrissidev in #1850 |
| 220 | +Add polyfill for PHP8 native string functions by @tmotyl in #2014 |
| 221 | +Improve getScheme on Zend_Controller_Request_Http by @mmenozzi in #1872 |
| 222 | +Fix @method declarations in Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Eav_Attribute by @Caprico85 in #2031 |
| 223 | +Deprecated global function "now" because it's equivalent to Varien_Date::now() by @Sdfendor in #1991 |
| 224 | +Fixed the unused parameter in assignProduct by @rubanooo in #2011 |
| 225 | +Remove white space for config values for #1852 by @luigifab in #2020 |
| 226 | +password_new.html - typo in vars by @m-overlund in #2039 |
| 227 | +add unit Tests and send coverage results to SonarCloud by @Flyingmana in #2041 |
| 228 | +Use vanillaJS instead of prototype in Wishlist add to cart column by @MarcinNowakMacopedia in #2051 |
| 229 | +do not mark github job as failes through sonar failure by @Flyingmana in #2053 |
| 230 | +Analyze most of the source code with phpstan. Provide baseline. by @tmotyl in #2035 |
| 231 | +Update PHPdoc and remove useless var by @bastienlm in #2056 |
| 232 | +Add unit tests for security helper validateAgainstBlockMethodBlacklist and provide composer.lock by @tmotyl in #2058 |
| 233 | +Fix widget edition in WYSIWYG by @FredericMartinez in #1605 |
| 234 | +Use vanillaJS instead of encodeURI in wishlist add to cart by @MarcinNowakMacopedia in #2052 |
| 235 | +Fixed bug on incorrect category store_id when set with store code in … by @kiatng in #1601 |
| 236 | +Remove notification survey block by @kkrieger85 in #1267 |
| 237 | +Fixed grid filter reset by @spinsch in #821 |
| 238 | +Documentation of some changes by @luigifab in #1831 |
| 239 | +Fix: Integrity constraint violation: Duplicate key by @tim-breitenstein-it in #1331 |
| 240 | +Align label with value by @AlterWeb in #1230 |
| 241 | +Remove backend current date from backend's header by @fballiano in #2063 |
| 242 | +Lazy load contributors images by @luigifab in #2070 |
| 243 | +Do not save customer addresses when there are no changes by @luigifab in #1579 |
| 244 | +Removed getQty() from Mage_Wishlist_IndexController by @fballiano in #2072 |
| 245 | +Add title for old googlecheckout payment method by @luigifab in #2076 |
| 246 | +Default sortby should be read from core_config_data by @fballiano in #2062 |
| 247 | +Prevent Zend_Date from checking locale for know date codes by @MarcinNowakMacopedia in #2050 |
| 248 | +Update admin login pages by @luigifab in #1618 |
| 249 | +Do not render action or massaction column in totals row in adminhtml grid by @theroch in #1530 |
| 250 | +Fix instructions update for bank transfer orders by @luigifab in #2075 |
| 251 | +Add missing attributes to salesOrderInvoiceInfo SOAP method by @elidrissidev in #1999 |
3 | 252 |
4 | 253 |
5 | 254 | ## v20.0.13 - 2021-08-26
0 commit comments