resolve API invoked by mapper_resolution_worker (Celery worker task)
Worker invoked by mapper_resolution_beat_producer (Celery beat producer)
frequency hourly (specified by configuration yml) attempts yes. subject to a configurable limit specified by configuration yml driving table mapper_resolution_batch_status eligible records resolution_status = 'PENDING'
Pick up all "PENDING" records from mapper_resolution_batch_status
Dispatch a Task to Resolution Worker Task with Payload = mapper_resolution_batch_id
Payload received - disbursement_mapper_resolution_batch_id
get a list of disbursement_id, beneficiary_id from disbursement_batch_control
Create a Map of <beneficiary_id, disbursement_id>
Create Payload for Mapper - Resolve API - with List of Beneficiary IDs
Invoke Mapper - Resolve API, send the list of beneficiary IDs, receive Financial Address
SUCCESS (from mapper resolution API invoke)
Use the Map of <beneficiary_id, disbursement_id> to insert into the table disbursement_mapper_resolution_details
Update table - mapper_resolution_batch_status (resolution_status = PROCESSED, resolution_attempts+ = 1)
Insert resolution details into mapper_resolution_details (use the map of <beneficiary_id, disbursement_id> for this
FAILURE (from mapper resolution API invoke)
Update table - mapper_resolution_batch_status (resolution_status = PENDING, latest_error_code, resolution_attempts+ = 1)
Attribute Description mapper_resolution_batch_id Non Unique Index disbursement_id Unique Index beneficiary_id Non Unique Index mapper_resolved_fa mapper_resolved_phone_number mapper_resolved_email_address mapper_resolved_name