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Structure of the OEO

akleinau edited this page Apr 15, 2020 · 10 revisions

The main file oeo.omn of the OEO imports several modules. They are separated in "edits" and "imports".


These files are the changeable files the OEO is mainly developed in. They contain OEO-specific classes.

  • oeo-model: covers entities for models, assumptions, parameters, data, software and all the processes that transform these, including model execution and data transformation."
  • oeo-physical: covers all those aspects of the world that are relevant for the energy systems domain, including physical entities such as generators, power lines, technologies, hardware, portions of matter; attributes of those, such as the energy they carry or release, whether they can be a pollutant, or their origins; representational transformations into maps and measures, such as coordinates, units, quantities; and the processes that modify the physical entities, such as energy production.
  • oeo-social: covers entities that relate to people and the social, organisational and economic environment in which energy is produced and consumed, including sector, organisation, and various roles.


These files are extern ontologies or subsets of extern ontologies imported in the OEO to improve compatability with other ontologies and to not "re-invent the wheel".

  • iao-annotation-module.owl: a subset of the information artifact ontology containing all its annotations
  • iao-module.owl: a subset of the information artifact ontology containing classes to describe information artifacts
  • ro-module.owl: a subset of the relationship ontology containing relations relevant for the OEO
  • uo-module.owl: the unit ontology containing classes to describe units
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