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Discussion Workflow

akleinau edited this page Dec 14, 2020 · 7 revisions

Add new terms

When new terms should be included in the ontology the following workflow is recommended:

  1. find a definition and a label without using "BFO words" to encourage domain experts
  2. look for parent classes and rewrite definition
  3. Add relations

General recommendations

  • make counterproposals when you disagree
  • "follow through" with issues (no long breaks)
  • encourage phone calls
  • cluser issues (meta-issues, specialised meetings)

Solve long issues: compromise process

When an issue reaches over 20 comments the new compromise process is initialised:

  1. all sides formulate concrete proposals
  2. Compromise meeting: neutral person (assigned per dev meeting) and all sides try to find compromise
  3. if compromise meeting is uncussesful: discussion in next developer meeting with vote to decide
  4. when an agreement is reached:
  • assign person for implementation
  • discussion shouldn't be reopened for ~ 6 months
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