Releases: OpenCTI-Platform/opencti
Releases · OpenCTI-Platform/opencti
Version 6.3.10
- #8869 [backend] Improve performance by better targeting indices for query
Bug Fixes:
- #8901 Public dashboard erros on some widgets when not configuring any time range
- #8867 Permissions from External Auth Server Not Mapped to OpenCTI Platform Groups When Logging in via loginFromProvider
- #8675 [OPENCTI-MODULE] INGESTION - Error with taxii handler CISA-GOV - Atribute Must be a string
- #8560 Title not taken into account in Text widget
- #8330 Hamburger buttons to update or delete an attack pattern within an incident doesn't work and redirect to the attack pattern page.
- #8178 Entities validated in a report's analyst workbench are not included in the report
- #7965 ImportFileStix2 - Importing STIX file from within a Grouping does not add the imported objects to the Grouping
- #7620 Domain observable with underscore is incorrectly rejected
- #6361 Creating a lot of relationships at once causes a timeout error
Pull Requests:
- Permissions from External Auth Server Not Mapped to OpenCTI Platform Groups When Logging in via loginFromProvider by @savannah030 in #8868
- [backend] Improve performance by better targeting indices for query by @richard-julien in #8615
- Update dependency react-syntax-highlighter to v15.6.1 by @renovate in #8866
- Update dependency react-grid-layout to v1.5.0 by @renovate in #8862
- [frontend] Display the title in widgetText by @CelineSebe in #8841
- [frontend] Remove "update" or "delete" button on attack pattern within an incident kill chain view(#8330) by @CelineSebe in #8836
- [backend] fix taxii cursor number error (#8675) by @aHenryJard in #8840
- [backend] Fix logging for tests / Enforce report creation and adapt test by @richard-julien in #8900
- [frontend] fix startDate and endDate default values in public dashboard widgets (#8901) by @JeremyCloarec in #8902
- [backend] Domain observable checker is incorrect (#7620) by @SarahBocognano in #8768
- [frontend] fix enrichment buttons (#8825) by @labo-flg in #8907
New Contributors:
- @savannah030 made their first contribution in #8868
Full Changelog: 6.3.9...6.3.10
Version 6.3.9
Bug Fixes:
- #8837 Bug may lead to deletion of all entities in OpenCTI
- #8800 Finding report duplicates does not work properly
- #8767 Having a large number of Organizations slows down the playbooks
- #8642 Extremely high CPU usage in workers
- #8575 Report export to STIX2 brings start_time == stop_time for relations
- #8282 Useless vertical scrollbar in custom dashboard + hidden by the header
Pull Requests:
- [frontend] UI fix scrollbar useless in custom dashboard (#8282) by @CelineSebe in #8823
- [frontend] Fix global search toolbar (#8837) by @SouadHadjiat in #8845
- [backend/frontend] Fix playbook organization sharing schema (#8767) by @SouadHadjiat in #8811
Full Changelog: 6.3.8...6.3.9
Version 6.3.8
Bug Fixes:
- #8825 Enrichment panel do not open for SCOs
- #8720 Improve info log level for task manager to help troubleshoot issues
- #8682 Reset of the "display as" settings
- #8656 [CI] multi-repository PR should default as PR target branch and not master
- #7720 Extension is not always set to ".json" in dashboard export, which lead to not be able to re-import without renaming the file
- #7697 [filters] 'lower than / equals' operator for date filters doesn't take 'equals' into account
Pull Requests:
- [frontend] Fix enrichment button (#8825) by @Kedae in #8828
- [frontend] Add defaultStartTime and stopTime for StixCoreRelationship creation (#8575) by @marieflorescontact in #8782
- [frontend] filters: lte and gt operators with dates (#7697) by @Archidoit in #7942
Full Changelog: 6.3.7...6.3.8
Version 6.3.7
- #8636 Avoid breaking UI when too many labels are associated to an entity
- #8151 Upgrade CKeditor to latest version
- #6643 Leaked Tokens are not revokable
Bug Fixes:
- #8742 Retro-compatibility mappings mode for reindexing broke the SSO login
- #8740 Data is not deduplicated when an entity under restriction (marking) is updated
- #8726 [Dashboard] Two "name" filter
- #8712 Missing author column in the home dashboard reports list
- #8683 No error when updating an indicator with incorrectly formatted pattern
- #8681 Not possible to view the list of reports authored by an organization
- #8649 cannot create a public dashboard from the dashboard list
- #8630 [Dashboard] Counter in knowledge perspective no longer takes into account time filter
- #8599 Observables distribution graph is not respecting the height of the box
- #8557 Creation Date display error after node edit in Investigation graph
- #8506 open a new tab from listing
- #8501 Not possible to CTRL+click directly on the left menu (first level)
- #8483 Sightings tabs in observables are broken
- #8442 English grammar errors in the titles of the default dashboard widgets
- #8333 Missing entites in shared report
- #8291 OpenCTI failed to validate YARA rules containing "\r" escape sequence in text strings.
- #8288 The 'entities overview' loader is not the one used in the rest of the application
- #8225 Bad icon used in connector overview
- #8180 Inconsistency in potential duplicate warning messages
- #8175 Layout issue when loading cases
- #8101 Organisation Admins: multiple issues
- #8058 Multiple issues in opinions
- #7992 CSV import is buggy
- #7797 [Workbench] Sightings default value displayed as Unknown
- #7796 Error at relationships export in json
- #7719 N subscribers is not correctly vertically centered within the button
- #6361 Creating a lot of relationships at once causes a timeout error
Pull Requests:
- [frontend] Bad icons replaced in connector overview(#8225) by @CelineSebe in #8669
- [frontend] Fix the height of the Observables distribution graph(#8599) by @CelineSebe in #8670
- [frontend] Fix time filters in relationships counters (#8630) by @Archidoit in #8668
- [frontend] In Investigation graph fix date display after node modification (#8557) by @Gwendoline-FAVRE-FELIX in #8678
- [frontend] use new loader in report overview (#8288) by @frapuks in #8385
- Initial Changes to support dynamic configurable required fields via settings --> customization by @ParamConstructor in #6972
- [backend] Fix missing entites in shared report (#8333) by @marieflorescontact in #8587
- [backend/frontend] fix multiple issues for Organisation Admins (#8101) by @marieflorescontact in #8459
- [frontend] Containers list in Analysis tab of Organization display as Author (#8681) by @Archidoit in #8690
- [frontend] redirect link updated for observables (#8483) by @ValentinBouzinFiligran in #8695
- [backend/frontend] Allow security admin to renew users token (#6643) by @aHenryJard in #8667
- [frontend] Missing author column in the home dashboard reports list (#8712) by @ValentinBouzinFiligran in #8719
- [frontend] Danger zone: rule engine, EE deactivation, marking lists and file indexing (#8284) by @marieflorescontact in #8699
- Popover Removal - Locations by @daimyo007 in #8199
- [backend] check indicator pattern syntax when update (#8683) by @marieflorescontact in #8717
- [backend] replace plyara with yara-python for yara indicator check (#8291) by @JeremyCloarec in #8731
- Bump http-proxy-middleware from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 in /opencti-platform/opencti-front by @dependabot in #8744
- [backend] update cookie from 0.6.0 to 0.7.0 by @labo-flg in #8775
- Update dependency @xmldom/xmldom to v0.9.4 by @renovate in #8773
- Update dependency @playwright/test to v1.48.1 by @renovate in #8772
- [frontend] Migrate CK Editor to 9.3 (#8151) by @labo-flg in #8787
- Update dependency convert to v5.5.1 by @renovate in #8774
- Update dependency filigran-ui to v0.20.3 by @renovate in #8780
- [backend] Revert "Update dependency @xmldom/xmldom to v0.9.4" by @Kedae in #8791
- Popover Removal - Cases by @daimyo007 in #8121
- Update dependency i18n-auto-translation to v1.8.2 by @renovate in #8781
- [backend] deduplication check is now done with SYSTEM user (#8740) by @JeremyCloarec in #8786
- Update aws-sdk-js-v3 monorepo to v3.679.0 by @renovate in #8770
- Update Node.js to v20.18.0 by @renovate in #8769
- Update dependency file-type to v19.6.0 by @renovate in #8779
- Update dependency eslint-plugin-react to v7.37.2 by @renovate in #8778
- Update dependency to v3.1.1 by @renovate in #8771
- Update dependency eslint-plugin-import to v2.31.0 by @renovate in #8776
- [front] Fix potential duplicate warning messages (#8180) by @CelineSebe in #8765
- Popover Removal - Analyses (Updated) by @daimyo007 in #8106
- [backend] Adding info logs to task manager (#8720) by @aHenryJard in #8725
- [CI] Update scripts to use PR target branch instead of hardcoded master (#8656) by @aHenryJard in #8732
- [frontend] filter utils tests by @Archidoit in #8718
- [backend] Attributes can't have same label and different names in schema (#8726) by @Archidoit in #8738
- [frontend] Extension is not always set to .json (#7720) by @ValentinBouzinFiligran in #8746
- [frontend] Fix delete button behaviour by @marieflorescontact in #8802
New Contributors:
- @daimyo007 made their first contribution in #8199
Full Changelog: 6.3.6...6.3.7
Version 6.3.6
- #8498 Add "Vulnerabilities" view in the knowledge tab of a System entity
- #8453 Support of "has" relationship between a System and a Vulnerability
Bug Fixes:
- #8665 Ingestion performance issue on related-to from obserable to entities
- #8650 objects (labels, kill chain phases) are clickable resulting in an empty page
- #8647 Editing some objects titles from the view list is broken - edition drawer is not responsive
- #8642 Extremely high CPU usage in workers
- #8641 [Kill chain phase ordering] We can't modify the order
- #8635 [Regression] IP location flag no longer appears
- #8626 Results of OpenBAS scenarios are not displayed anymore in OpenCTI
- #8624 Bulk search is not working properly anymore
- #8579 Knowledge graph is not displaying all entities
- #8576 Relationship " authored by " not properly displayed in Knowledge tab
- #8547 Internal document identifier are case sensitive
- #8545 [live stream] external references are not synced
- #8533 Narrative list wrong icon + alignment issue
- #8495 In some old instances, we have objectOrganization indexed, which causes an issue when deleting entity
- #8310 Playbook "log data in standard output" warning option should use "warn" level instead of "warning"
- #8223 External reference overview panels not aligned
- #7962 The derived-from relationship is not supported for all STIX domain objects and cyber observables
- #6657 When having a trigger covering URLs or an Indicator genreated from an URL Observable, URL is clickable in the notification or the description
Pull Requests:
- [frontend] Narrative list wrong icon + alignment issue (#8533) by @SarahBocognano in #8594
- Update dependency react-router-dom to v6.26.2 by @renovate in #8565
- Update dependency react-force-graph-3d to v1.24.4 by @renovate in #8564
- Update dependency qrcode to v1.5.4 by @renovate in #8562
- [backend] change file upload to be case insensitive (#8547) by @JeremyCloarec in #8554
- [Backend] External reference fail creation as checked attribute is not the good one (#8545) by @richard-julien in #8548
- [Backend] Get all objects pagination can stop for invalid global count (#8579) by @richard-julien in #8592
- [frontend] Fix english grammar errors in the titles of the default dashboard widgets (#8442) by @CelineSebe in #8605
- [backend/frontend] Use ID instead of label when resolving expectation from OpenBAS by @RomuDeuxfois in #8589
- Update dependency react-force-graph-2d to v1.25.6 by @renovate in #8563
- [backend] use component name in traces and fix warn issue.(#8352)(#8310) by @aHenryJard in #8625
- Update dependency apexcharts to v3.54.0 by @renovate in #8618
- Update dependency filigran-ui to v0.19.4 by @renovate in #8622
- Update dependency file-type to v19.5.0 by @renovate in #8620
- [frontend] Remove links from Notifications (#6657) by @Kedae in #8591
- [frontend] External reference overview panels not aligned (#8223) by @SarahBocognano in #8628
- [frontend] Display fixes (#8284) by @Kedae in #8632
- [backend] Add feed queue control. Only add jobs if current queue is empty by @richard-julien in #8617
- [frontend] Fix flag display for observables (#8635) by @Kedae in #8637
- [frontend] Fix bulk search by @Kedae in #8633
- Update dependency esbuild to v0.24.0 by @renovate in #8619
- Update dependency filigran-icon to v0.9.0 by @renovate in #8621
- Update Docker tag to v25.0.6 by @renovate in #8544
- [frontend] fix ui after apexcharts update 3.54.0 by @labo-flg in #8645
- Update dependency helmet to v7.2.0 by @renovate in #8623
- [backend/frontend] Add derived-from relationship in SDO & SCO of same type (#7962) by @SarahBocognano in #8220
- Update dependency vite-plugin-static-copy to v1.0.6 by @renovate in #8541
- Update dependency @types/nconf to v0.10.7 by @renovate in #8530
- Update dependency openai to v4.67.3 by @renovate in #8500
- [frontend + backend] added vulnerabilitties tab and 'has' relationship by @stefan1anuby in #8458
- Additional Threat Actor Relationship Types by @Bonsai8863 in #8341
- [backend] Do not impact entities targeted by related to relations from observables (#8665) by @SamuelHassine in #8666
- [frontend] Rollback on unclear code and fix navigation (#8647) by @Kedae in #8662
- [backend] Ensure that all connectors queues are initialized at platform start (#8642) by @richard-julien in #8664
- [frontend] Update relationship creation and display (#8576) by @Kedae in #8634
- [backend] ignore objectOrganization in reindexing (#8495) by @JeremyCloarec in #8496
Full Changelog: 6.3.5...6.3.6
Version 6.3.5
- #8536 [Backend] Add SAML option to get email from attribute
- #7255 [Investigation]: Change the "representation" key used in an investigation for an observable of type "File"
- #4864 Enhance retention policy deletion performances / speed
Bug Fixes:
- #8568 Not enough margin top in entity => history (search bar hidden)
- #8520 Indicator valid_until field is not displayed in list view
- #8514 Different font styles in correlated reports list
- #8445 English grammar errors in the toggle labels for the "Update a group" panel
- #8433 [Dashboards] Can't modify dashboards settings even in admin (bypass all cap)
- #8316 Infinite load is broken in container add entity
- #8273 Right menu in security is not correctly highlighted when entering roles / users / groups
- #8249 Update Observable header has wrong color
- #8174 Multiple issues in markdown content files
- #8050 Group members are inconsistent and can lead to mistakes on managing RBAC
- #7634 Cannot search by hashes in knowledge graph
- #7043 User can merge entities without the full visibility of entities merged
- #6656 Autocomplete in filters return odd results
Pull Requests:
- Update Docker tag to v8.15.2 by @renovate in #8543
- Update Docker tag to v8.15.2 by @renovate in #8542
- [backend] store enum filters values in constants by @Archidoit in #8436
- Update dependency @types/ramda to v0.30.2 by @renovate in #8532
- Update dependency @types/node to v20.16.10 by @renovate in #8531
- Update dependency http-proxy-middleware to v3.0.2 by @renovate in #8526
- Update dependency jsdom to v24.1.3 by @renovate in #8527
- Update dependency vite to v5.4.8 by @renovate in #8540
- Update dependency express to v4.21.0 by @renovate in #8476
- [frontend] Allow middle-mouse button to click on DataTable (#8394) by @Kedae in #8464
- [frontend] remove valid_until column in indicators list (#8520) by @labo-flg in #8521
- [frontend] correlated reports policies size (#8514) by @Archidoit in #8555
- [frontend] Fix right menu in security not being correctly highlighted when entering roles, users, or groups. (#8273) by @CelineSebe in #8567
- Update dependency html-to-pdfmake to v2.5.13 by @renovate in #8525
- [frontend] Group members are inconsistent and can lead to mistakes on managing RBAC (#8050) by @SarahBocognano in #8098
- [frontend] Fix margin (#8568) by @Kedae in #8573
- [frontend] Change the "representation" key used in an investigation for an observable of type "File" (#7634) by @Gwendoline-FAVRE-FELIX in #8504
- [Backend] Add SAML option to get email from attribute (#8536) by @richard-julien in #8537
- [frontend] fixed header colors (#8249) by @stefan1anuby in #8277
- [frontend] Add pop up warning when activate organization segregation (#8284) by @marieflorescontact in #8586
- [frontend] English grammar errors in the toggle labels for the "Update a group" panel (#8445) by @SarahBocognano in #8595
- [backend/frontend] Dashboard selection fix + some widget alignment (#8433) by @Kedae in #8590
- [backend/frontend] Implementation of sensitive configuration protection (#8284) by @aHenryJard in #8509
- [frontend] Improve PDF handling in Content (#8174) by @Kedae in #8593
- [frontend] Trial for color in DangerZone (#8284) by @Kedae in #8603
- [Backend] Enhance retention policy deletion performances / speed (#4864) by @richard-julien in #8569
- [frontend] fix danger zone display in capabilities (#8284) by @labo-flg in #8609
Full Changelog: 6.3.4...6.3.5
Version 6.3.4
Bug Fixes:
- #7477 OpenCTI fails to detect successfully authenticated OpenID Connect SSO via ADFS
- #8512 [livestream] update and removal are not done anymore on destination
- #7925 OIDC logout remote not working
- #8451 [Export] Inconsistency in the number of exported entities
- #8515 [RSS feed] Author set in ingester not applied
- #8265 Worbench creation pop-up freezes if workbench of same name already exists
- #8440 Can't remove latitude and longitude of locations in UI
Pull Requests:
- Bump rollup from 4.21.3 to 4.22.4 in /opencti-platform/opencti-graphql by @dependabot in #8461
- Bump rollup from 4.21.0 to 4.22.4 in /opencti-platform/opencti-front by @dependabot in #8462
- [frontend] enable latitude and longitude removing from UI (#8440) by @Archidoit in #8450
- Left Nav Menu Changes by @Bonsai8863 in #8137
- [frontend] fixed workbench creation pop-up in case of error (#8265) by @stefan1anuby in #8285
- [frontend] Need to refresh the page to see the new attack patterns added in Techniques / Attack Patterns (#8516) by @Gwendoline-FAVRE-FELIX in #8517
- Update dependency react-intl to v6.7.0 by @renovate in #8503
- Update dependency pdfmake to v0.2.13 by @renovate in #8474
- Update aws-sdk-js-v3 monorepo to v3.658.1 by @renovate in #8475
- Update dependency nodemailer to v6.9.15 by @renovate in #8473
- Update dependency axios to v1.7.7 by @renovate in #8471
- Update dependency antlr4 to v4.13.2 by @renovate in #8470
- Update dependency @playwright/test to v1.47.2 by @renovate in #8355
- [backend] Add remote logout_remote value to openId options (#7766) by @aHenryJard in #8466
- [dev] Add a profile to run opensearch locally by @aHenryJard in #8397
- [backend] Fix the detection and usage of dedicated headers by @richard-julien in #8528
- [Backend] Add OpenID Connect SSO support for Microsoft ADFS to get user claims from the id_token by @animedbz16 in #7478
New Contributors:
- @animedbz16 made their first contribution in #7478
Full Changelog: 6.3.3...6.3.4
Version 6.2.19
Bug Fixes:
- #8512 [livestream] update and removal are not done anymore on destination
Full Changelog: 6.2.18...6.2.19
Version 6.3.3
Bug Fixes:
- #8451 In global search, the "local" search field should not be displayed (and is not working currently)
- #8443 Breadcrumb is too high / spacing incorrect
- #8435 Search bar too high in Customization
- #8424 MITRE ATT&CK ordering is not applied in the matrix view
- #8421 Export button is missing in the global search
- #8419 Playbook position is raising errors float versus int
- #8414 [Activity log - Filter] Missing value in Activity log filters
- #8407 User unable to export filtered indicators
- #8401 Double scrollbars in custom dashboards
- #8396 Table pagination counter should be rounded to first digit
- #8394 CTRL-Click is no longer possible on entity tables
- #8393 Bug/Regression - Bulk edition of status not possible
- #8280 Loader in knowledge graph should be position at center vertically, not at the top
- #8274 Missing breadcrumb in multiple entities/objects overview
- #8241 There are 'Exports lists' in another report (OBSERVABLES in report)
- #8240 Settings panels not aligned
- #8162 Search in "Correlation view" is not working
- #7921 [Dashboard] Date displayed as non-human readable format (timestamp)
- #7226 Created field not present but required for CSV Mapper
Pull Requests:
- [frontend] Fix ctrl+click on DataTable (#8394) by @Kedae in #8402
- [backend] Fix orga sharing tests (#4538) by @marieflorescontact in #8404
- [frontend] Fix number of elements (#8396) by @Kedae in #8406
- Bump vite from 5.4.1 to 5.4.6 in /opencti-platform/opencti-graphql by @dependabot in #8392
- Bump vite from 5.2.8 to 5.2.14 in /opencti-platform/opencti-front by @dependabot in #8390
- Update dependency vite to v5.4.6 [SECURITY] by @renovate in #8391
- [frontend] Fix search in Containers Correlation view (#8162) by @Archidoit in #8382
- [frontend] Observables exports list of containers should be independant (#8241) by @Archidoit in #8309
- [backend] display created field for csv mapper (#7226) by @frapuks in #7966
- [front] add missing breadcrumb in multiple entites (#8274) by @CelineSebe in #8377
- [platform] Prepare new branch pre-release by @Kedae in #8412
- [front] add missing breadcrumbs in customization+ fix(#8274) by @CelineSebe in #8420
- [frontend] added missing exportContext in global search (#8421) by @JeremyCloarec in #8423
- Update body-parser to 1.20.3 for transitive dependencies by @aHenryJard in #8331
- [frontend] deleted 2nd scrollbar from dashboard-details-page (#8401) by @stefan1anuby in #8408
- [frontend] center loader (#8280) by @frapuks in #8386
- [front] fix date format (timestamp) in horizontal bars widget (#7921) by @CelineSebe in #8032
- [frontend] Bulk edition of status regression fix (#8393) by @Archidoit in #8400
- [frontend] Fix attack patterns matrix columns sorting by score (#8424) by @SouadHadjiat in #8431
- [backend] add 'unauthorized' in event scope filter values (#8414) by @Archidoit in #8417
- [frontend] enhancing the settings panels layout (#8240) by @CelineSebe in #8437
- [backend] change the way restricted entities are built (#8407) by @JeremyCloarec in #8441
- [frontend] Alignment fixes (#8443) (#8435) by @Kedae in #8444
New Contributors:
- @stefan1anuby made their first contribution in #8408
Full Changelog: 6.3.1...6.3.3
Version 6.3.1
Bug Fixes:
- #8395 In some very rare cases when a bundle is too large, sending to the queue can end up with "Blocked connection timeout expired.".
Full Changelog: 6.3.0...6.3.1