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A open source cross-platform c++ library for network programming based on asio,support for tcp,udp,http,rpc,ssl and so on.

  • Support reliable UDP (based on KCP), support SSL, support loading SSL certificates from memory strings;
  • TCP supports data unpacking (character or string or user defined protocol), and implements the datagram mode of TCP (similar to WEBSOCKET);
  • Support windows, linux, 32 bits, 64 bits;
  • Dependence on C++ 17,dependence on asio (boost::asio or asio standalone). If HTTP functions are required, can only use boost::asio.
  • The demo directory contains a large number of sample projects (projects based on VS2017 creation), and a variety of use methods refer to the sample code.


zephyr::tcp_server server;
server.bind_recv([&server](std::shared_ptr<zephyr::tcp_session> & session_ptr, std::string_view s)

	printf("recv : %u %.*s\n", (unsigned)s.size(), (int)s.size(),;
	session_ptr->send(s, [](std::size_t bytes_sent) {});
}).bind_connect([&server](auto & session_ptr)
	printf("client enter : %s %u %s %u\n",
		session_ptr->remote_address().c_str(), session_ptr->remote_port(),
		session_ptr->local_address().c_str(), session_ptr->local_port());
}).bind_disconnect([&server](auto & session_ptr)
	printf("client leave : %s %u %s\n",
		session_ptr->remote_port(), zephyr::last_error_msg().c_str());
server.start("", 8080);
//server.start("", 8080, '\n'); // Automatic unpacking by \n (arbitrary characters can be specified)
//server.start("", 8080, "\r\n"); // Automatic unpacking by \r\n (arbitrary string can be specified)
//server.start("", 8080, match_role('#')); // Automatic unpacking according to the rules specified by match_role (see demo code for match_role) (for user-defined protocol unpacking)
//server.start("", 8080, asio::transfer_exactly(100)); // Receive a fixed 100 bytes at a time
//server.start("", 8080, zephyr::use_dgram); // TCP in datagram mode, no matter how long the data is sent, the whole package data of the corresponding length must be received by both sides.
zephyr::tcp_client client;
// The client will automatically reconnect when it disconnects
//// [ default reconnect option is "enable" ]
//client.auto_reconnect(false); // disable auto reconnect
//client.auto_reconnect(true); // enable auto reconnect and use the default delay
client.auto_reconnect(true, std::chrono::milliseconds(100)); // enable auto reconnect and use custom delay
client.bind_connect([&](asio::error_code ec)
	if (zephyr::get_last_error())
		printf("connect failure : %d %s\n", zephyr::last_error_val(), zephyr::last_error_msg().c_str());
		printf("connect success : %s %u\n", client.local_address().c_str(), client.local_port());

}).bind_disconnect([](asio::error_code ec)
	printf("disconnect : %d %s\n", zephyr::last_error_val(), zephyr::last_error_msg().c_str());
}).bind_recv([&](std::string_view sv)
	printf("recv : %u %.*s\n", (unsigned)sv.size(), (int)sv.size(),;

	//.bind_recv(on_recv) // Binding global functions
	//.bind_recv(std::bind(&listener::on_recv, &lis, std::placeholders::_1)) // Binding member functions (see demo code for details)
	//.bind_recv(&listener::on_recv, lis) // Bind member functions by reference to lis object (see demo code for details)
	//.bind_recv(&listener::on_recv, &lis) // Bind member functions by pointers to lis object (see demo code for details)
client.async_start("", 8080); // Asynchronous connection to server
//client.start("", 8080); // Synchronized connection to server
//client.async_start("", 8080, '\n');
//client.async_start("", 8080, "\r\n");
//client.async_start("", 8080, match_role);
//client.async_start("", 8080, asio::transfer_exactly(100));
//client.start("", 8080, zephyr::use_dgram);


zephyr::udp_server server;
// ... Binding listener (see demo code)
server.start("", 8080); // general UDP
//server.start("", 8080, zephyr::use_kcp); // Reliable UDP
zephyr::udp_client client;
// ... Binding listener (see demo code)
client.start("", 8080);
//client.async_start("", 8080, zephyr::use_kcp); // Reliable UDP


zephyr::rpc_server server;
// ... Binding listener (see demo code)
A a; // For the definition of A, see the demo code
server.bind("add", add); // Binding RPC global functions
server.bind("mul", &A::mul, a); // Binding RPC member functions
server.bind("cat", [&](const std::string& a, const std::string& b) { return a + b; }); // Binding lambda
server.bind("get_user", &A::get_user, a); // Binding member functions (by reference)
server.bind("del_user", &A::del_user, &a); // Binding member functions (by pointer)
//server.start("", 8080, zephyr::use_dgram); // Using TCP datagram mode as the underlying support of RPC communication, the use_dgram parameter must be used when starting the server.
server.start("", 8080); // Using websocket as the underlying support of RPC communication(You need to go to the end code of the rcp_server.hpp file and choose to use websocket)
zephyr::rpc_client client;
// ... Binding listener (see demo code)
//client.start("", 8080, zephyr::use_dgram);
client.start("", 8080);
asio::error_code ec;
// Synchronized invoke RPC functions
int sum =<int>(ec, std::chrono::seconds(3), "add", 11, 2);
printf("sum : %d err : %d %s\n", sum, ec.value(), ec.message().c_str());
// Asynchronous invocation of RPC function, the first parameter is the callback function, when the call is completed or timeout, the callback function automatically called, if timeout or other errors,
// error codes are stored in ec, where async_call does not specify the result value type, the second parameter of the lambda expression must specify the type.
client.async_call([](asio::error_code ec, int v)
	printf("sum : %d err : %d %s\n", v, ec.value(), ec.message().c_str());
}, "add", 10, 20);
// Here async_call specifies the result value type, the second parameter of the lambda expression can be auto type.
client.async_call<int>([](asio::error_code ec, auto v)
	printf("sum : %d err : %d %s\n", v, ec.value(), ec.message().c_str());
}, "add", 12, 21);
// Result value is user-defined data type (see demo code for the definition of user type)
user u =<user>(ec, "get_user");
printf("%s %d ",, u.age);
for (auto &[k, v] : u.purview)
	printf("%d %s ", k, v.c_str());
printf("\n"); = "hanmeimei";
u.age = ((int)time(nullptr)) % 100;
u.purview = { {10,"get"},{20,"set"} };
// If the result value of the RPC function is void, then the user callback function has only one parameter.
client.async_call([](asio::error_code ec)
}, "del_user", std::move(u));
// just call rpc function, don't need result
client.async_call("del_user", std::move(u));


See the sample code http and websocket section


class ping_test
	asio2::ping ping;
	ping_test() : ping(10) // ping 10 times, -1 means ping forever
		ping.timeout(std::chrono::seconds(3)); // ping timeout
		ping.interval(std::chrono::seconds(1)); // ping interval
		ping.bind_recv(&ping_test::on_recv, this) // 
			.bind_start(std::bind(&ping_test::on_start, this, std::placeholders::_1)) // 
			.bind_stop([this](asio::error_code ec) { this->on_stop(ec); }); // 
	void on_recv(asio2::icmp_rep& rep)
		if (rep.lag.count() == -1) // -1 means timeout
			std::cout << "request timed out" << std::endl;
			std::cout << rep.total_length() - rep.header_length()
			<< " bytes from " << rep.source_address()
			<< ": icmp_seq=" << rep.sequence_number()
			<< ", ttl=" << rep.time_to_live()
			<< ", time=" << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(rep.lag).count() << "ms"
			<< std::endl;
	void on_start(asio::error_code ec)
		printf("start : %d %s\n", asio2::last_error_val(), asio2::last_error_msg().c_str());
	void on_stop(asio::error_code ec)
		printf("stop : %d %s\n", asio2::last_error_val(), asio2::last_error_msg().c_str());
	void run()
		if (!ping.start(""))
			//if (!ping.start(""))
			//if (!ping.start(""))
			printf("start failure : %s\n", asio2::last_error_msg().c_str());
		while (std::getchar() != '\n');
		printf("loss rate : %.0lf%% average time : %lldms\n", ping.plp(),


TCP/HTTP/WEBSOCKET all support SSL(config.hpp uncomment #define ASIO2_USE_SSL)
asio2::tcps_server server;
// server set_verify_mode :
//   "verify_peer", ca_cert_buffer can be empty.
//      Whether the client has a certificate or not is ok.
//   "verify_fail_if_no_peer_cert", ca_cert_buffer can be empty.
//      Whether the client has a certificate or not is ok.
//   "verify_peer | verify_fail_if_no_peer_cert", ca_cert_buffer cannot be empty.
//      Client must use certificate, otherwise handshake will be failed.
// client set_verify_mode :
//   "verify_peer", ca_cert_buffer cannot be empty.
//   "verify_none", ca_cert_buffer can be empty.
server.set_verify_mode(asio::ssl::verify_peer | asio::ssl::verify_fail_if_no_peer_cert);
server.set_cert_buffer(ca_crt, server_crt, server_key, "server"); // use memory string for cert
server.set_cert_file("ca.crt", "server.crt", "server.key", "server"); // use file for cert
// >> openssl create your certificates and sign them
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// // 1. Generate Server private key
// openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.key 1024
// // 2. Generate Server Certificate Signing Request(CSR)
// openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr -config openssl.cnf
// // 3. Generate Client private key
// openssl genrsa -des3 -out client.key 1024
// // 4. Generate Client Certificate Signing Request(CSR)
// openssl req -new -key client.key -out client.csr -config openssl.cnf
// // 5. Generate CA private key
// openssl genrsa -des3 -out ca.key 2048
// // 6. Generate CA Certificate file
// openssl req -new -x509 -key ca.key -out ca.crt -days 3650 -config openssl.cnf
// // 7. Generate Server Certificate file
// openssl ca -in server.csr -out server.crt -cert ca.crt -keyfile ca.key -config openssl.cnf
// // 8. Generate Client Certificate file
// openssl ca -in client.csr -out client.crt -cert ca.crt -keyfile ca.key -config openssl.cnf
// // 9. Generate dhparam file
// openssl dhparam -out dh1024.pem 1024

serial port:

See the sample code serial port section
asio2::timer timer;
timer.start_timer(1, std::chrono::seconds(1), [&]()
	printf("timer 1\n");
	if (true)