diff --git a/docs/generators/java-microprofile.md b/docs/generators/java-microprofile.md
index b48e359d13d5..255ecb891ef5 100644
--- a/docs/generators/java-microprofile.md
+++ b/docs/generators/java-microprofile.md
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ These options may be applied as additional-properties (cli) or configOptions (pl
|enumUnknownDefaultCase|If the server adds new enum cases, that are unknown by an old spec/client, the client will fail to parse the network response.With this option enabled, each enum will have a new case, 'unknown_default_open_api', so that when the server sends an enum case that is not known by the client/spec, they can safely fallback to this case.|
- **false**
- No changes to the enum's are made, this is the default option.
- **true**
- With this option enabled, each enum will have a new case, 'unknown_default_open_api', so that when the enum case sent by the server is not known by the client/spec, can safely be decoded to this case.
|errorObjectType|Error Object type. (This option is for okhttp-gson only)| |null|
|generateClientAsBean|For resttemplate, configure whether to create `ApiClient.java` and Apis clients as bean (with `@Component` annotation).| |false|
+|generateConstructorWithAllArgs|whether to generate a constructor for all arguments| |false|
|gradleProperties|Append additional Gradle properties to the gradle.properties file| |null|
|groupId|groupId in generated pom.xml| |org.openapitools|
|hideGenerationTimestamp|Hides the generation timestamp when files are generated.| |false|
@@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ These options may be applied as additional-properties (cli) or configOptions (pl
|implicitHeadersRegex|Skip header parameters that matches given regex in the generated API methods using @ApiImplicitParams annotation. Note: this parameter is ignored when implicitHeaders=true| |null|
|invokerPackage|root package for generated code| |org.openapitools.client|
|legacyDiscriminatorBehavior|Set to false for generators with better support for discriminators. (Python, Java, Go, PowerShell, C# have this enabled by default).|- **true**
- The mapping in the discriminator includes descendent schemas that allOf inherit from self and the discriminator mapping schemas in the OAS document.
- **false**
- The mapping in the discriminator includes any descendent schemas that allOf inherit from self, any oneOf schemas, any anyOf schemas, any x-discriminator-values, and the discriminator mapping schemas in the OAS document AND Codegen validates that oneOf and anyOf schemas contain the required discriminator and throws an error if the discriminator is missing.
-|library|library template (sub-template) to use|- **jersey2**
- HTTP client: Jersey client 2.25.1. JSON processing: Jackson 2.9.x
- **jersey3**
- HTTP client: Jersey client 3.x. JSON processing: Jackson 2.x
- **feign**
- HTTP client: OpenFeign 10.x. JSON processing: Jackson 2.9.x. or Gson 2.x
- **okhttp-gson**
- [DEFAULT] HTTP client: OkHttp 3.x. JSON processing: Gson 2.8.x. Enable Parcelable models on Android using '-DparcelableModel=true'. Enable gzip request encoding using '-DuseGzipFeature=true'.
- **retrofit2**
- HTTP client: OkHttp 3.x. JSON processing: Gson 2.x (Retrofit 2.3.0). Enable the RxJava adapter using '-DuseRxJava[2/3]=true'. (RxJava 1.x or 2.x or 3.x)
- **resttemplate**
- HTTP client: Spring RestTemplate 4.x. JSON processing: Jackson 2.9.x
- **webclient**
- HTTP client: Spring WebClient 5.x. JSON processing: Jackson 2.9.x
- **resteasy**
- HTTP client: Resteasy client 3.x. JSON processing: Jackson 2.9.x
- **vertx**
- HTTP client: VertX client 3.x. JSON processing: Jackson 2.9.x
- **google-api-client**
- HTTP client: Google API client 1.x. JSON processing: Jackson 2.9.x
- **rest-assured**
- HTTP client: rest-assured : 4.x. JSON processing: Gson 2.x or Jackson 2.10.x. Only for Java 8
- **native**
- HTTP client: Java native HttpClient. JSON processing: Jackson 2.9.x. Only for Java11+
- **microprofile**
- HTTP client: Microprofile client 1.x. JSON processing: JSON-B or Jackson 2.9.x
- **apache-httpclient**
- HTTP client: Apache httpclient 5.x
+|library|library template (sub-template) to use|- **jersey2**
- HTTP client: Jersey client 2.25.1. JSON processing: Jackson 2.9.x
- **jersey3**
- HTTP client: Jersey client 3.x. JSON processing: Jackson 2.x
- **feign**
- HTTP client: OpenFeign 10.x. JSON processing: Jackson 2.9.x. or Gson 2.x
- **okhttp-gson**
- [DEFAULT] HTTP client: OkHttp 3.x. JSON processing: Gson 2.8.x. Enable Parcelable models on Android using '-DparcelableModel=true'. Enable gzip request encoding using '-DuseGzipFeature=true'.
- **retrofit2**
- HTTP client: OkHttp 3.x. JSON processing: Gson 2.x (Retrofit 2.3.0). Enable the RxJava adapter using '-DuseRxJava[2/3]=true'. (RxJava 1.x or 2.x or 3.x)
- **resttemplate**
- HTTP client: Spring RestTemplate 4.x. JSON processing: Jackson 2.9.x
- **webclient**
- HTTP client: Spring WebClient 5.x. JSON processing: Jackson 2.9.x
- **restclient**
- HTTP client: Spring RestClient 6.1. JSON processing: Jackson 2.9.x
- **resteasy**
- HTTP client: Resteasy client 3.x. JSON processing: Jackson 2.9.x
- **vertx**
- HTTP client: VertX client 3.x. JSON processing: Jackson 2.9.x
- **google-api-client**
- HTTP client: Google API client 1.x. JSON processing: Jackson 2.9.x
- **rest-assured**
- HTTP client: rest-assured : 4.x. JSON processing: Gson 2.x or Jackson 2.10.x. Only for Java 8
- **native**
- HTTP client: Java native HttpClient. JSON processing: Jackson 2.9.x. Only for Java11+
- **microprofile**
- HTTP client: Microprofile client 1.x. JSON processing: JSON-B or Jackson 2.9.x
- **apache-httpclient**
- HTTP client: Apache httpclient 5.x
|licenseName|The name of the license| |Unlicense|
|licenseUrl|The URL of the license| |http://unlicense.org|
|microprofileFramework|Framework for microprofile. Possible values "kumuluzee"| |null|
@@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ These options may be applied as additional-properties (cli) or configOptions (pl
|supportStreaming|Support streaming endpoint (beta)| |false|
|supportUrlQuery|Generate toUrlQueryString in POJO (default to true). Available on `native`, `apache-httpclient` libraries.| |false|
|testOutput|Set output folder for models and APIs tests| |${project.build.directory}/generated-test-sources/openapi|
-|useAbstractionForFiles|Use alternative types instead of java.io.File to allow passing bytes without a file on disk. Available on resttemplate, webclient, libraries| |false|
+|useAbstractionForFiles|Use alternative types instead of java.io.File to allow passing bytes without a file on disk. Available on resttemplate, webclient, restclient, libraries| |false|
|useBeanValidation|Use BeanValidation API annotations| |false|
|useEnumCaseInsensitive|Use `equalsIgnoreCase` when String for enum comparison| |false|
|useGzipFeature|Send gzip-encoded requests| |false|
diff --git a/samples/server/petstore/go-api-server/go/api_pet.go b/samples/server/petstore/go-api-server/go/api_pet.go
index 65f29e2d672a..f8f26a9cee4b 100644
--- a/samples/server/petstore/go-api-server/go/api_pet.go
+++ b/samples/server/petstore/go-api-server/go/api_pet.go
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ func (c *PetAPIController) FindPetsByStatus(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Reque
if err != nil {
- c.errorHandler(w, r, &ParsingError{Err: err}, nil)
+ c.errorHandler(w, r, &ParsingError{Param: "defaultInt", Err: err}, nil)
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ func (c *PetAPIController) FindPetsByStatus(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Reque
if err != nil {
- c.errorHandler(w, r, &ParsingError{Err: err}, nil)
+ c.errorHandler(w, r, &ParsingError{Param: "defaultNum", Err: err}, nil)
diff --git a/samples/server/petstore/go-api-server/go/api_user.go b/samples/server/petstore/go-api-server/go/api_user.go
index 73563a78389c..16f035971da8 100644
--- a/samples/server/petstore/go-api-server/go/api_user.go
+++ b/samples/server/petstore/go-api-server/go/api_user.go
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ func (c *UserAPIController) DeleteUser(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if err != nil {
- c.errorHandler(w, r, &ParsingError{Param: "boolean_test", Err: err}, nil)
+ c.errorHandler(w, r, &ParsingError{Param: "confirmation", Err: err}, nil)
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ func (c *UserAPIController) LoginUser(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if err != nil {
- c.errorHandler(w, r, &ParsingError{Param: "boolean_test", Err: err}, nil)
+ c.errorHandler(w, r, &ParsingError{Param: "remember_me", Err: err}, nil)
diff --git a/samples/server/petstore/go-chi-server/go/api_pet.go b/samples/server/petstore/go-chi-server/go/api_pet.go
index e66bfe1a978b..2fbc81e38ff2 100644
--- a/samples/server/petstore/go-chi-server/go/api_pet.go
+++ b/samples/server/petstore/go-chi-server/go/api_pet.go
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ func (c *PetAPIController) FindPetsByStatus(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Reque
if err != nil {
- c.errorHandler(w, r, &ParsingError{Err: err}, nil)
+ c.errorHandler(w, r, &ParsingError{Param: "defaultInt", Err: err}, nil)
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ func (c *PetAPIController) FindPetsByStatus(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Reque
if err != nil {
- c.errorHandler(w, r, &ParsingError{Err: err}, nil)
+ c.errorHandler(w, r, &ParsingError{Param: "defaultNum", Err: err}, nil)
diff --git a/samples/server/petstore/go-chi-server/go/api_user.go b/samples/server/petstore/go-chi-server/go/api_user.go
index 1c98eddab40e..9b08283dc963 100644
--- a/samples/server/petstore/go-chi-server/go/api_user.go
+++ b/samples/server/petstore/go-chi-server/go/api_user.go
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ func (c *UserAPIController) DeleteUser(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if err != nil {
- c.errorHandler(w, r, &ParsingError{Param: "boolean_test", Err: err}, nil)
+ c.errorHandler(w, r, &ParsingError{Param: "confirmation", Err: err}, nil)
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ func (c *UserAPIController) LoginUser(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if err != nil {
- c.errorHandler(w, r, &ParsingError{Param: "boolean_test", Err: err}, nil)
+ c.errorHandler(w, r, &ParsingError{Param: "remember_me", Err: err}, nil)