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CityCatalyst Coding Standards

Cephas Chapa edited this page Aug 15, 2023 · 6 revisions

To ensure uniformity of our code base the following standards should be applied.

  1. Indenting and Formatting:
  • Choose an indentation style (e.g., 2 spaces or 4 spaces) and stick with it throughout the project.
  • Use consistent line breaks and spacing for improved readability.
  1. Naming Conventions:
  • Follow consistent naming conventions for variables, functions, classes, and components.
  • Use meaningful and descriptive names that convey the purpose and functionality of the code element.
  • For TypeScript, consider using camelCase for variables and functions, and PascalCase for classes and components.
  1. Type Annotations:
  • Make full use of TypeScript's static type system to catch errors early.
  • Always annotate function parameters and return types with appropriate type definitions.
  • Use interfaces or type aliases for complex data structures.
  1. Imports and Exports:
  • Use explicit import and export statements for better clarity.
  • Organize imports alphabetically and group them by external dependencies, internal modules, and relative imports.
  1. Components and Containers:
  • Separate your components into presentational (dumb) components and container (smart) components.
  • Presentational components focus on rendering UI and receive data via props.
  • Container components handle data logic and interact with Redux, state, or context.
  1. State Management:
  • If using Redux, structure your store with actions, reducers, and selectors.
  • Use async actions and middleware for handling asynchronous operations.
  • Consider using the Redux Toolkit to simplify store setup and reduce boilerplate.
  1. File Structure:
  • Organize your files and folders logically to promote easy navigation.
  • Group related components, styles, and tests in the same directory.
  1. Code Comments:
  • Write clear and concise comments explaining complex logic, algorithms, or code decisions.
  • Avoid unnecessary comments that simply repeat what the code is doing.
  1. Testing:
  • Write unit tests and integration tests for your components and functions.
  • Use a testing library like Jest along with testing utilities like React Testing Library.
  1. Linting and Formatting Tools:
  • Use ESLint and Prettier to enforce coding standards and formatting rules.
  • Configure them to automatically format code and catch potential issues.
  1. Code Reviews:
  • Conduct regular code reviews to ensure adherence to coding standards.
  • Encourage team members to provide constructive feedback during reviews.
  1. Documentation:
  • Maintain a README file with project setup instructions, architecture overview, and any other necessary information.
  • Document important decisions, libraries used, and any coding guidelines that may not be obvious.