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Robotics Team Design Project at University of Glasgow


Contributors Forks Stars Issues License


  1. Robocup ROS Workspace Basics
  2. Run the game master and game simulator
  3. Configure the PyCharm development environment
  4. Roadmap
  5. Packages
  6. Usage
  7. Contributing
  8. License
  9. Contact

Robocup ROS Workspace Basics

  1. Head to robocup_ws (workspace):
    cd robocup_ws
  2. Build dependencies and packages:
  3. Source the project so that ROS can locate all packages:
    source devel/setup.bash
  4. Once in /src, run:
    roslaunch robocup_gazebo robocup_world.launch

Run the game master and game simulator

  1. source the base ROS
  2. catkin_make the workspace
  3. source workspace build
  4. using ros launch:
    • go to workspace dir
    • roslaunch GameEngine game.launch
  5. Or using ros run:
    • go to workspace dir
    • rosmaster
    • rosrun GameEngine
    • rosrun GameEngine

Configure the PyCharm development environment

Add alias

1.For ROS 2. For PyCharm

PyCharm - setting the project

  1. In Pycharm open project with UofG_Robotics_TDP as a source folder
  2. file -> Settings -> Project: UofG_Robotics_TDP -> Project Structure
  3. Right click on robotcap_ws folder and click on source


  1. Install PyCharm
  2. Create an alias to Pycharm
  3. Create an alias to main ROS source


  1. Source base ROS
  2. from same terminal launch PyCharm
  3. Create a virtual environemtn (call it: .venv)
  4. Create launch configuration
    • change the launch directory to GameEngine be continue

  1. git clone
  2. git checkout speccific branch
  3. source base ROS source /opt/ros/__vrsion__/setup.bash
  4. cd robotcup
  5. catkin_make
  6. source devel/setup.bash
  7. cd ../
  8. sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt (if pip3 is not working install it)
  9. cd robotcup
  10. roslaunch GameEngine game.launch

How to test:

Simple ros launch:

roslaunch GameEngine game.launch

ros launch with the ball init position at x = 1, y = 2 in world coordinate system

roslaunch GameEngine game.launch simulator_args:="--ball_pos 1 2"

ros launch with the ball init position at x = 1, y = 2 (in world coordinate system) and vel x = 0 y = 0.4

roslaunch GameEngine game.launch simulator_args:="--ball_pos 0.5 0.5 --ball_vel 0 0.4"

ros launch with team 1 at new positions: player1_x, player1_y, player2_x, player2_y, ... , player5_y

roslaunch GameEngine game.launch simulator_args:="--team_1_init_pos -2 2 -2 -2 2 1 2 -1 -4 0"


The step to finish the project.


In requirement.txt


The simulation and game master is finished, therefore, new learner can write some stragetic things for the project.


This is a project for new learner to follow.


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


  • Boss and Leader: Szymon Gula @Szymon

  • Our visual effect specialist - visualisation: Feng Feng @Feng

  • Our strategy guy: Omar Jabri @Omar

  • Martial arts guru - "how to avoid enemy": Yifan Xie @Yifan

  • Dynamics: Shreyansh Singh @Shrey