Following are some bash scriptse to help make managing your Linux-based CLI miner a bit easier. Prereq is to install mailutils (postfix) and configure with your server's FQDN and set inet_interfaces=localhost in the postfix/ file.
VRSC Wallet & data location
on Linux: ~/.komodo/VRSC
for wallet version prior to 0.5.7, replace verusd with komodod.
Checks for the verusd daemon and if it has stopped emails you.
if pgrep -x "verusd" > /dev/null
echo "Merry Miner Has Stopped Mining!!! HELP!!" | mail -s "OUTAGE: Merry" -a "From: [email protected]" [email protected]
Prereq: Create a file called txHistory.txt and put 0 in it, saved to your home folder. The script then compares the current wallet TX count and compares to the txHistory file... so first run it will enter the right number in that file overwriting your 0. Only emails you if the number changes.
historicalcount=$(cat /home/user/txHistory.txt)
livecount=$(/home/user/verus-cli/verus getwalletinfo | grep txcount | sed 's/[^0-9]*//g')
if (($livecount > $historicalcount))
echo $livecount > /home/user/txHistory.txt
echo "Merry Miner Has Mined a Total of $livecount Blocks! Woot!" | mail -s "Merry's Blocks: $livecount" -a "From: [email protected]" [email protected]
For this script I recommend setting up a new Protonmail account with no association to any other service or your name, 2FA secure it.
In the following, the */5
is every 5 min, the 0
is on the hour every hour, the 0 12
is every day at 12 PM.
# m h dom mon dow command
*/5 * * * * /home/user/
0 * * * * /home/user/
0 12 * * * /home/user/
Note: For any emails sent (for backup of dat file for example) make sure to enforce TLS security in postfix by adding the following line to your /etc/postfix/
(submitted by @J Oliver Westbrook)
Note: last revision date 2021-03-09.