How do I install the Verus CLI (command line interface) wallet on a brand new (hosted) Linux system?
Notice: Read it completely before use.
location on Linux: ~/.komodo/VRSC
Link 1: Download latest Wallet Link 2: Download Verus Bootstrap
First make sure your system is up to date:
sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
I suggest not to use the root account. I you have not yet done, set up a new user
sudo adduser newusername
sudo usermod -aG sudo newusername
Switch to new username
su - newusername
Test the your new user actually has root (SuDo) access, e.g.:
sudo ls -la /root
You should get some lines like this:drwx------ 6 root root 4096 Jul 3 15:56
Download & install the wallet binaries:
The downloaded archive contains another archive and a signature text file, enabling the archive within to be verified (You'll need a running wallet to do that) Also: Verify the URL to the latest version from the Download latest Wallet above.tar -xvf Verus-CLI-Linux-v0.9.3-amd64.tgz
Now extract the wallet archive:tar -xvf Verus-CLI-Linux-v0.9.3-amd64.tar.gz
Change directory to verus-clicd verus-cli
Fetch parameters, takes time, more on slow Internet connection./fetch-params
Creating the chaindata directorycd ~
mkdir -p .komodo/VRSC
cd ~/.komodo/VRSC
Download the block-chain bootstrap, this considerably speeds up synchronisation of the block-chain from days to minutes... (optional)wget
tar -xvf VRSC-bootstrap.tar.gz
Install libraries for Verussudo apt-get install libcurl3 g++-multilib -y
Install Tmux a terminal multiplexer with which you can run threads in the background see apt-get install tmux -y
Start tmux:tmux
Launch Verus Daemon with or without number of threads (usually number of threads equals number of cores or double of that if the processor support hyper threading well)~/verus-cli/verusd -gen -genproclimit
~/verus-cli/verusd -gen -genproclimit=24
Once mining is operational – again this may take some time – you’ll see: 256 mega hashes complete - working then detach tmux[ctrl]&b d
Disable login with Root User
(make sure your newly created user login works and has sudo rights)
sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Find: PermitRootLogin yes
And set to
PermitRootLogin no
Apply new settings:
sudo systemctl restart sshd
(submitted by @karero, corrected by @Glennp, edited by Oink.vrsc@)
Note: last revision date 2022-08-19.