Wrote summaries that were missing
Wrote summaries that were missing
Add type infos per definition to definition manager
Add type infos per definition to definition manager
Implemented source generator for const strings
Implemented source generator for const strings
Migrate a few more methods and cleanup
Migrate a few more methods and cleanup
Implement the graph node creation
Implement the graph node creation
Implement loading of json definitions
Implement loading of json definitions
Improve the definition to json serialization
Improve the definition to json serialization
Geneerate first Definition json
Geneerate first Definition json
Start migrate from poc to main project
Start migrate from poc to main project
Continued work on poc
Continued work on poc
Fixed errors after merge with develop
Fixed errors after merge with develop
Merge branch 'refactor/mutliplayer' into feature/graph
Merge branch 'refactor/mutliplayer' into feature/graph
Merge branch 'refactor/baseclient' into refactor/mutliplayer
Merge branch 'refactor/baseclient' into refactor/mutliplayer
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into refactor/baseclient
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into refactor/baseclient
Finished first implementation of storage interface item
Finished first implementation of storage interface item
Implemented simple pressure signal block
Implemented simple pressure signal block
Finished implementation of the signal graphs
Finished implementation of the signal graphs
Started implementation of signal graph
Started implementation of signal graph
Implemented energy graph logic
Implemented energy graph logic
Implemented serialization of graphs and pencil
Implemented serialization of graphs and pencil
Implemented simple connected textures example in RedCottonBlockDefini…
Implemented simple connected textures example in RedCottonBlockDefini…
Pull request merge
Implemented simple connected textures example in RedCottonBlockDefini…
Implemented simple connected textures example in RedCottonBlockDefini…
Force push
Implemented simple connected textures example in RedCottonBlockDefini…
Implemented simple connected textures example in RedCottonBlockDefini…
Force push
Implemented simple connected textures example in RedCottonBlockDefini…
Implemented simple connected textures example in RedCottonBlockDefini…