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secureCodeBox |
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OWASP Developer Guide |
Jon Gadsden |
OWASP Developer Guide |
831 |
/draft/verification/frameworks/secure_codebox/ |
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OWASP secureCodeBox is a kubernetes based modularized toolchain that provides continuous security scans of an organizations' projects and web applications.
The secureCodeBox builder/tool project is an OWASP Lab Project and is installed using the Helm ChartMuseum.
OWASP secureCodeBox combines existing security tools from the static analysis, dynamic analysis and network analysis domains. It uses these tools to provide a comprehensive overview of threats and vulnerabilities affecting an organization's network and applications.
OWASP secureCodeBox orchestrates a range of security-testing tools in various domains:
Container analysis:
- Trivy container vulnerability scanner
- Trivy SBOM container dependency scanner
Content Management System analysis:
- CMSeeK detecting the Joomla CMS and its core vulnerabilities
- Typo3Scan detecting the Typo3 CMS and its installed extensions
- WPScan Wordpress vulnerability scanner
Kubernetes analysis:
- Kube Hunter vulnerability scanner
- Kubeaudit configuration Scanner
Network analysis:
- Amass subdomain enumeration scanner
- doggo DNS client
- Ncrack network authentication bruteforcing
- Nmap network discovery and security auditing
- Whatweb website identification
Repository analysis:
- Git Repo Scanner discover Git repositories
- Gitleaks find potential secrets in repositories
- Semgrep static code analysis
SSH/TLS configuration and policy scanning with SSH-audit and SSLyze
Web Application analysis:
- ffuf web server and web application elements and content discovery
- Nikto web server vulnerability scanner
- Nuclei template based vulnerability scanner.
- Screenshooter takes screenshots of websites
- ZAP Advanced web application & OpenAPI vulnerability scanner
Other tools may be added over time.
OWASP secureCodeBox provides the power of leading open source security testing tools with a multi-scanner platform. This provides the ability to run routine scans continuously and automatically on an organization's network infrastructure and applications.
OWASP secureCodeBox is fully scalable and can be separately configured for multiple teams, systems or clusters.
OWASP secureCodeBox runs on Kubernetes and uses Helm to install using the Helm ChartMuseum. There is an excellent 'Starting your First Scans' guide to getting started with secureCodeBox, with the rest of the documentation providing clear information on configuring and running secureCodeBox.
- OWASP secureCodeBox
- Kubernetes container orchestration
- Helm package manager for Kubernetes
The OWASP Developer Guide is a community effort; if there is something that needs changing then submit an issue or edit on GitHub.