This OPC application was created to provide the sample code for creating Publisher applications using the OPC Foundation UA .NET Standard PubSub Library. There is a .NET Core 3.1 (2.1) console version of the Publisher which runs on any OS supporting .NET Standard. The Reference Publisher is configured to run in parallel with the Console Reference Subscriber
- Open the solution UA Reference.sln with Visual Studio 2019.
- Choose the project
in the Solution Explorer and set it with a right click asStartup Project
. - Hit
to build and execute the sample.
This section describes how to run the ConsoleReferencePublisher.
Please follow instructions in this article to setup the dotnet command line environment for your platform.
- Open a command prompt.
- Navigate to the folder Applications/ConsoleReferencePublisher.
- To run the Publisher sample execute:
dotnet run --project ConsoleReferencePublisher.csproj --framework netcoreapp3.1
The Publisher will start and publish network messages that can be consumed by the Reference Subscriber. Publisher Initialization
ConsoleReferencePublisher can be executed using the following command line arguments:
- -h|help - Shows usage information
- -m|mqtt_json - Creates a connection using there MQTT with Json encoding Profile. This is the default option.
- -u|udp_uadp - Creates a connection using there UDP with UADP encoding Profile.
To run the Publisher sample using a connection with MQTT with Json encoding execute:
dotnet run --project ConsoleReferencePublisher.csproj --framework netcoreapp3.1
dotnet run --project ConsoleReferencePublisher.csproj --framework netcoreapp3.1 -m
To run the Publisher sample using a connection with the UDP with UADP encoding execute:
dotnet run --project ConsoleReferencePublisher.csproj --framework netcoreapp3.1 -u
To create a new OPC UA Publisher application:
- Open Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 environment,
- Create a new project and give it a name,
- Add a reference to the OPCFoundation.NetStandard.Opc.Ua.PubSub NuGet package,
- Initialize Publisher application (see Publisher Initialization).
The following four steps are required to implement a functional Publisher:
Create Publisher Configuration.
// Create configuration using MQTT protocol and JSON Encoding PubSubConfigurationDataType pubSubConfiguration = CreatePublisherConfiguration_MqttJson();
Or use the alternative configuration object for UDP with UADP encoding
// Create configuration using UDP protocol and UADP Encoding PubSubConfigurationDataType pubSubConfiguration = CreatePublisherConfiguration_UdpUadp();
The CreatePublisherConfiguration methods can be found in ConsoleReferencePublisher/Program.cs file.
Create an instance of the UaPubSubApplication Class using the configuration data from step 1.
// Create an instance of UaPubSubApplication UaPubSubApplication uaPubSubApplication = UaPubSubApplication.Create(pubSubConfiguration);
Provide the data to be published based on the configuration of published data sets. This step is described in the Publisher Data section.
Start PubSub application
// Start the publisher uaPubSubApplication.Start();
After this step the Publisher will publish data as configured.
The Publisher configuration is a subset of the PubSub Configuration. A functional Publisher application needs to have a configuration (PubSubConfigurationDataType instance) that contains a list of published data sets (PublishedDataSetDataType instances) and at least one connection (PubSubConnectionDataType instance) with at least one writer group configuration (WriterGroupDataType instance). The writer group contains at least one data set writer (DataSetWriterDataType instance) pointing to a published data set from the current configuration.
The diagram shows the subset of classes involved in an OPC UA Publisher configuration.
The UaPubSubApplication Class provides a property of type IUaPubSubDataStore called DataStore. In ConsoleReferencePublisher there is no custom implementation provided for IUaPubSubDataStore therefore the pub sub application object is initialized using the default implementation of this interface, an instance of UaPubSubDataStore.
The code responsible for generating the data values to be published is located in the PublishedValuesWrites file from the ConsoleReferencePublisher project. It maintains a list of all the fields from the table below and uses a timer for writing the values to UaPubSubApplication.DataStore using the WritePublishedDataItem() method from DataStore class. The data values simulator component is initialized like:
// Start values simulator
PublishedValuesWrites valuesSimulator = new PublishedValuesWrites(uaPubSubApplication);
The Publisher component from ConsoleReferencePublisher application will use the data generated by PublishedValuesWrites to create the NetworkMessages that will be published as configured in Publisher Configuration.
The current PubSub implementation only supports PublishedDataItemsDataType as DataSetSource of a PublishedDataSetDataType from the configuration. Events will be added in a future version.
The ConsoleReferencePublisher application is configured to use the following data sets and will generate values as specified in the table below if the default configuration method is used:
Name | DataType | ValueRank | Behavior |
BoolToggle | Boolean | Scalar | Toggles every 3 seconds |
Int32 | Int32 | Scalar | Counts (1 per second) from 0 to 10,000 and then resets |
Int32Fast | Int32Fast | Scalar | Counts (100 per second) from 0 to 10,000 and then resets |
DateTime | DateTime | Scalar | Current time refreshed with every packet sent |
The CreatePublishedDataSetSimple() method from Program.cs creates a PublishedDataSetDataType configuration object that contains the metadata information for 'Simple' DataSet.
Name | DataType | ValueRank | Behavior |
BoolToggle | Boolean | Scalar | Toggles every second |
Byte | Byte | Scalar | Counts (1 per second) from 0 to type-max and then resets |
Int16 | Int16 | Scalar | Counts (1 per second) from 0 to type-max and then resets |
Int32 | Int32 | Scalar | Counts (1 per second) from 0 to type-max and then resets |
SByte | SByte | Scalar | Counts (1 per second) from 0 to type-max and then resets |
UInt16 | UInt16 | Scalar | Counts (1 per second) from 0 to type-max and then resets |
UInt32 | UInt32 | Scalar | Counts (1 per second) from 0 to type-max and then resets |
UInt64 | UInt64 | Scalar | Counts (1 per second) from 0 to type-max and then resets |
Float | Float | Scalar | Counts (1 per second) from 0 to type-max and then resets |
Double | Double | Scalar | Counts (1 per second) from 0 to type-max and then resets |
String | String | Scalar | Spells the aviation alphabet (Alpha, Bravo …) (1 per second) |
ByteString | ByteString | Scalar | 1 new random ByteString per second |
Guid | Guid | Scalar | 1 new random Guid per second |
DateTime | DateTime | Scalar | Current time refreshed with every packet sent |
UInt32Array | UInt32 | OneDimension | Counts (1 per second on every element) from 0 to type-max and then resets. The count starting point for each value should differ |
The CreatePublishedDataSetAllTypes() method from Program.cs creates a PublishedDataSetDataType configuration object that contains the metadata information for 'AllTypes' DataSet.