diff --git a/openupgradelib/openupgrade.py b/openupgradelib/openupgrade.py
index 5b64ced8..9bec19f5 100644
--- a/openupgradelib/openupgrade.py
+++ b/openupgradelib/openupgrade.py
@@ -190,6 +190,7 @@ def do_raise(error):
+ "logged_multiple_insert",
@@ -3382,3 +3383,75 @@ def cow_templates_replicate_upstream(cr, mark_colname=None):
+def logged_multiple_insert(
+ cr, target_table, target_columns, vals_sequence, return_columns=None
+ """Insert multiple rows at once with logging.
+ Note that only vals_sequence param gets sanitized, as
+ other params are expected to be provided more or less manually.
+ :param target_table: name of the table to insert into.
+ :param target_columns: list or tuple of column names to insert into.
+ :param vals_sequence: a list or tuple of tuples with vals to be inserted.
+ :param return_columns: columns to be returned after cr.fetchall() run.
+ Example:
+ columns = ('body', 'employee_id', 'create_uid', 'create_date')
+ log_note_vals_list = [
+ ('
', 129, 38, datetime(2021, 9, 16, 13, 55, 19)),
+ ('example 2
', 29, 3, datetime(2021, 1, 5, 10, 05, 17)),
+ ]
+ logged_multiple_insert(
+ env.cr,
+ 'hr_log_note',
+ columns,
+ log_note_vals_list,
+ ('id', 'create_date')
+ )
+ """
+ if not table_exists(cr, target_table):
+ raise ValueError("Table %s does not exist." % (target_table))
+ if not all(column_exists(cr, target_table, col) for col in target_columns):
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Make sure all target columns exist in table %s: %s"
+ % (target_table, target_columns)
+ )
+ if not (
+ (isinstance(vals_sequence, list) or isinstance(vals_sequence, tuple))
+ and isinstance(vals_sequence[0], tuple)
+ ):
+ raise TypeError("vals_sequence is expected to be a sequence of tuples")
+ num_args = len(target_columns)
+ is_num_of_args_consistent = all(
+ len(args_tuple) == num_args for args_tuple in vals_sequence
+ )
+ if not is_num_of_args_consistent:
+ raise ValueError(
+ """
+ Values tuples' length is inconsistent. Make sure
+ all tuples are the same length as number of target columns.
+ """
+ )
+ values_placeholder = "(" + ("%s," * num_args).rstrip(",") + ")"
+ vals_to_insert = ",".join(
+ cr.mogrify(values_placeholder, args_tuple).decode("utf-8")
+ for args_tuple in vals_sequence
+ )
+ columns = ", ".join(target_columns)
+ returning_statement = (
+ " RETURNING " + ", ".join(return_columns) if return_columns else ""
+ )
+ multi_insert_query = (
+ + target_table
+ + " ("
+ + columns
+ + ") VALUES "
+ + vals_to_insert
+ + returning_statement
+ )
+ return logged_query(cr, multi_insert_query)